d_drifter 發表於 2008-12-29 19:50:03


我叫史提芬,從中學開始玩長跑。我玩長跑因為以前一個好朋友帶我去,絛友仲會係開跑前同我講 "跑羸我,請你食一個月Lunch" First ever race was a half marathon race in brisbane, of coz I can not ran faster than him la. . he was doing 1hr25 average, but my first race was "DNF" :L
My first time that finiahed running a half marathon was around 2hr20mins and i could not "feel" my legs for two days.. . and then i started doing all the 10km/8km race locally, everytime I will use my full speed to run. First few races, I didnt finished it within 1hour but I didnt give up. Everytime I go out there, I try my best to kill my PB, push myself really hard. Nowdays I can do 10km at average pace around sub 40mins and if I am really trying my PB is 35/36mins. After I got myself to do 10km in 40mins easily, then I push myself into half marathon again. First race I went back to half marathon, it was Gold Coast Half Marathon 2002 with the time 2hr9mins, but after that race I reallised its not becasue my legs arent strong enough. It was I dun have enough fuel inside my body to run 20k with that speed. Then I went to gym, run uphill/downhill, run up the stairs in some 30/40 floor buildings, play basketball/soccer/swim/bike. In 2007 May, I got my new PB at 1hr20mins and 2008 my PB broken again with 1hr13mins40secs.
and also I do Triathlon as well.

nc 發表於 2008-12-29 20:59:42

原帖由 d_drifter 於 2008-12-29 19:50 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
我叫史提芬,從中學開始玩長跑。我玩長跑因為以前一個好朋友帶我去,絛友仲會係開跑前同我講 "跑羸我,請你食一個月Lunch" First ever race was a half marathon race in brisbane, of coz I can not ran faster tha ...

ching hjikgyufyu 每人背後也有一個長跑故事, 請問ching由半馬2.20hrs 到現在驚人的時間, 究竟辛勤練習了多少個年頭 iuoihohighu

d_drifter 發表於 2008-12-29 21:09:36

from 1998 lui. . . . 10yrs ago when i was only 15yrs old. . . now i am 25yrs old

nc 發表於 2008-12-29 21:13:38

原帖由 d_drifter 於 2008-12-29 21:09 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
from 1998 lui. . . . 10yrs ago when i was only 15yrs old. . . now i am 25yrs old

ching一定對跑步很有天份. 10k和21k的步速是一樣, 勁勁勁呀 fyfgy

=chairman= 發表於 2008-12-29 21:13:44

stephen ching , your PB is indeed excellent ! what is your next target in HM or FM ? hjhjD093hjhj

d_drifter 發表於 2008-12-29 22:21:37

Half Marathon below 1hr10mins mark

runrun 發表於 2008-12-29 23:09:41

原帖由 d_drifter 於 2008-12-29 19:50 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
我叫史提芬,從中學開始玩長跑。我玩長跑因為以前一個好朋友帶我去,絛友仲會係開跑前同我講 "跑羸我,請你食一個月Lunch" First ever race was a half marathon race in brisbane, of coz I can not ran faster tha ...

Hi d_drifter ,

Your timimg on 10KM of 35/36 mins should probably bring you prize in local race.

d_drifter 發表於 2008-12-29 23:33:27

I know. . . I get prize in local race here as well. . . but wanted a bigger target tho. . I need to keep up or improve to keep my current sponsorship in Brisbane

d_drifter 發表於 2008-12-31 15:49:31

today completed the end of 08 half marathon. .
finished time 1hr18mins
finished overall 6th and 2nd at the age of 18-25

only was trying to run probably at the first half, I got to the 10km mark at mid 36mins then slowed down.

曲奇 發表於 2008-12-31 16:38:11

ching, your 1st HM was a good record and you have strengthen your legs..
i believe you can meet your target time easily in 2009!
add oil!!~

d_drifter 發表於 2008-12-31 16:42:16

thank you brother

alfredyu 發表於 2009-1-2 10:23:15

d_drifter才25歲, 未來還有很多進步的空間,不知現時跟那個跑會或教練?

d_drifter 發表於 2009-1-2 20:47:12

nope. . .
I am not in any club beside I am running under the name of "University of Queensland", they do have a trainer there but arent that helpful. I am just a self learned runner, I learn from the actually race. Over the years, I learned how to control my pace, how to get the person in front pressure, how to use my speedetc. . . . .
but yeh, not looking to join any running club that actually force or ask people to go to weekly trainning. I rather do my own trainning after work at night.
My selfed trainning lessons are pretty hard as well. . .

alfredyu 發表於 2009-1-2 20:53:32

Yes, you are running in Australia. There should be more fast runners than in Hong Kong. When you return to Hong Kong, don't forget to join a race. We have races all year round.

If you train by yourself, please read more information about avoiding injuries. This is as important as getting better time.

d_drifter 發表於 2009-1-2 21:21:05

I will be running few races while I am back to hong kong for chinese new year

cu83 發表於 2009-1-3 23:26:04

d-drifter c-hing,
your running time is indeed very good.
It's nice to know that some self-trainer can acheive such good results.
Enjoy your stay and races in HK.
長跑長友 fgfgtk_03fgfg

d_drifter 發表於 2009-1-4 00:05:40

I be running a few races while i am in hong kong. . . I forgot what was those races, but i be in hong kong for 5weeks. I be running three races while I am in there.
If any C-hing got any trainning session, feel free to let me know. . . I will come for a run

d_drifter 發表於 2009-1-10 00:47:40

wa. . . so scarcy today. . . went to trainning today with some people from local running club, it was along the beach on hard sand (wet sand). got told it was a 10km (5km to and return) but my time is so impressive that i dun believe i ran 10km :funk: I was done the run with the time 39mins, yeh~ I was trying very hard but it was on sand. . .
well well. . . I will the feel of it, now looking forward to my trip to hong kong next wednesday. .I guess i will give some running club a surprise~~:lol

stanwong 發表於 2009-2-8 14:15:10

d_drifter c-hing,今日見你跑跑下傷左,冇事嗎?完唔完成到賽事?

frankichan 發表於 2009-2-9 18:31:27

hey i'm from brisbane as well.
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