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Istanbul Marathon 2008


升級   49.45%


發表於 2008-10-29 21:01:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
I have just finished the 15km run of the Istanbul Marathon on 26/10.  It is very intersting to run from Asia to Europe through the Borsphorus bridge.  However, on that day, it rained heavily and I cannot bring any mobile or camera to take any photos.  Also, it is the first time for me to "打水戰". However, the organization is poorly organized the whole competition.  After the shuttle bus reached the start point, we had only 15-20 minutes for warm-up.  It is completely not enough for really warm up especially that day was raining heavily and teh weather is very cold.  Finally, I was lucky to achieve my PB in 15km with 1'18"+ and the 10km time is just 50"+.  However, to the end of the run, I had to climbed up the long slope to the Sultanahmet (藍色清真寺). It costed me an addition 3 min+.  Herein are some photos I made one day before the run. Pls enjoy!
+1 0

升級   97.05%


發表於 2008-10-29 23:15:01 | 只看該作者
Kopo1128 hing,

It's very lucky for you to have a trip and with running competition
at the same time. How are you planning for it ?
It's a good experience to run in other country.
Beside, you time is very good. You have improved you time a lot, congratulation !  

升級   0%


發表於 2008-10-30 08:51:19 | 只看該作者
kopo ching,
Congratulation! Sound interesting running from Europe to Asia. More photos please.

升級   49.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-10-30 14:21:20 | 只看該作者

I tried to put more photos but there is not enough space.  I will try again this evening after finishing my 15km run.  In this week, I did not run at all.  Unfortunately, I did not bring along my mobile during the race due to the heavy rain. SO, I cannot take any photos during the race.  It is quiet interesting to see plenty of runners waiting for the luggages outside the Hagia Sophia with only shorts and T-shirt after completion.  All of us are shaking.

升級   0%


發表於 2008-10-30 14:55:00 | 只看該作者

回復 4# 的帖子

Is Hagia Sophia the temple next to the famous blue temple?

升級   49.45%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-10-30 21:07:47 | 只看該作者
原帖由 Alex 於 2008-10-30 14:55 發表
Is Hagia Sophia the temple next to the famous blue temple?

Hagia Sophia 即蘇菲亞大教堂, 它在藍色清真寺對面. 圖一是從Galata tower映過去的景色. 15km 會經過圖右的Galata Bridge 再轉右跑到另一條橋, 再轉回來跑至藍色清真寺作終點. 圖一從左面數第亞間就是藍色清真寺, 第一間就是蘇菲亞大教堂. 另外圖二是每日一樣的早餐. 如果唔鐘意食橄欖或白芝士及羊肉, 黎土耳其都可以說無啖好食. 圖三是比賽後的証書及紀念獎牌.

升級   0%

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    發表於 2008-10-30 22:58:09 | 只看該作者
    Amazing route and nice cert with medal!  I wish I could run this race in the future!

    升級   0%


    發表於 2008-10-30 23:16:08 | 只看該作者

    回復 6# 的帖子

    Hagia Sophia 係咪有6支回教塔果間?

    升級   92.85%


    發表於 2008-10-31 06:33:00 | 只看該作者
    原帖由 kopo1128 於 2008-10-30 05:07 發表
    Hagia Sophia 即蘇菲亞大教堂, 它在藍色清真寺對面. 圖一是從Galata tower映過去的景色. 15km 會經過圖右的Galata Bridge 再轉右跑到另一條橋, 再轉回來跑至藍色清真寺作終點. 圖一從左面數第亞間就是藍色清真寺, 第一間就是蘇菲亞大教堂. 另外圖二是每日一樣的早餐. 如果唔鐘意食橄欖或白芝士及羊肉, 黎土耳其都可以說無啖好食. 圖三是比賽後的証書及紀念獎牌.

    kopo 兄 ~

    咁跑完有冇火雞送呀?  Just kidding!

    Anyway, congrats on you PR and thanks for posting the pics. and report . What is next on your agenda?

    升級   49.45%


     樓主| 發表於 2008-10-31 09:05:59 | 只看該作者
    原帖由 Alex 於 2008-10-30 23:16 發表
    Hagia Sophia 係咪有6支回教塔果間?

    有6條支塔果間係藍色清真寺, 而圖中左面有4支塔就是蘇菲亞大教堂.
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