香港長跑網 - 長跑長友

標題: 求助: OUTBOUND GPS表追星問題 [打印本頁]

作者: pandy0718    時間: 2014-8-26 00:26
標題: 求助: OUTBOUND GPS表追星問題
經過之前多次係度問大家意見後,終於買了OUTBOUND 表
作者: kin8333    時間: 2014-8-26 00:39
作者: chuen3182    時間: 2014-8-26 01:07
作者: fu38    時間: 2014-8-26 08:20
本帖最後由 fu38 於 2014-8-26 08:22 編輯

作者: bunbun    時間: 2014-8-26 09:05

As GPS devices are used, data is gathered which helps them acquire satellites quickly at the start of each use. If a device is used daily it should be able to acquire satellites in a minute or less. Using a GPS device while it is outdoors with a clear view of the entire sky is the ideal condition for acquiring satellites. Please know that there can be several different factors that may cause a GPS device to not acquire satellites:

◦If your device is trying to acquire satellites for the first time, it may take longer than normal to establish an initial position. If the device is powered on and outdoors with a clear view of the sky, this should not take more than 3-5 minutes.

◦If your device has not been used for an extended period of time (more than a month), it may take 3-5 minutes to acquire satellites.

◦If your device is indoors, it may not acquire satellites. Even standing next to a window indoors will block a majority of the sky which is needed for a device to locate and lock onto a satellite signal.

◦If you have just finished updating the software in your device or you have performed a master reset, your device may take 3-5 minutes to acquire while outdoors as the data that is used to locate satellites may have been erased.

◦If your device has traveled over 500 miles while turned off or not tracking your travel, it may take 3-5 minutes to acquire even in ideal conditions.

◦If your vehicle has a protective coating on its windshield or electronic devices which interfere with the device receiving signal, your device may need an external antenna1 in order to acquire satellites.◦If you suspect this to be an issue, try taking the device outside of the vehicle with a clear view of the sky for 3-5 minutes so that the device can acquire satellites. If your device loses satellites once moved back into your vehicle, you will most likely need an external antenna.

作者: fullysettle    時間: 2014-8-26 10:05
作者: fullysettle    時間: 2014-8-26 10:07
作者: RingoLee    時間: 2014-8-26 10:14
本帖最後由 RingoLee 於 2014-8-26 10:15 編輯

我都有隻 Oxxbxxd,新買時追星都要3-5分鐘,間中追唔到。試過有一次壞咗,過唔到訊號落電腦,修理好後追星能力重差咗。每次都追好耐不特止、間中追唔到、同跑跑吓斷咗追唔番。
團購買咗Bxxtxn,發覺此Bxxtxn牌追星通常不需2分鐘。 此後將Oxxbxxd 打入冷宮。
作者: gc9543    時間: 2014-8-26 10:54
我只outbound 正常 10 mins 追到。
作者: ming4883    時間: 2014-8-26 11:31
我的 GR-A100 (有心跳及高度計那個 model) 通常在空曠地方企定定 2-3 min 後就追到星...
作者: allmyfriend    時間: 2014-8-26 12:33
RingoLee 發表於 2014-8-26 10:14
我都有隻 Oxxbxxd,新買時追星都要3-5分鐘,間中追唔到。試過有一次壞咗,過唔到訊號落電腦,修理好後追星 ...

但BXXTXN牌最近個software好似壞壞地, synz左落電腦無晒 map同 split 等資料
作者: wingwong    時間: 2014-8-26 16:54
我的都係用緊 Outbound GR-A100. 在空曠地方企定定 1-2 min 後就追到星嗱.沒有出現過問題.如果行住嚟追星,就好似要幾分鐘.

作者: pandy0718    時間: 2014-8-26 18:31
作者: pandy0718    時間: 2014-8-27 23:05
作者: ming4883    時間: 2014-8-28 11:44
本帖最後由 ming4883 於 2014-8-28 11:48 編輯
pandy0718 發表於 2014-8-27 23:05
平時我追星既位,係前面空曠,後面一排就60層樓高,唔知關 ...

大廈的鋼根會吸收/阻擋微波訊號,因此層數越高的大廈對GPS 有越大影響⋯⋯
另外,一般 GPS接收器需要最少追到三個衛星才能夠定位詳情見此,所以追星時最好站在四面空曠的地方

作者: pandy0718    時間: 2014-8-28 20:55
ming4883 發表於 2014-8-28 11:44
大廈的鋼根會吸收/阻擋微波訊號,因此層數越高的大廈對GPS 有越大影響⋯⋯
另外,一般 GPS接收器需要最 ...



作者: lewischan    時間: 2014-9-2 12:05
我隻用左2年幾都無呢個問題,我地一班人約跑,我隻outbound 好多時都系快追到星的,不過要留要
3. 樹底


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