香港長跑網 - 長跑長友

標題: 大浪西灣建十萬呎私人別墅 (《南早》頭條) [打印本頁]

作者: 大力蘇    時間: 2010-7-16 21:18
標題: 大浪西灣建十萬呎私人別墅 (《南早》頭條)
:It was pristine at Sai Wan, but not any more “A stream that used to run through the village has disappeared.”

機耕作。Perhaps it is because it is large and quiet. After all, he is a very green person and loves organic farming.

和美化環境。The old village site has been abandoned for a long time and no one takes care of it. Now is a good chance to improve the environment and make the site look nicer.

觀賞價值和自然生態卻是屬全香港共有的。 The work highlighted the short-sightedness of the government in not preserving the city's most valuable natural heritage and landscape with proper land use zonings. While the land is privately owned, the visual value and natural setting of the site belongs to society.













It was a pristine picture at Sai Wan, but not any more

It was pristine at Sai Wan, but not any more

Diggers move in as businessman develops 'private lodge'

Behind a white-sand beach on Hong Kong's most pristine stretch of coastline, surrounded by spectacular hills, diggers have stripped an area bare in the latest example of construction on private land on the fringe of a country park.

The land at Sai Wan, one of four beaches fronting the clear water of Tai Long Wan in a remote part of Sai Kung, is being developed into what owner Simon Lo Lin-shing says will be an organic garden but what local villagers say will be a private lodge with artificial ponds, a tennis court and separate apartment.

Lo paid more than HK$16 million to the owners of an abandoned village to acquire the remote site, estimated at 10,000 square metres, that is surrounded by, but is not part of, the Sai Kung East Country Park. It is accessible only on foot or by boat.

The businessman, who controls two listed companies with a combined market value of more than HK$17 billion, last year bought up almost every plot in the village through his private investment arm, Vision Investments, jointly owned with his wife, Rouisa Ku Ming-mei.

The chairman of Mongolia Energy Corporation and Vision Values Holdings, Lo was so determined to acquire the site that he approached members of the local Lai clan who had emigrated to Britain.

Construction started early last month and the site has undergone large-scale excavation, including the removal of surface vegetation and diversion of streams running down from the surrounding hills.

As the work site is not covered by any statutory zoning, the development is not subject to planning controls. There is also no need to carry out any environmental impact assessments.

The only violation so far identified is that some of the excavated sites fall on government land.

A spokeswoman for Vision Investments said the site would become a landscaped garden and organic farm for Lo's private enjoyment and she believed it complied with government rules.

"The project is solely private and has nothing to do with his business. There won't be any large-scale works such as housing developments there," she said.

She denied the site would be used to house a columbarium, as is suspected in the case of other developments in country parks.

The spokeswoman said Lo had been approached by a middleman acting as an agent for the sale and she had no idea why he was interested in the site.

"Perhaps it is because it is large and quiet. After all, he is a very green person and loves organic farming. But of course, he cannot do the daily irrigation and ploughing work and he might hire someone else to do it for him," she said.

The land, which was settled by the Lai clan during the Ming dynasty 600 years ago, was largely abandoned in the 1960s and remaining clan members made a living providing catering or camping services to hikers and tourists at the southern end of the village.

Village head Lai Yan, who pocketed more than HK$1 million from selling his ancestral properties, said the project would help beautify the site and enhance the village's attraction to tourists. He also said the work had been done carefully to minimise the impact on the environment.

"The old village site has been abandoned for a long time and no one takes care of it. Now is a good chance to improve the environment and make the site look nicer," he said.

Other villagers said Lo was building a private lodge and garden comprising two artificial freshwater ponds, a tennis court and a separate apartment to be converted from dilapidated single-storey village houses.

Lo, an entrepreneur known for his past role as a close aide of New World Development chairman Cheng Yu-tung, acquired 18 per cent of the listed New World Cyberbase in 2001 through one of his privately owned companies for HK$49 million and renamed it Mongolia Energy Corporation in 2007.

The energy firm's market capitalisation soared after it announced its acquisition of overseas mining rights, and its share price rose from 10 cents in 2001 to a peak of over HK$17 in 2008. The stock closed at HK$2.74 yesterday.

Lo also acquired the listed New World Mobile Holdings in 2007 and later renamed it Vision Values Holdings.

Lo was formerly a director of a now-defunct private environmental technology company, along with fung shui master Tony Chan Chun-chuen who lost a legal battle for the estate of late Chinachem chairwoman Nina Wang Kung Yu-sum.

Aerial photographs show the site has been transformed in the past month, with greenery vanishing as the work site expands.

During a visit by South China Morning Post reporters on Tuesday, two of three diggers were working to excavate dark grey mud but it was not clear how the machines got to the area, which has no access road.

A villager working at the site said the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department had given approval for the machines to be brought in by sea and across the protected beach, but the department said it had not given permission.

The villager also said trees such as Buddhist pines and palms would be transplanted to the site to beautify the garden.

There were no signs of pollution but dozens of metal drums that could have contained fuel or chemicals were lying around the work site.

A stream that used to run through the village has disappeared.

A spokeswoman for the agricultural department said it received a complaint about the project early last month. While there was no infringement on the country park, some adjoining government land and a stream course were affected.

The Lands Department said it posted signs yesterday warning the developer against illegal excavation on government land.

A spokeswoman said the site should be used only for agriculture and no application for a change of land use or redevelopment of the old village houses had been received.

WWF Hong Kong conservation manager Alan Leung Sze-lun said the work highlighted the short-sightedness of the government in not preserving the city's most valuable natural heritage and landscape with proper land use zonings.

"While the land is privately owned, the visual value and natural setting of the site belongs to society," he said.

The Environmental Protection Department said it found no violation of pollution control rules but would keep a close eye on the site.

In 2000, a proposed zoning plan for the Tai Long Wan beach - north of Sai Wan - triggered strong opposition over fears of excessive village house development. The plan was revised to conserve most of the area and greatly reduce the area for houses.

2010/7/16 SCMP A1+A2 By Cheung Chi-fai

睇完簡直火滾!!!! 大浪西灣真係好靚!!!!!!!

[ 本帖最後由 大力蘇 於 2010-7-16 21:19 編輯 ]
作者: kenneth    時間: 2010-7-16 21:22
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 上水馬王    時間: 2010-7-16 21:31
作者: runrun    時間: 2010-7-16 21:45
好冇奈 !
真係要趁還未完全破壞時, 爭取機會看多一些。
作者: Parco爸    時間: 2010-7-16 21:48

作者: kopo1128    時間: 2010-7-16 21:49
有冇人想去示威呀? 我突然間好有衝動想去表達我的不滿. 呢個政府所謂的保育簡直不知所謂!! 西貢是香港人的最後的後花園黎GALA! 起埋屋我地仲可以去邊呀!頂!!!!!!
作者: 大力蘇    時間: 2010-7-16 21:49
作者: 鬼影    時間: 2010-7-16 22:51
原帖由 kopo1128 於 2010-7-16 21:49 發表 有冇人想去示威呀? 我突然間好有衝動想去表達我的不滿. 呢個政府所謂的保育簡直不知所謂!! 西貢是香港人的最後的後花園黎GALA! 起埋屋我地仲可以去邊呀!頂!!!!!!  

Support! 去示威! 去示威!  去示威! 去示威!
作者: 麥麥    時間: 2010-7-17 00:33
作者: imchristy    時間: 2010-7-17 00:42
原帖由 麥麥 於 2010-7-17 00:33 發表

6歲?? 師兄你咁細個就唔番屋企訓喇?

呢句o係邊度copy番黎嫁??搞到咁感觸....  唔好搞喊人啦......
作者: imchristy    時間: 2010-7-17 01:13
人總係不停尋找...滿足一己慾望...據為己有... 為求擁有更多...

知足啦..... 人類們!

[ 本帖最後由 imchristy 於 2010-7-17 01:16 編輯 ]
作者: tyler    時間: 2010-7-17 10:04
作者: kf    時間: 2010-7-17 10:16

作者: Parco爸    時間: 2010-7-17 11:18
原帖由 kf 於 2010-7-17 10:16 發表



作者: 大力蘇    時間: 2010-7-17 11:27
標題: 回復 14# 的帖子
私人直昇機亭或者可能起私人碼頭, 因為大浪西灣水淺, 只可以係海落錨, 唯有起私人碼頭.
作者: 大力蘇    時間: 2010-7-17 11:31



作者: 馬神    時間: 2010-7-17 11:54
真係太可惜啦..... 西灣對我都好有紀念價值 ..... 點解係市區仲未起夠, 連西貢都唔放過
作者: saki    時間: 2010-7-17 11:58
保護香港郊區, 請加入 "強烈譴責魯連城破壞大浪西灣自然景觀生態, 要求立即停止有關建築工程!" 群組!!!!
作者: kito807    時間: 2010-7-17 17:14
如果去示威我一定去!! 西灣都有好多回憶, 依家真係乜都無喇
作者: dicksonyk    時間: 2010-7-17 17:29
雖然西貢某些地的業權是屬於私人產業, 但不可能不顧及我們香港人的感受. 西貢係香港人最後的一片靜土, 如果都失去的話, 我會感到非常難過. 現在甚麼都講保育, 集體回憶, 我想我們真的要做些事情去表達我們的反對聲音, 希望城規收回成命, 了解一吓香港人的意願, 西貢大家都有份的!!!!!
作者: 上水馬王    時間: 2010-7-17 18:03
原帖由 kito807 於 2010-7-17 17:14 發表
如果去示威我一定去!! 西灣都有好多回憶, 依家真係乜都無喇

作者: ktluk    時間: 2010-7-18 09:31
作者: 大力蘇    時間: 2010-7-20 08:41
‎"時代雜誌"網站中,有一篇評論是次事件的短文,大家可以睇睇。 ... -one-paradise-lost/
作者: 大力蘇    時間: 2010-7-20 08:41
標題: In Hong Kong, One Paradise Lost
From the Department of Gripes:

You might not think of Hong Kong as a trove of natural serenity, but actually, the seven million people living here are squished into a remarkably small area. We all live piled on top of each other and jockey for space on impossibly narrow sidewalks while about 75% of the land of the Special Administrative Region is undeveloped, lush countryside, full of creatures like wild cows, (dog-eating) pythons and aggressive monkeys that I advise you not look in the eye. From an evolutionary perspective, humans are really losing the battle in this little semi-autonomous chunk of China.

Personally, I like it that way. So it was with a heavy heart that I picked up today's South China Morning Post (Hong Kong's big English daily) to read a front page story on the desecration of one of the finest untouched corners of the city. Tai Long Wan beach, whose Cantonese name translates roughly as "big wave bay," is a sweeping crescent of white sand lapped by clear blue waters. It takes some serious effort (and, in summer, an unspeakable amount of sweat) to get out there by subway, bus, taxi and foot, and that is what, until now, has kept it so good. That, and the fact that it's part of Sai Kung East Country Park, an area set aside for nature conservation.


Or so we thought. Through a zoning loophole, the SCMP reported today that a large private residence is now under construction directly behind Tai Long Wan. Local businessman Simon Lo Lin-shing, chairman of Mongolia Energy Corporation and Vision Values Holdings, has acquired several plots of an abandoned village for a total of about $2 milion in a small area that falls outside the park zoning laws, and therefore is not subject to planning regulations or EIAs.
The bulldozers he has hired to start building there have already started clearing land. An unnamed spokeswoman for Vision Values Holdings told the paper that there were no plans for any "large-scale works," and that because the owner was "very green" himself, the land would be developed in a low-profile way.
Sigh. There's nothing illegal necessarily going on here, but it's always depressing when loopholes like these can be found at the right price. It sounds like the property buyer worked fairly hard to piece together this land from its original owners, and it's hard to imagine that at some point along the way, his efforts didn't come to the attention of somebody in public office who could have raised a red flag. It's particularly bleak news when a totally separate scandal involving the wheelings-and-dealings of the local property market has been unfolding.
Anyway, this is not the first project in Hong Kong to crop up in areas that should be under stricter development laws, and it won't be the last. But let's hope it is the last unspoiled public beach that somebody with enough cash gets to put in their own backyard.
The monkeys, for their part, are not going to be amused.

Read more:

作者: 大力蘇    時間: 2010-7-20 08:46
標題: 大浪西灣建屋涉官地叫停

(星島)2010年7月20日 星期二 05:30

(星島日報    報道)曾獲「香港十大勝景」之冠的西貢    大浪西灣,因發展計畫而遭破壞生態美景。蒙古    能源主席魯連城在大浪西灣收購約十萬方呎農地作私人發展,不少樹木已被破壞,事件引起保育人士關注。環境局局長邱騰華    昨日與地政署、漁護署    等部門實地視察,發現部分工程範圍涉及政府土地,當局已發信及豎立告示牌,警告地主不可在農地建屋,而屋地動工前須獲西貢地政處批准。不過,當局至今未收到任何申請,有需要會進一步執法。



  環境局局長邱騰華,昨日與環保署    、地政總署    及漁護署到地盤實地視察。政府發言人表示,非常重視事件,指挖掘工程雖沒有侵佔郊野公園範圍,但涉及私人及部分政府土地。




  長春社、綠色力量    等五個環保團體昨日就事件舉行會議,計畫今日向環境局局長邱騰華遞交聯署信,要求政府作規劃限制,以及制訂政策防止同類事件再發生。世界自然基金會    香港分會高級環境保護主任梁士倫指:「該地好多樹已被斬去,將來也有機會污染附近河流,加上鄰近郊野公園,破壞自然生態,我們不想再見到『先破壞,後發展』!」

  至於社交網站facebook的群組,短短一日內由原本二萬人反對急升至三萬五千人,他們更自發實地考察團、開小組會議及夾錢登廣告。會員Mike日前親訪西灣,發現原是滿眼綠蔭的草地已被砍伐成荒蕪泥地,多架剷泥車,更見人造水池和假草皮,疑有人計畫發展高球場。 本報記者

作者: 大力蘇    時間: 2010-7-20 08:49
標題: 大浪西灣續挖地 政府發信禁建屋 邱騰華率多部門巡視
【明報專訊】港人至愛的「後花園」大浪西灣,部分土地被剷平,政府連日束手無策,環境局長邱騰華    昨日率領多個部門人員巡視土地的破壞狀况,其後政府發聲明表示,挖掘工程位於私人土地,根據地契規定不能建屋,西貢    地政處已向土地擁有人發信,提醒不要在農地上構建任何建築物,在屋地上進行重建工程,亦必須先取得批准。

地主﹕建公眾水池 非商業用途

至目前為止,西貢地政處未收到任何有關在農地上建屋,或在屋地上重建的申請。該農地的業主是蒙古    能源主席魯連城,其發言人昨重申,大浪西灣項目用作有機耕種及設置供公眾使用的水池,並非作商業用途,工程會繼續。

大浪西灣近海灘的約1公頃林地進行挖掘工程,激起民憤,有人在社交網站Facebook發起群組強烈譴責工程,響應人數在短短4日增至3.4萬人,群組昨晚首次開會,逾30多名保育團體代表、學生及市民參加,並成立了西貢大浪灣    關注組,初步決定本周六到漁護署    總部請願,要求政府介入阻止工程,並要求土地擁有人復修土地。長春社、綠色力量    等多個環保團體今日中午會向環境局長邱騰華遞交請願信。

Facebook 逾3萬人譴責 環團擬請願

多名立法會    議員昨表明跟進事件,立法會打擊非法棄置廢物小組委員會本月28日開會,委員會主席李永達    表明會新增議程討論大浪西灣事件。公民黨    陳淑莊已去信要求召開發展及環境事務委員會聯合會議。


西灣村村長黎恩表示,過去一年透過地產公司與Vision Values Holdings Limited主席魯連城商討買賣條件,他指該地由20多戶村民擁有,最終以呎價約75元,即共2000萬至3000萬元成交。




未納《地區圖》 違例發展難執法

規劃署    發言人表示,大浪西灣有關地盤無納入《分區計劃大綱圖》或《發展審批地區圖》等法定圖則,署方無權規管該地的違例發展。現時本港有64個地區只受《分區大綱圖》規管,並無設《地區圖》,例如南丫島、長洲    、東北大嶼山    等鄉郊地區,即使有違例發展,署方亦無法執法,只能以地契或《建築物條例》規管。

作者: cc    時間: 2010-7-20 08:57
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 直立猿人    時間: 2010-7-20 11:48
作者: paulwywong    時間: 2010-7-20 15:45
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: paulwywong    時間: 2010-7-20 17:06
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 大力蘇    時間: 2010-7-22 08:01
標題: 大浪西灣私人樂園喊停
大浪西灣一幅私人土地被揭發大興土木,觸發六萬多巿民在網上聲討。長春社昨早到現場視察,發現推土機仍在施工,至昨晚業主蒙古    能源主席魯連城終漏夜發聲明,表示工程破壞社會和諧,決定今日起暫時停工,尋求共同接受的解決方案。古物古迹辦事處證實,挖掘地點位處西灣考古遺址範圍內,但至今仍未收到業主的發展申請。環境局局長邱騰華    亦批評,今次大浪西灣工程是「先斬後奏」。




  長春社公共事務主任李少文昨日到現場視察,見水池邊仍有兩部挖泥機施工,將沙泥搬到岸邊,未有停工迹象。現場一名工友收到電話,獲通知本周末要加班動工。但不到一日,業主即叫停工程,據悉,事件與港府在背後施壓有關。古物古迹辦事處經過一日多時間查核,昨晚九時半終證實網友前日舉報的挖掘地方,正是西貢    西灣考古遺址的範圍內。古迹辦發言人指,稍後將派員到現場考察,探討涉及考古遺址的保育價值。







作者: kito807    時間: 2010-7-22 09:52
原帖由 paulwywong 於 2010-7-20 17:06 發表
時間-7月24日 14:30 - 15:30時

作者: kito807    時間: 2010-7-22 09:52
西灣全面停工, 總算條友有良知~!


[ 本帖最後由 kito807 於 2010-7-22 09:55 編輯 ]
作者: monsterjoe    時間: 2010-7-22 10:01
原帖由 kito807 於 2010/7/22 09:52 發表
西灣全面停工, 總算條友有良知~!


停工唔代表佢擺休, 好可能係度諗緊辦法, 我重來覺得有錢人係冇良知
作者: 麥麥    時間: 2010-7-22 10:25
原帖由 kito807 於 2010-7-22 09:52 發表


作者: 上水馬王    時間: 2010-7-22 12:10
原帖由 kito807 於 2010-7-22 09:52 發表


作者: shogikin    時間: 2010-7-22 12:50


今星期日25/7 7:30AM 北潭涌 ... =page%3D1#pid678025


Kin in Running
作者: 大力蘇    時間: 2010-7-24 15:44
標題: 過百人請願要求關注大浪西灣生態
超過一百名西貢大浪灣關注組成員及市民,下午到漁護署    位於長沙灣政府合署的辦公室外請願,指商人魯連城在大浪西灣收購農地發展,破壞生態。代表指,工地排放的污水污染附近水源,涉嫌違反郊野公園條例,要求漁護署執法,又促請政府收回有關土地,加強保護郊野公園。 代表要求與漁護署官員會面,漁護署長黃志光親自接收請願信後,請願人士散去。
作者: imchristy    時間: 2010-7-24 18:06
我見到Lorena上電視呀!  仲好好笑容添呀~!
作者: saki    時間: 2010-7-24 21:21
今日我都有出席, 可惜見唔到D師兄師姐, 不過都有不少跑友出席

作者: 大力蘇    時間: 2010-7-25 18:13
標題: 又有一單
海下95幅地一次過易手 脗合司馬文「舉報」發展藍圖

【明報專訊】有「香港後花園」之稱西貢    海下灣是市民浮潛和觀賞珊瑚的熱點,但這片世外桃源正面臨發展商大興土木的威脅。「創建香港」召集人司馬文前日揭發一間名為協寶發展有限公司,於今年1月中以1186萬元購入海下灣大片土地,擬建40多幢低密度獨立屋。本報昨翻查地政總署    和稅務局    的相關土地交易紀錄,證實協寶購入的海下灣地塊多達95幅,與司馬文獲取的發展計劃圖中擬建住宅的地理位置脗合(見圖)。


本報記者昨走訪海下村,亦從不願披露姓名的村民口中印證確有發展計劃,部分村民參與其中,希望將海下建成豪宅區。有村民批評政府不願出價收地,他們唯有把土地賣給發展商。地政總署發言人則回覆稱,大埔    地政處尚未收到海下相關用地有建屋申請。








明報記者 張岳弢 梁琬珊
作者: 大力蘇    時間: 2010-7-25 20:08
標題: 魯連城鏟起大浪西灣@時事全方位
作者: pan-pan    時間: 2010-7-27 15:10
作者: 大力蘇    時間: 2010-7-28 09:55
標題: 大浪西灣納入發展審批地區圖
環境局長邱騰華在立法會 一個委員會表示,西貢    大浪西灣被商人計劃私人發展事件,政府決定用規劃的方式,將大浪西灣納入「發展審批地區圖」,即日後大浪西灣的發展,將受到政府規管。


魯連城終於玩完Game Over
作者: LIKINWO    時間: 2010-7-28 13:05
原帖由 saki 於 2010-7-17 11:58 發表
保護香港郊區, 請加入 "強烈譴責魯連城破壞大浪西灣自然景觀生態, 要求立即停止有關建築工程!" 群組!!!!

請填妥請願信 ,表達不滿與訴求!

作者: kenneth    時間: 2010-7-28 17:06
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: oscar    時間: 2010-7-28 17:15
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: oscar    時間: 2010-7-28 17:19
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: raphaelmak    時間: 2010-7-28 19:20
原帖由 kenneth 於 2010-7-28 17:06 發表
再有3生態區受開發威脅 梅子林茅坪新浪潭 恐變大浪西翻版


我諗一正積埋架啦, 宜家先因為西灣連環揭發出黎...
證明政府真係唔係太做野, 流於亡羊補牢...
作者: raphaelmak    時間: 2010-7-28 19:21
原帖由 大力蘇 於 2010-7-28 09:55 發表
環境局長邱騰華在立法會 一個委員會表示,西貢    大浪西灣被商人計劃私人發展事件,政府決定用規劃的方式,將大浪西灣納入「發展審批地區圖」,即日後大浪西灣的發展,將受到政府規管。

發展局長林鄭月娥話,經實 ...

終於做返應該做既野, 但係政府應該盡快對於其他地方都咁樣做而唔係淨係大浪西灣...

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