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標題: New Timex GPS watch [打印本頁]

作者: lvrunner    時間: 2010-6-9 00:47
標題: New Timex GPS watch
Finally!! something that really looks like a watch, I wonder if it beeps like a Garmin though.
作者: 柔詠    時間: 2010-6-9 03:39
作者: allanccl    時間: 2010-6-9 08:03
個錶好正喎! 50M防水,充電後可用15個鐘(Full GPS Mode)
唔知香港有無得賣? 晏少少打電話去代理度問下先。
作者: Ning    時間: 2010-6-9 08:46
"Launches globally in September 2010 at most specialty sports and sporting goods stores. "
作者: clerkb    時間: 2010-6-9 10:18
多d選擇, 好事來

吾知用咩chipset 同埋條心跳帶用咩 frequency 做transmission
作者: clerkb    時間: 2010-6-9 10:31
搵到了, 都係果粒SiRFstar III
作者: clerkb    時間: 2010-6-9 10:45
Bike Speed/Cadence Sensors 係吾係等同 polar S1/S3 stride sensor
作者: gg240303    時間: 2010-6-9 11:43
標題: 回復 3# 的帖子
a hing,

price not bad wor, garmin 310xt  after full charge , can last for 20 hrs.
作者: 炒炒    時間: 2010-6-9 15:03

作者: 柔詠    時間: 2010-6-10 01:21
作者: cu83    時間: 2010-6-10 07:05
09.2010 先至全球有得買,等睇實物.......
作者: allanccl    時間: 2010-6-10 09:14
唔通CU兄想換第二隻? 咁隻405點處置呀?
作者: cu83    時間: 2010-6-10 12:25
如果隻 Timex 真係好野,咁咪入多隻當獎勵自己囉!
作者: cu83    時間: 2010-6-10 12:30
不過最主要都係睇下佢個 GPS 準唔準 + searching 時間 + 其他 software 既蒹容性!
作者: Ning    時間: 2010-6-17 14:37
Then wait for Ching's test result la.
作者: bello    時間: 2010-6-19 15:32
Refer to the product page

Apart from the brief spec, there is a complete user guide in which we can see the detailed functions and features.

My found:
- no killer feature, all are more or less as those of Garmin 310XT (advanced users please dig out more)
- larger in width and height comparing to 310XT, which is rectangular though
- 5 configurable screens only, even less than my Forerunner 305
- use SiRFstarIII GPS chipset, same as Forerunner 310XT, 405 (vs SiRFstarIV of Garmin 110)
- battery life (as told) 15 hours vs 20 of 310XT
- and the dial is way too busy to my preference

On page 7 of the user guide, a table shows all the performance data we can put onto the screens. Good to have a look to see if what we want are there.

price USD 325 @ REI
vs USD 320 for 310XT @ebay

happy shopping!

[ 本帖最後由 bello 於 2010-6-19 21:44 編輯 ]
作者: sealion    時間: 2010-6-21 00:07
Size:double size of 405
gps: gps enable for all recording
        Chip is not the latest version
swim: under water cause signal lost
Except the above, that's good!
It is made in Taiwan.
For Taiwan product, I prefer 環天.
My ideal one is with the latest gps chip that makes the size of the watch gets small, current slipt time, accumlative time recod display.  I need to wait.
There is some hi tech version which is sold in japan only eg touch screen timed sport watch which my running friend told me. I will check when I will be in japan in Aug.  If you get the watch, please let me have a look. Thanks!
作者: sealion    時間: 2010-6-21 00:13 ... -trainer-first.html
作者: allanccl    時間: 2010-6-21 00:24
點解唔揀StarIV? 可以remove jammers 同interferrence,準d架!  諗下Forerunner110 啦! 佢係用StarIV架! 團購今天0900時截止。

[ 本帖最後由 allanccl 於 2010-6-21 00:30 編輯 ]
作者: sealion    時間: 2010-6-21 00:34
作者: allanccl    時間: 2010-6-21 00:38
作者: lvrunner    時間: 2010-6-21 02:42
原帖由 allanccl 於 2010-6-20 08:38 發表

Allan hing ~  I think it depends where the location is.  The search for the 310 is way faster than the 305 in my opinion.  I tested both of them inside my house once, away from any window.  It took 2 minutes for the 305 to search compared to only 20 seconds for the 310.  I wore 305 at the Tokyo Marathon last year, it took like forever to search.  This year I wore the 310 and I stood at the same area and took only 38 seconds to search.

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2010-6-20 10:59 編輯 ]
作者: allanccl    時間: 2010-6-21 04:26
原帖由 lvrunner 於 2010-6-21 02:42 發表

Allan hing ~  I think it depends where the location is.  The search for the 310 is way faster than the 305 in my opinion.  I tested both of them inside my house once, away from any window.  It took  ...

謝謝閣下用家意見,310和305都是用SiRFStarIII,Timex未出既錶也是用SiRFStarIII,所以小弟唔會再考慮這錶了,相反,Forerunner110用SiRFStarIV chipset,搵衛星無可置疑係好d,最近和隊友操練,試過多次使用,非常滿意其找衛星既速度。準確度亦非常滿意,比起小弟以前用開既SiRFStarIII產品,簡直天淵之別。
作者: allanccl    時間: 2010-6-21 04:45
原帖由 sealion 於 2010-6-21 00:34 發表

衝圈? 邊有人用GPS架,show出黎個球場變成三角形(SiRFstar III錶),唔準架,平平地用HK$180既Casio 60Lap錶啦!唔使咁覆雜既。
作者: sealion    時間: 2010-6-21 08:05
作者: lvrunner    時間: 2010-6-21 09:55
原帖由 allanccl 於 2010-6-20 12:45 發表

衝圈? 邊有人用GPS架,show出黎個球場變成三角形(SiRFstar III錶),唔準架,平平地用HK$180既Casio 60Lap錶啦!唔使咁覆雜既。

I do, so do many other runners. 305 and 310 are very popular here.  I have used all 305, 405 and now the 310 to do intervals, all pretty accurate to me and the track still shows oval shape, not triangular shape as you mentioned.
作者: clerkb    時間: 2010-6-21 10:01
原帖由 allanccl 於 2010-6-21 04:45 發表

衝圈? 邊有人用GPS架,show出黎個球場變成三角形(SiRFstar III錶),唔準架,平平地用HK$180既Casio 60Lap錶啦!唔使咁覆雜既。

哈哈, 前兩日去camp 有人問我 GPS 衝圈 , 我的意思都似你的, "如果衝圈, 應該吾駛買GPS錶, 只買心跳錶己岩"

GPS錶係出街控制 pace 值得些
作者: wong.siufu    時間: 2010-6-21 10:24

1/ 衝圈? 邊有人用GPS架
是的,平平地用HK$180既Casio 60Lap錶仲簡單

2/ show出黎個球場變成三角形(SiRFstar III錶),唔準架

作者: bello    時間: 2010-6-21 10:55
Forerunner 310 & 110 have so-called "Hot-fix" technology, I suppose they are better in searching satellites.

I don't have any problem with my 305 in searching and tracking, in the New Territories. But in the last SCM, it just couldn't fix the satellites at the start in TST.  That echos what Ivrunner c-hing said.
作者: sealion    時間: 2010-6-21 12:25
作者: clerkb    時間: 2010-6-21 13:32
原帖由 sealion 於 2010-6-21 12:25 發表 聽講"環天"會有新野出,有齊我想要的野

作者: 力    時間: 2010-6-21 15:01
原帖由 lvrunner 於 2010-6-21 09:55 發表

I do, so do many other runners. 305 and 310 are very popular here.  I have used all 305, 405 and now the 310 to do intervals, all pretty accurate to me and the track still shows oval shape, not tria ...

Interval with GPS watch? 1 mile interval, right
作者: lvrunner    時間: 2010-6-21 23:27
原帖由 Lex 於 2010-6-20 23:01 發表
Interval with GPS watch? 1 mile interval, right " />" />

No, 0.25miles, 0.5 miles......etc.  I do intervals on streets with no markings too.  I need to know how far I run....What is wrong with that...Mr. Alex???  Please don't 少見多怪. Okay!

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2010-6-21 07:28 編輯 ]
作者: 力    時間: 2010-6-21 23:30
原帖由 lvrunner 於 2010-6-21 23:27 發表

No, 0.25miles, 0.5 miles......etc.  I do intervals on streets with no markings too.  I need to know how far I run....What is wrong with that...Mr. Alex???  Please don't 少見多怪. Okay!   

IC IC! Interval on street
作者: lvrunner    時間: 2010-6-21 23:44
原帖由 Lex 於 2010-6-21 07:30 發表
IC IC! Interval on street

....and this is the beauty of having a GPS watch, able to do intervals everywhere, not only confined on tracks.
作者: Ning    時間: 2010-6-22 00:02
Ivrunner Chung, have you compare the satellites search speed between new Timex GPS watch and Forerunner110? It is because I plan to buy one Timex GPS watch if their searching speed is close.

[ 本帖最後由 Ning 於 2010-6-22 00:04 編輯 ]
作者: lvrunner    時間: 2010-6-22 01:28
原帖由 Ning 於 2010-6-21 08:02 發表
Ivrunner Chung, have you compare the satellites search speed between new Timex GPS watch and Forerunner110? It is because I plan to buy one Timex GPS watch if their searching speed is close.

Hi Ning hing ~

No, I don't have the Timex watch yet.  I would say the Timex watch should have the same speed as the 310 (which I consider pretty fast compared to 305).  I don't know anything about the 110 because it is not a popular watch in USA and I don't like it anyway.  I know many people bought the 110 and complained about it because of the lacking of many important functions such as individual lap time and current pacing time.  Why would someone want to buy a GPS watch and can't tell how fast he/she is running?  Doesn't make sense, does it? And there is not much of a price difference between the 310 and the 110 anyway in US dollars.  I like the Timex watch because it looks like a normal watch to me and fits my wrist well.  As for searching, not a major concern for me because I don't live in a concrete jungle like HK or New York City, pretty much open spaces everywhere here you know.
作者: 力    時間: 2010-6-22 07:49
原帖由 lvrunner 於 2010-6-21 23:44 發表

....and this is the beauty of having a GPS watch, able to do intervals everywhere, not only confined on tracks.   

我有隻405, 覺得唔係咁好用, 除走LSD外都唔常用
作者: wewahaha    時間: 2010-6-22 14:13
標題: 回復 37# 的帖子
ching,請問110所顯示既pacing係咪唔係real time pacing,而係由開始計時起既平均pacing?另外310所顯示既pacing係咪即係real time pacing,如果係real time pacing,請問如何計算出來?準確程度約莫去到幾多?garmin網頁似乎冇資料,係咪110同310xt既計算方法並非一樣?

我睇過310既manual,裡面好多function我唔多會用,例如multisport、distance or time alert、virtual partner等等,有當然好,冇亦無妨,但比多千多元我寧可不要,反而想知個map準確程度去到幾多,仔細程度去到幾多,單單睇人地garmin connect個map好粗略,如果就咁睇個map似乎用途不大,不知是否可以幫助人跑山林野徑如麥徑衛徑時辨認分叉路?
作者: snail    時間: 2010-6-22 16:43
原帖由 wewahaha 於 2010-6-22 14:13 發表
ching,請問110所顯示既pacing係咪唔係real time pacing,而係由開始計時起既平均pacing?另外310所顯示既pacing係咪即係real time pacing,如果係real time pacing,請問如何計算出來?準確程度約莫去到幾多?garmi ...

3及4字頭系列, o岩multisport (例如三項鐵人). 新出110, 唔可以駁單車sensor, 返而o岩淨跑步人士用.

如果你係要有map睇埋路, 你要用garmin的mapping handhelds, 手錶類唔係甘o岩你用.
作者: clerkb    時間: 2011-5-23 10:03
作者: lrdaddy    時間: 2011-5-23 18:57
原帖由 allanccl 於 2010-6-9 08:03 發表
個錶好正喎! 50M防水,充電後可用15個鐘(Full GPS Mode)
唔知香港有無得賣? 晏少少打電話去代理度問下先。

wanchai "trispxxthk" kent 2504-3323
he got Timex display. bigger shop ....!/photo.php?fbid=10150144209232213&set=a.277669802212.153991.277605897212&type=1&theater

[ 本帖最後由 lrdaddy 於 2011-5-23 19:01 編輯 ]
作者: forget    時間: 2011-5-25 21:11
作者: clerkb    時間: 2011-5-25 23:00
原帖由 forget 於 2011-5-25 21:11 發表

作者: forget    時間: 2011-5-25 23:53
標題: 回復 44# 的帖子

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