bunbuncm 發表於 2009-10-7 11:10:29

Bunny's Cafe update : 伊斯坦堡馬拉松里數回顧 + 感想


最開心的,就是立即在BIRTHDAY RUN 26K(2009-2-28)後開始作恆常的訓練,其實,小弟已開始為伊斯坦堡馬拉松作準備,雖然只是一星期50K左右,其中一天25-30K長課 (5' 1K) + 其中一天中速12 - 18K (4'30" 1K) / INTERVAL 10 X 1K (3'5X" 1K) + 其中1天慢JOG 12 - 15K (5'40" - 6'30" 1K)..直至5月中....感想: 離伊斯坦堡馬拉松甚遠,無咁緊張,既然每次TRAINING PACING 好,就有信心SUB-3啦.....

五月中,開始上咪,至60K - 80K,開始2天 JOG 12 - 15K (5'20" - 6'30" 1K).. + 中速12 - 18K (4'30" 1K) / INTERVAL 10 X 1K(3'5X" 1K) / 400M - 800M (1'28" - 1'35" 1圈) 2天 + 1天 18-25K中長課 ( 5' 1K)...直至7月尾......感想: 離伊斯坦堡馬拉松還遠,無咁緊張,既然每次TRAINING PACING 好,就有信心SUB-3啦.....但天氣開始熱,小弟對長課開始力不從心,就算7月尾90K / WEEK,最長長課竟然係 18 - 19K....但最緊要8-9月之VERY INTENSIVE TRAINING 唶,算數LA....

最不想見到的情況,竟然在VERY INTENSIVE TRAINING PERIOD (8-9月)出現,就是8月頭腳跟傷了 + 腸胃炎,里數又新低,隔2-3天一次JOG 5K,直至8月2X日開始有心情重新PICK UP 訓練....對小弟來說,SUB-3之目標已無信心達成,及如果9月都這樣,伊斯坦堡馬拉松隨時CERTIFIED DNF......

幸好,8月2X日 - 9月2X日之訓練期間,小弟雖然稍為加緊,及開始注意飲食脂肪含量,令到一周里數達80-90K,及就算慢JOG都5' - 5'30" 1K....但因天氣仍然炎熱,小弟仍然對長課力不從心,雖然每次可以有26-30K,但仍然保守的取5'20" 1K PACING KO!及無心情作每星期100K以上之TRAINING.....所以小弟雖然對SUB-3之信心未滅,但SET目標為3: 15' - 3: 30'內會安全好多.......所以兩次MARATHON PACING DEMO都要KEEP 4'30" 1K或樓下,我想: 今次KEEP 到都勁開心!

但最高里數1周,最不想見到的情況又出現,就是發燒 + 感冒了1-2星期,就算國慶 10K,4'10" 1K PACING 4K後爆了,對於SUB-3目標,要等下一隻馬.....就算剛剛好番後作MARATHON PACING FINAL DEMO (2009-10-6),PACING竟跌至 48'完成10K....可想而知今次自己計劃SUB-3,竟途不過病患一關下而告吹! 就算PB,如果之後身體健康都或者有機會ge.....

對於同期的北京,杭州,漢城,春川馬拉松,祝各參賽跑友 PB而回!

details: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/cmwong227 , pls login before reading the article........if still not seen, please let me add you as friend.....

kopo1128 發表於 2009-10-7 11:52:37

I have joined the 15K run last year in this Eurasia Marathon held in Istanbul.It was really interesting as you would run from Asian side to European side via the Borsphorus Bridge.The pity is that that day was raining heavily and the final was at Blue Mosque and I almost froze to death. But I enjoyed the run very much as the major roads of Istanbul were blocked just for this Marathon and you can see a lot of people on the street to cheer up the altheletes despite the heavy rain. I cannot join this year as I have my ITU this October plus trailwalker practices.

I hope you will enjoy this race and have a nice weather.

佐治男孩 發表於 2009-10-7 12:29:51

原帖由 bunbuncm 於 2009-10-7 11:10 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

最開心的,就是立即在BIRTHDAY RUN 26K(2009-2-28)後開始作恆常的訓練,其實,小弟已開始為伊斯坦堡馬拉松作準備,雖然只是一 ...


一般來説,如果里數平均超過百公里一周,是可以用McMillan Running Calculator (http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/mcmillanrunningcalculator.htm),用短途比賽成績來估計全馬成績。如果達到這個里數,而且能跑半馬1:25:20,或38:21的10公里,那麽sub-3是有機會的。

bunbuncm 發表於 2009-10-8 09:32:50

回復 3# 的帖子

hi George.... I also use McMillan Running Calculator wor....so that once I feel sick, I feel 'Grey' in Sub-3.....

bunbuncm 發表於 2009-10-8 09:34:12

回復 2# 的帖子

thanks for your information kopo....what is your blog website address, so that we can share the experience together...?

佐治男孩 發表於 2009-10-8 10:43:20

原帖由 bunbuncm 於 2009-10-8 09:32 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
hi George.... I also use McMillan Running Calculator wor....so that once I feel sick, I feel 'Grey' in Sub-3.....

A very important note is that you need to average 100+ km/week for the calculator to be accurate, if you use a shorter distance race time to predict the full marathon time.
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