香港長跑網 - 長跑長友

標題: 黎多對... 今次係輕身既.... [打印本頁]

作者: 洛虎添    時間: 2008-12-23 18:16
標題: 黎多對... 今次係輕身既....
New Balance MR826GN

諗住買黎比賽 + 之前既 NB768ST 跑左400K + 行路佔10-15%既總里數


btw, 襯番個長跑網個主色...
作者: onon    時間: 2008-12-23 21:47
幾好呀, 有D蜘蛛俠feel.
作者: allanccl    時間: 2008-12-23 22:14
原帖由 大隻添跑手 於 2008-12-23 18:16 發表
New Balance MR826GN

諗住買黎比賽 + 之前既 NB768ST 跑左400K + 行路佔10-15%既總里數


btw, 襯番個長跑網個主色...

係諗住買黎比賽, 係唔係渣打?
作者: 龜速行    時間: 2008-12-23 23:19
大隻 c hing

ok ar

隻色好 fresh ar!!!!
作者: 洛虎添    時間: 2008-12-23 23:29
原帖由 allanccl 於 2008/12/23 10:14 PM 發表

係諗住買黎比賽, 係唔係渣打?

$750 再85折
作者: 叮叮噹    時間: 2008-12-23 23:31
綠色好呀! 輕身咪好囉!跑步冇咁響bang bang聲.
作者: onon    時間: 2008-12-23 23:35
原帖由 叮叮噹 於 2008-12-23 23:31 發表
綠色好呀! 輕身咪好囉!跑步冇咁響bang bang聲.

無論對鞋輕定重, 都唔會影响T跑手嘅脚步聲呀.
作者: onon    時間: 2008-12-23 23:36
原帖由 大隻添跑手 於 2008-12-23 23:29 發表

$750 再85折

作者: 叮叮噹    時間: 2008-12-23 23:46
原帖由 onon 於 2008-12-23 23:35 發表

無論對鞋輕定重, 都唔會影响T跑手嘅脚步聲呀.

落腳咁重, 下下Bang Bang聲, 好傷膝蓋囉!
以前大隻話係關對鞋事, 今次換對輕身咪應該冇咁大聲囉!
作者: runrun    時間: 2008-12-24 00:04
各位CHing CTse,我想買對跑鞋跑渣打全馬用,

作者: 叮叮噹    時間: 2008-12-24 00:08

開個新post問啦! 比較清楚.
作者: desmond    時間: 2008-12-24 00:09
原帖由 runrunrun 於 2008-12-24 00:04 發表
各位CHing CTse,我想買對跑鞋跑渣打全馬用,
" />" />
maria c-ts, what's yr budget ar?
If $ is not a problem, given yr lightweight, u can probably use most running shoes (including asics.....) are you under-/over-pronated? flat-footed etc.?
作者: runrun    時間: 2008-12-24 01:19
原帖由 desmond 於 2008-12-24 00:09 發表
maria c-ts, what's yr budget ar?
If $ is not a problem, given yr lightweight, u can probably use most running shoes (including asics.....) are you under-/over-pronated? flat-footed etc.?

The shape of my feet is normal. And my budget is around $500-700.
I would like to have enough protection to my feet, but I'm worried the weight
which is good enough for well protection imposed loading to have negetive effect
on my speed. Quite contradictory ah !
But of course, I 'm looking for the most appropriate balance between the two sides.

That 's why I need the comments from all CHings and CTses on this issue,
作者: 力    時間: 2008-12-24 08:05
$500~$700買唔到asics, 都係著mizuno. 妳穿開邊款? 我有對spacer同rider, 我跑長過半馬就用rider, 半馬或以下就spacer. 另外有對NB嘅RC800, 對鞋跑起上泥好快, 但底好薄, 有d著白飯魚咁嘅feel.

作者: desmond    時間: 2008-12-24 20:10
原帖由 runrunrun 於 2008-12-24 01:19 發表

The shape of my feet is normal. And my budget is around $500-700.
I would like to have enough protection to my feet, but I'm worried the weight
which is good enough for well protection imposed ...
其實已師姐咁輕,相信一般賽鞋應該無問題,不如試下mizuno spacer喇,我聽唔少跑手都覺得呢對用黎比賽幾好
作者: runrun    時間: 2008-12-25 01:09
多謝Alex and Desmond 兄!

我會研究吓Mizuno Spacer and Rider,

作者: 洛虎添    時間: 2008-12-25 09:11
test result:


200M @ 48"25(樓下試跑)

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