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2015 - 10 - 31 Saloman LT70


升級   62%

  • TA的每日心情
    2015-1-18 17:46
  • 簽到天數: 2 天


    發表於 2015-6-11 14:24:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

    Salomon LT 70 - The authentic Lantau Trail Race
    鳳徑70公里賽 – 真正挑戰鳳凰徑的賽事

    The Lantau Trail 70 is proposed for October 31st, 2015 at 8:30am start and finish in Mui Wo.   We have applied to the AFCD for permit and are awaiting approval.  Registration should open on June 15th, 2015.  The May/June issue of Asia Trail Magazine our ad says registration is open now.  We delayed it due to current difficulties faced by race directors in Hong Kong in permit approval.  We are hoping everything will be given the ok for the race as the previous two years.  

    2015 we will add one new checkpoint after Tai O along the catch water (Lantau Trail marker L076). The same place as Trans Lantau 100k course.  The race format will be Solo runners or Teams of 4.  

    Lantau Base Camp is pleased to announce the return of the authentic Lantau Trail race, LT 70.  The race offers both relay and solo options. The  LT 70 is a semi-self sufficient race in that there will be four checkpoints (or relay exchanges for relay runners).  The race takes place over extremely varied terrain, from rough, steep mountainous singletrack to flat concrete footpaths and covers the whole 70km (3300 D+) of the Lantau Trail.  The CPs will be fully stocked with food and liquids and are spread evenly at Ngong Ping, Tai O and Shek Pik Catch water (L076) and Shui Hau.
    The LT70 for 2015 is proposed for Saturday October 31st, at 8:30am in Mui Wo.

    In the solo race, individual runners will run the whole 12 sections (4 legs), a 70km trail loop, from Mui Wo back to Mui Wo.

    In the relay race, runners will form teams of 4 people and run 1/4 of the race respectively.  

    The Lantau Trail 70 is an official 2 point qualifying race for The North Face® Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc®. - Pending application approval for 2016 UTMB Points. We will post here and Facebook if/when approved.

    Please visit the pages below for a detailed description and list of rules.

    Relay Team Registration: Only 1 team member pays the entry fee and supplies the name and email address of teammate(s).

    +1 3
    上一篇︰2015.09.06 第31屆「泰基盃」10公里賽下一篇︰廣州/深圳馬拉松 會員方向查詢


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      發表於 2016-7-30 23:44

    升級   27%

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-11-26 01:56
  • 簽到天數: 37 天


    發表於 2015-6-22 19:01:30 來自手機 | 只看該作者
    The Lantau Trail 70 is an official 2 point qualifying race for The North Face® Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc®.

    升級   62%

  • TA的每日心情
    2015-1-18 17:46
  • 簽到天數: 2 天


     樓主| 發表於 2015-6-22 20:59:31 | 只看該作者
    If comparing with Raleigh Challenge, this 2 UTMB point is cheaper to pocket

    升級   27%

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-11-26 01:56
  • 簽到天數: 37 天


    發表於 2015-8-1 18:15:27 | 只看該作者
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