makiofai 發表於 2013-10-7 11:08:38


之前喺網上揾到, 希望同大家分享一下

wowodog 發表於 2013-10-7 12:37:39


kokyan_lam 發表於 2013-10-7 15:44:55

最舒服係343, 最agressive係233? 開心死我hgkjjhlkjl

馬交餅 發表於 2013-10-7 17:13:03

嘩!! 但願計出黎個時間真係"最舒服"唔怕撞墻

tango 發表於 2013-10-7 20:30:11

本帖最後由 tango 於 2013-10-7 20:35 編輯

咁究竟係最快, 定最舒服? 2者有可能共存?

剛才點入去, 唔係好明個計算係基於乜野數據, 輸入target time, 唔知vo2MAX, 咁都計到?

Ah_Wing 發表於 2013-10-7 22:56:51


The Conservative time reflects the best time a runner at a given level of aerobic fitness could hope to run without hitting the wall, assuming he or she runs with everyday carbohydrate stores; that is, not having carbohydrate loaded and without fueling during the race.

By contrast, the Aggressive time reflects the fastest pace that same runner could theoretically sustain without hitting the wall, assuming the runner is maximally carbohydrate loaded and that his or her performance is limited by the ability to store carbohydrates.

makiofai 發表於 2013-10-8 12:34:08

Ah_Wing 發表於 2013-10-7 22:56

The Conservative time reflects the best time a run ...

多謝 ah wing 講解, 其實呢個都係好粗略嘅計算(或者叫估算),要知道現實中實在太多因素影響你嘅表現,比如, 天氣, 人潮, 賽道之高低差距,賽前準備是否充足, 身體狀態(有冇頭暈, 肚痛木)個人意志及心情,家人支持, 呢個計算實在好理想化, 大家可以參考一下, 毋需太認真呢! 不過我覺得最舒服嗰成績應該可以順利逹到.

makiofai 發表於 2013-10-9 10:10:47

makiofai 發表於 2013-10-8 12:34
多謝 ah wing 講解, 其實呢個都係好粗略嘅計算(或者叫估算),要知道現實中實在太多因素影響你嘅表現,比如, ...

無論如何, 大家多點分享啦. 謝謝
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