junta 發表於 2013-11-1 06:51:41

Pace 一問

請問各位師兄,average pace 5.43 min/km 算快 or 慢。

kokyan_lam 發表於 2013-11-1 09:01:38

如果用呢個pacing跑10k比賽, 即係完成時間係57分鐘左右, 算係中等成績. 呢個pacing跑放落半馬, 全馬, 咁成績相對比較可人.

little-fish 發表於 2013-11-1 07:41:46

本帖最後由 little-fish 於 2013-11-1 07:49 編輯


bunbun 發表於 2013-11-1 07:43:22

快慢, 好主觀

可以找一些 10km , 15km , 半馬, 全馬等等的比賽大會成績

睇一睇自己的group position, overall position

咁就知, 有幾快, 有幾慢

bunbun 發表於 2013-11-1 07:45:05

little-fish 發表於 2013-11-1 07:41
咁講,這速度係我慢慢去跑的速度,而我比賽的速度,又係人哋慢慢地悠悠地跑的速度 ...

的確, 有人easy run的pacing, 係4分幾一畸

esd517 發表於 2013-11-1 09:17:31


bunbun 發表於 2013-11-1 09:29:54

official time, 57分幾的

共1935人 out of 3547


makiofai 發表於 2013-11-1 09:34:47

好多人個 pace 都比你呢個慢, 亦有好多人個pace 比你要快, 快同慢係要比較嘅, 咁你真係要比較嘅, 同自己比囉, 總之你每次比賽嘅時間盡量要用一個比上一次嘅自己時間快作為目標, 咁逐步挑戰自己, 會好開心, 仲有每次比賽嘅時候嘅pace, 一定比你平時快喎.因心雄俾一齊比賽嘅人帶快咗.

kokyan_lam 發表於 2013-11-1 09:46:06

賽跑, 不論長短, 其實係相當簡單, 公平同誠實的, 因為你的對手, 就只有時間

little-fish 發表於 2013-11-1 09:51:45


kokyan_lam 發表於 2013-11-1 10:25:46

little-fish 發表於 2013-11-1 09:51

算做中等喇, 一場比賽, 57分的排名大約都係中間果一堆. 萬丈高樓從地起, 不斷有進步才是王道

dickyyim 發表於 2013-11-1 10:28:37

little-fish 發表於 2013-11-1 07:41
咁講,這速度係我慢慢去跑的速度,而我比賽的速度,又係人哋慢慢地悠悠地跑的速度不過我至鐘意在這速度跑, ...

同意, 我都鐘意在自己PACE 速度跑,唔氣喘,悠悠閒閒去享受,同同陪傾下跑下出一身汗。
時間快慢好主觀, 只要KEEP 到有進步已經好好, 硬要同人比 是無意義的.人家平常訓練幾多, 幾多歲, 跑步心態目的都係因素.

divejy 發表於 2013-11-1 11:11:44

如果用時間來定階段, 你的所謂入門級別會引申致好多人都是入門級了:lol

我的時間比你慢, 但我享受, 我喺跑唔得快個批次!

vcbid 發表於 2013-11-1 11:36:26

我一般都係跑6分幾7分, 幾算係乜?

其實跑步為乜? 我一個人夜晚跑, 望下人放狗, 睇下人釣魚, 睇下靚女, 放鬆心情, 一日工作既壓力就咁無哂, 如果下下搏命跑, 留意唔到身邊既人和事, 我諗我早就放棄跑步

little-fish 發表於 2013-11-1 14:16:06

divejy 發表於 2013-11-1 11:11
如果用時間來定階段, 你的所謂入門級別會引申致好多人都是入門級了

我的時間比你慢, 但我享受, 我喺 ...


divejy 發表於 2013-11-1 15:57:26

little-fish 發表於 2013-11-1 14:16

首先, 跑步是自娛, 不應有入門級或超高級, 自己以經把自己分級, 為何呢!

另外也不要茫自菲薄, 信心及堅持對跑步好大影響, 君不見每次比賽, 成績比你慢的超過50%, 那你的成績已是中間位置, 又何來入門呢!

誰定位入門時間, 超班位時間!

自己跑得開心, 再者, 我不認為我是入門, 跑得慢只是我享受跑步過程!

little-fish 發表於 2013-11-1 21:53:05


Quote:I came from a swimming background, which in the 70’s and 80’s when I competed was a sport that lived by the “No Pain, No Gain” motto. My coach would give us workouts that were designed to push us to our limit every single day. I would go home dead, sleep as much as I could, then come back the next day for another round of punishing interval sets.

It was all I knew. So, when I entered the sport of triathlon in the early 1980’s, my mentality was to go as hard as I could at some point in every single workout I did. And to gauge how fast that might have to be, I looked at how fast the best triathletes were running at the end of the short distance races. Guys like Dave Scott, Scott Tinley and Scott Molina were able to hold close to 5 minute miles for their 10ks after swimming and biking!

So that’s what I did. Every run, even the slow ones, for at least one mile, I would try to get close to 5 minute pace. And it worked…sort of. I had some good races the first year or two, but I also suffered from minor injuries and was always feeling one run away from being too burned out to want to continue with my training.

Then came the heart rate monitor. A man named Phil Maffetone, who had done a lot of research with the monitors, contacted me. He had me try one out according to a very specific protocol. Phil said that I was doing too much anaerobic training, too much speed work, too many high end/high heart rate sessions. I was forcing my body into a chemistry that only burns carbohydrates for fuel by elevating my heart rate so high each time I went out and ran.

So he told me to go to the track, strap on the heart rate monitor, and keep my heart rate below 155 beats per minute. Maffetone told me that below this number that my body would be able to take in enough oxygen to burn fat as the main source of fuel for my muscle to move. I was going to develop my aerobic/fat burning system. What I discovered was a shock.

To keep my heart rate below 155 beats/minute, I had to slow my pace down to an 8:15 mile. That’s three minutes/mile SLOWER than I had been trying to hit in every single workout I did! My body just couldn’t utilize fat for fuel.

So, for the next four months, I did exclusively aerobic training keeping my heart rate at or below my maximum aerobic heart rate, using the monitor every single workout. And at the end of that period, my pace at the same heart rate of 155 beats/minute had improved by over a minute. And after nearly a year of doing mostly aerobic training, which by the way was much more comfortable and less taxing than the anaerobic style that I was used to, my pace at 155 beats/minute had improved to a blistering 5:20 mile.

That means that I was now able to burn fat for fuel efficiently enough to hold a pace that a year before was redlining my effort at a maximum heart rate of about 190. I had become an aerobic machine! On top of the speed benefit at lower heart rates, I was no longer feeling like I was ready for an injury the next run I went on, and I was feeling fresh after my workouts instead of being totally wasted from them.

bunbun 發表於 2013-11-12 06:52:40

可以睇番最新2013.11.10的數據, 有近5,000人的資料
當然, 亦要睇睇自己是否跑得開心?


fd092901 發表於 2013-11-26 15:37:15

vcbid 發表於 2013-11-1 11:36
我一般都係跑6分幾7分, 幾算係乜?

其實跑步為乜? 我一個人夜晚跑, 望下人放狗, 睇下人釣魚, 睇下靚女, 放 ...

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