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標題: 為肥人吐烏氣 創世績 400磅相撲手跑馬拉松 [打印本頁]

作者: 馬拉    時間: 2011-3-21 21:07
標題: 為肥人吐烏氣 創世績 400磅相撲手跑馬拉松
為肥人吐烏氣 創世績 400磅相撲手跑馬拉松                                                


三屆美國相撲冠軍Kelly Gneiting噸位嚇人:身高6呎、 體重406磅、腰圍60吋。周日的賽事對他來說不但是嚴峻挑戰,甚至存在「性命風險」。40歲的他,體力、筋骨、機能以至心臟負荷,似乎都不足以應付漫漫的42公里長跑。但為自尊而跑的他顯然胸有成竹:「今次是為世界胖子而跑,肥人總被視為低自尊、無作為的一群。我的成功,足以激發超重人士的自信。」他任職醫院統計員,承認因貪吃令自己變成一座肉山。

[ 本帖最後由 馬拉 於 2011-3-21 21:10 編輯 ]
作者: 零下十度    時間: 2011-3-21 23:03
作者: denis3885    時間: 2011-3-22 08:31
原帖由 馬拉 於 2011-3-21 21:07 發表
為肥人吐烏氣 創世績 400磅相撲手跑馬拉松                                                

   周日(昨天)舉行的洛杉磯馬拉松,對肥人可謂別具意 ...

作者: mill    時間: 2011-3-24 13:39
作者: 哈利330    時間: 2011-3-24 14:00
BBC 話係佢o既時間係 948

Sumo wrestler Kelly Gneiting finishes LA marathon

Gneiting, shown during a 2004 competition, beat his previous time by two hours
A 400lb American sumo wrestler hopes to become certified as the heaviest man to finish a marathon after competing the Los Angeles race in nearly 10 hours.
Kelly Gneiting, who was the last of 11,891 men to cross the Los Angeles marathon finish line on Sunday, described the race as "pure hell".
Gneiting walked the last 18 miles, suffering through painful blisters, but beat his 2008 time by two hours.
He has won three US sumo titles beginning in 2005.
"I did it, but it was hell," Gneiting, 40, was quoted as saying by the Los Angeles Times. "Pure hell."
Gneiting of Arizona weighed in after the race at 396lb (179.6 kilos) - four less than when he started, local television reported.
By the time Gneiting finished the first half, the city had begun reopening streets along the route and he completed the race on the pavement, NBC television reported.
Gneiting hopes to have his time - nine hours and 48 minutes - certified by the Guinness Book of World Records.

原帖由 denis3885 於 2011-3-22 08:31 發表


作者: lewischan    時間: 2011-3-24 17:33
9 hours are a lot....can't do it in HK
作者: 卓卓    時間: 2011-3-24 21:44
原帖由 denis3885 於 2011-3-22 08:31 發表


作者: cc    時間: 2011-3-25 10:04
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