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標題: 2014 Prague Marathon (布拉格/捷克) & Cracovia Marathon (克拉科夫/波... [打印本頁]

作者: AY60    時間: 2013-12-10 22:02
標題: 2014 Prague Marathon (布拉格/捷克) & Cracovia Marathon (克拉科夫/波...
2014.5.11  Prague Marathon (布拉格/捷克)     报名费 > 75 EUR
2014.5.18  CracoviaMarathon (克拉科夫Krakow/波兰Poland)     报名费 > 73 PLN (1PLN = 2.55HK$)
香港 来回 布拉格 机票: ~HK$4400 (~17小时, 1个中转站, 不含机场税及燃油费), 布拉格 来回   克拉科夫  可坐火车(5days/1month 1st class Railpass: HK$2541,约8小时,  1-2个中转站)


作者: AY60    時間: 2013-12-10 22:03
作者: 柔詠    時間: 2013-12-11 13:11
作者: AY60    時間: 2013-12-11 13:40
本帖最後由 AY60 於 2013-12-11 13:41 編輯


作者: raccon_mama    時間: 2013-12-18 13:22
我也報了 Prague, 睇相條路好靚ne!
作者: AY60    時間: 2013-12-18 19:55
We may consider to go there together. Let's discuss and share ideas lateron.
作者: Samuel    時間: 2013-12-30 10:16
I am planning to join CracoviaMarathon........ but I will go Warsaw and then Krakow....
作者: Samuel    時間: 2013-12-30 10:24
Have you done the registration yet?  Would you consider to transfer the application fee as pool ?
作者: AY60    時間: 2013-12-30 10:44
Samuel 發表於 2013-12-30 10:24
Have you done the registration yet?  Would you consider to transfer the application fee as pool ?

I did register with Cracovia Marathon and effect payment by T/T (US$22). Let's discuss itinerary lateron.
作者: Samuel    時間: 2013-12-30 14:17
AY60 c-hing, do you know how much for the xfer charge by Bank?  Or should you pay the local charge by you or the organizer?
作者: AY60    時間: 2013-12-30 18:06
Samuel 發表於 2013-12-30 14:17
AY60 c-hing, do you know how much for the xfer charge by Bank?  Or should you pay the local charge b ...

To avoid delay and/or unexpected failure,  I chose to pay all local and overseas charges by myself. Would you play Prague marathon as well?
作者: Samuel    時間: 2014-1-2 09:06
I won't join Prague Marathon as my trip is planed 15May - 1 Jun.

I am thinking if I should pay the Cracovia Marathon 17 May.   Can you share with me how much for the TT on overea charge? I would like to compare the cost needed....

作者: Samuel    時間: 2014-1-2 09:08
For prague marathon, I know someone joined last year.  I can ask if he can share some info with you....
作者: raccon_mama    時間: 2014-1-3 13:32
AY60 發表於 2013-12-18 19:55
We may consider to go there together. Let's discuss and share ideas lateron.

好Ar! 我咩資料都未睇, 不過我係志在旅遊多d, 第一次在亞洲以外跑, 心情實在很興奮!!
作者: AY60    時間: 2014-1-19 21:26
Samuel 發表於 2014-1-2 09:06
I won't join Prague Marathon as my trip is planed 15May - 1 Jun.

I am thinking if I should pay the  ...

Did check my bank account several times for the past three weeks. There were no debits (overseas bank charge) from my accounts regarding the T/T. The distant organization committee may absorb all the charges incurred at their side. Moreover, I transferred US$25 instead of US$22 in equivalent to PLN73.
作者: AY60    時間: 2014-1-19 21:27
Samuel 發表於 2014-1-2 09:08
For prague marathon, I know someone joined last year.  I can ask if he can share some info with you. ...

作者: kf    時間: 2014-1-21 13:08
作者: kf    時間: 2014-1-21 13:08
作者: AY60    時間: 2014-1-21 13:55
raccon_mama 發表於 2014-1-3 13:32
好Ar! 我咩資料都未睇, 不過我係志在旅遊多d, 第一次在亞洲以外跑, 心情實在很興奮!! ...

Hi Raccon_mama, 若想买便宜机票就立即行动,我打算5月8 / 9 出发。
作者: AY60    時間: 2014-1-21 14:18
Qatar没有飞Prague, 芬兰AY就有,连税HK$8xxx.
作者: AY60    時間: 2014-1-21 22:43
作者: kf    時間: 2014-1-22 01:15
kf 發表於 2014-1-21 13:08

作者: 小叻    時間: 2014-1-22 11:50
AY60 發表於 2014-1-21 22:43

我覺得5月出發, 其實可以等下, EMIRATES經常有PROMO, 而且航點多, 但等候轉機時間長, 不過唔辛苦, 因為機場有熱水涼沖, 有野食, 有網上, 仲有安樂椅式長椅休息!
作者: 小叻    時間: 2014-1-22 11:51
kf 發表於 2014-1-22 01:15

我都考慮緊AMSTERDAM, 多謝啟發!
作者: AY60    時間: 2014-1-23 11:25
作者: AY60    時間: 2014-2-4 14:46
作者: AY60    時間: 2014-2-14 20:09
2014.5.11 Prague Marathon 加推名額,下周一2014.2.17報名重啟,有興趣者可瀏覽
作者: Samuel    時間: 2014-2-28 13:35
I have bought the air-ticket...... see you all in Cracovia Marathon....
作者: AY60    時間: 2014-2-28 22:18
作者: Samuel    時間: 2014-3-18 11:06
AY60 Ching... have you go to the cracovia website to check the strt list ar? ... ion-and-start-list/

I can find my name with assigned start number but I am not sure meaning my application done.  However, I couldn't find other HKers with start number.
作者: AY60    時間: 2014-3-19 13:33
I find my name on p.124. I plan to go to Slovakia right after finishing Prague Marathon. Slovakia is a good country for sight seeing too.
作者: Samuel    時間: 2014-3-20 10:39
I will go Czech ... then Slovakia
作者: Samuel    時間: 2014-3-20 10:50
by the way... AY60 ching... do you get the number in the col 'nr startowy'?  I suspect it is BID...
作者: Dicken    時間: 2014-4-8 14:56
我都報咗布拉格...有人 11/5 都跑嗎?
作者: AY60    時間: 2014-4-8 18:21
Dicken 發表於 2014-4-8 14:56
我都報咗布拉格...有人 11/5 都跑嗎?

连我在内起码有三位跑Prague Marathon,在下买了2014.5.8零晨00:25起飞的FINNAIR,阁下可pm在下交流一下。
作者: raccon_mama    時間: 2014-4-9 17:50
Dicken 發表於 2014-4-8 14:56
我都報咗布拉格...有人 11/5 都跑嗎?

Yes yes! 仲有我, 因之前事忙, 未認真plan 行程, 只暫時訂了布拉格的酒店, 大家會去 10/5 的pasta party ma?! (不過我無留心佢點收費同報名.....)
作者: AY60    時間: 2014-5-5 15:55
作者: AY60    時間: 2014-6-2 15:41
Prague Marathon (布拉格/捷克): 断断续续的碎石路有好几公里,不好跑,蛮多的回头路,起点=终点也跑了三趟,但马拉松路线经过大部分市内的旅游景点。

Cracovia Marathon (Krakow克拉科夫/波兰): 网上的course map象数太低,看不请!到取选手包时才知道要跑两个圈,即时很失望,斗志/热诚大减! 比赛当天跑了两个多小时后开始下雨,下了半个多小时,接着出太阳。赛完第二天大放晴,气温达30C, 运气还算不错了。

两个马拉松的气氛都不错,补给很足够,波兰的自愿者大部分是学生/年轻人,有点手忙脚乱,但很热心。 波兰人也很友善及乐于助人。 布拉格可能是西欧跟东欧的转折点,太多游客,消费跟得上西欧,Prague1的酒店颇贵,街上讨饭吃的也不少,不宜久留。Slovakia 及Poland的消费比较低,吸引很多西欧的游客来度假,治安很好,人也很友善,不错!Slovakia有很多自然保护风景区,冬天当然有滑雪赏雪的好地方。坐火车或长途巴也很方便。坐了一趟两个多小时的波兰二等车厢火车(往Katowice),竟然有免费下午茶招待,喜出望外!

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