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標題: Weight reduction [打印本頁]

作者: patwong    時間: 2009-5-13 16:21
標題: Weight reduction
Dear all,

I have started my fast walking exercise since Dec 08 when my weight was 245lb.  After then my weight drop to 220lb something in March 09/April 09.  But since then, I found my weight remain around 220lb even though I keep on doing exercise.

Anything I can do to further reduce my weight?

NB I have already brought my lunch box to prevent eating too much 'oily' food or junk food

Many thanks!!
作者: blurmax    時間: 2009-5-13 18:07

I guess you have to increase the intensity of your exercise then.

By the way how many times and duration you do the exercise per week?
作者: patwong    時間: 2009-5-13 18:25
Fast walking for 40 minutes approximately and 3 to 4 times a week....
作者: allanccl    時間: 2009-5-13 21:32
所以師兄努力呀! 食物仍要健康,運動量可以由急行改為慢跑,可以既話每天慢跑40分鐘,跑順左就加少少速至中跑,唔洗快架,快跑減唔到肥架。祝你成功!
作者: mo9394    時間: 2009-5-22 09:40
試下記低每日食左d 乜, post 上黎睇下有乜可以改善. 有 d 野份量細, 食左唔飽肚, 但係有好高卡路里, 用其他野代替, 就可以又飽又瘦

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