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福克蘭群島渣打馬拉松 (13.3.2012)


升級   77.6%


發表於 2012-2-8 04:00:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
各位剛剛跑完渣打的朋友, 唔知對呢個渣打又有無興趣呢 ?

Officially the World’s Most Southerly AIMS-Certified Marathon
                Standard Chartered Bank
                                Stanley Marathon 2012
                                Sunday, 18 March 2012
Gradients, wind and the threat of bad weather make this one of the toughest marathon courses!                    

Registration Information
Please read all this registration information and the entire entry form before completing and submitting it.  An incomplete and unsigned form will not be accepted.  
Race Categories
Distance26 miles, 385 yards (42.195kms)4 runners: 3 covering 6.25 miles (10km) each and the last covering 7.25 miles (12.195km).
Age Eligibility18 years and above as at 18 March 2012Each runner 18 years and above as at 18 March 2012
                Races are "open" with no sub-categories based on age, experience, nationality etc.  Teams may be made up of 4 men, 4 women or combinations in between.  The men's, women's and team races will be run together.
Men’s OpenWomen’s OpenTeam Relay
                    The team prizes are per team, NOT per participant.  Prizes are awarded gross of any tax or other statutory deductions that may be levied.
                                        There is also a challenge trophy presented by Mr Mike Summers and £200 prize for the first Falkland Islands-born runner to finish.                    
Entry fees – the closing date for entries is Friday 9 March 2012
£40 per marathon runner and £120 per team for the relay race.
Discount for entries received by close of business Friday 24 February 2012:
£30 per marathon runner.  £100 per team for the relay race.
                  Participants completing the course will receive a medal, certificate (with finishing time) and either a soft or hard copy photograph.
All entry fee proceeds will go to
Seeing Is Believing.  (see below)
Running for a Cause.
Every 5 seconds someone goes blind.  There are 45 million blind people in the world today yet 80% of blindness is avoidable or treatable and it costs only £20 to restore sight to one person with a simple eye operation to cure cataracts, the world's leading cause of avoidable blindness.                  Standard Chartered’s Seeing Is Believing programme aims to restore the sight of 20 million people in 20 cities by 2014.  Since launched in 2003 it has helped 16 million people and cured blindness for 2.5 million people in the world. Now in partnership with International Agency for Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) and VISION 2020 we have identified projects in 15 countries.  Funds collected will go towards cataract operations, training of eye care doctors, building of training facilities and vision centres.  Raising sponsorship is not a pre-condition of taking part in the marathon but we ask that if you do raise funds a proportion, say half, of any money raised goes to  Seeing Is Believing.  All entry fees and any money raised on the day will be donated to Seeing Is Believing.                
Entry Requirements
  • Participants must be 18 years of age or older on 18 March 2012.  Any participant attaining the age of 18 between submission of their entry form and 18 March 2012 will be asked to counter-sign their form once they are 18 and on or prior to 18 March 2012.
  • Entry forms must have all mandatory fields completed and be signed when submitted.
  •         Relay race: each member of the team must complete a separate entry form, which should clearly state the name of the team and team captain.
  • The registration fee must accompany all entries at the time of submission.
Submission of Entry Form
Should be made to Standard Chartered Bank, Stanley either by hand to the Enquiries desk during office hours (8:30 to 3:00, Monday to Friday, except Wednesday 9:00 to 3:00) at Ross Road, Stanley or by mail to PO Box 597, Stanley, Falkland Islands FIQQ 1ZZ.  No faxed or emailed forms can be accepted.
                    All successful entry applications will receive a confirmation of acceptance.
                     Applicants from MPA are warned that in 2005 some entry forms posted at MPA were misdirected to the UK (in MOD mail) and a couple were not received in time for the race. They may wish therefore to contact the bank to confirm the application has been received.
                    Only applicants submitting their forms by close of business Friday 24 February 2012   (and thereby allowing time for ribbons to be printed) can be guaranteed a medal on the day upon successful completion of the distance. (Overseas applicants may advise by fax or email the submission of an application by this date to guarantee their medal and certificate but the actual application will not be deemed to have been made until received in its original form).
                    *** The absolute cut off for entries will be Friday 9 March 2012  ***
Mode of Payment
Cash: In Falkland Islands pounds or Sterling only.  Please ensure you complete a pay-in slip and have the counter-foil stamped as proof of payment.                        
                        Direct account transfer: available to customers of Standard Chartered Bank, Stanley only.  Please complete the appropriate section on the application form.
                        Cheque/Bank Draft:   Cheques made payable to Standard Chartered Bank Marathon.

Regrettably requests for cancellations and thereby return of entry fee cannot be entertained.
+1 0
上一篇︰渣馬2012 - 記利佐冶街 (約 9:30am - 1:20pm)下一篇︰Standard Chartered Marathon 2012

升級   97.15%


發表於 2012-2-8 07:44:19 | 只看該作者

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The race has full AIMS (Association of International Marathons and Road Races) accreditation and is officially the world’s most southerly certified marathon.
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