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2008 洛杉磯馬拉松 (2nd March)


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發表於 2008-2-29 01:35:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
起點:  環球片場            
終點:  洛杉磯市中心

I am doing the LA Marathon this Sunday with an injured left heel.  I plan on using Jeff Galloway's run/walk method to see I slow I will be.

I will post some pictures when I come back.

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-2-28 12:46 編輯 ]
+1 0

升級   40%


發表於 2008-3-1 00:47:33 | 只看該作者
Awaiting for your good news :-P

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發表於 2008-3-1 09:41:18 | 只看該作者
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升級   45.45%


發表於 2008-3-2 12:59:23 | 只看該作者
how's your running today ?
I am currently using my frd's internet.
wish you well and wait for your godo new

升級   0%


發表於 2008-3-2 21:08:24 | 只看該作者
It's quite expensive. need US$100 for registration

升級   45.45%


發表於 2008-3-3 12:02:13 | 只看該作者

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oh ... really expensive...
it is around AU$75-80 for Melbourne Marathon ~
(Although AU might be higher than US some day )

升級   92.85%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-3-3 23:38:18 | 只看該作者
原帖由 michaelyw 於 2008-3-1 20:59 發表
how's your running today ?
I am currently using my frd's internet.
wish you well and wait for your godo new

Hi Michael ~

I am still in LA, I did the marathon yesterday morning.  You forgot we are 16 hours behind HK time.  There were over 27,600 runners at the start line, over 17,000 finished the marathon including me <lol>.

My legs gave up on me at mile 23  .   I developed major cramps on both my left and right quads and calf muscles.  All related to lack of LSD (long slow distance).  My chip time was 6:42 something .  My left heel held up fine, I didn't have to take any pain pills along the course.  No marathons for me until August, hopefully I will get more better by then.

I won't be back to Las Vegas until Wednesday.  I will post some pictures and hopefully some video clips when I got back.

As for entry fees, $100 is the average price for major North American marathons.  

Here is an article from the  星島日報 (洛杉磯) ~


來自肯亞與俄羅斯的男女「長氣袋」,在第23屆洛杉磯馬拉松賽中分別榮膺男女組冠軍,雙雙贏得2萬美元獎金及一部新轎車。值得一提的是,在男女「對壘賽」中,俄國女選手Tatiana Aryasova以2小時9分32秒的成績,「氣」走肯亞男選手Laban Moiben(2小時13分50秒),有額外的10萬美元入「袋」。
今年活動不但熱烈,且分數個場次進行,大會為提倡多元文化交流與發現洛杉磯兩大精神,邀請到日本太鼓演出、歌手Randy Newman演唱我愛洛杉磯,及福音歌手合唱等。清晨5時45分,在洛杉磯Coliseum先舉行自行車、殘障自行車賽等項目,萬人馬拉松賽則在8時20分登場。
馬拉松賽莊嚴隆重,分別在國歌與聖火點燃儀式中登場,洛市警局(LAPD)警長布拉登(William Bratton)親自為特警隊(SWAT)點燃聖火,以紀念2月7日在聖費爾度谷遇害的員警西蒙斯。
現年28歲的Tatiana Aryasova產後復出,表現沒有令人失望。在大會為女選手提供19分38秒的「優惠」制度下,她的成績不但贏得女子組冠軍,同時也打敗男子組第一名,因此贏得[Banco Popular挑戰」的10美元額外獎金。男子組今年仍由連續9年第一的肯亞隊伍把持,Laban Moiben順利蟬聯冠軍寶座。

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-3-3 08:24 編輯 ]




升級   40%


發表於 2008-3-3 23:54:19 | 只看該作者
tks for your sharing

升級   45.45%


發表於 2008-3-4 13:30:01 | 只看該作者
原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-3-3 23:38 發表

Hi Michael ~

I am still in LA, I did the marathon yesterday morning.  You forgot we are 16 hours behind HK time.  There were over 27,600 runners at the start line, over 17,000 finished the mara ...

hi David ~

that's glad to get your good new here
it is really meaning ful to finish marathon with such physical condition so far...

That Russian Woman is really awesome and even "beated" the male champion...
Hard to imagine such timing and result ...
However, I have seen the result in this website
it said woman champion got 2:29, while male was 2:13.
does the rule set that male have to add extra 20mins before comparing with the female in 男女「對壘賽」?  

Whatever,  standard is really high in LA Marathon ~

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-3-5 11:03 編輯 ]

升級   0%


發表於 2008-3-5 10:53:50 | 只看該作者
大衛兄, 多謝分享咁精彩既實事, 報導令人有親歷其景既感受.

升級   100%


發表於 2008-3-5 11:12:03 | 只看該作者
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升級   92.85%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-3-6 03:06:08 | 只看該作者
I am back in Vegas. The quads are still very sore!!  And I have to walk up and down the stairs in my house.

Michael ~  Elite female runners always have a head start of 15 to 20 minutes before the elite male runners.  Most of the time, the elite males would catch up to the females half way point.  But at LAM on Sunday, that wasn't the case, the elite female actually won it overall and got the priced money.

I will post some pictures in my album when I settle down.

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-3-5 17:03 編輯 ]

升級   45.45%


發表於 2008-3-6 08:31:28 | 只看該作者
原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-3-6 03:06 發表
I am back to Vegas. The quads are still very sore!!  And I have to walk up and down the stairs in my house.

Michael ~  Elite female runners always have a head start of 15 to 20 minutes before t ...

Take care man ~ actually I also need to walk up and down stairs in my flat ~~
I get it now ~ congratuation to that Russian woman. She is really great ~

Actually I have checked the result of LA M and I have found your name there

according to the timing u've made, it looks like you were in the trouble in final 12.2km (took about 2:30). but anyway that's good to be one of those finishers.

Also, unlike tough cut off rule in Hong Kong, that's really good in LA Mara by allowing most of the participants to finish the run unless they chose to give up
(I do appreciate the one who made 12 hrs carry on towards the finish line).

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-3-6 08:38 編輯 ]

升級   92.85%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-3-6 08:55:17 | 只看該作者
Michael ~

You are right.  I was basically doing cramps management the last 12 to 15 km, stretching every 5 minutes or so.  I blammed myself did not do any long runs.  I still have plantar fasciitis on my left heel.  Amazingly, it didn't bother me.  My physio therapist warned me not to push it during the marathon, otherwise it will never heal.  My usual pace is 9:30 to 10:30 min/mile.  I think I was doing like 12:30 min pace most of the time.  I am happy with it.  I am not competitive runner anymore.  My time has passed.  I am a recreation runner nowadays.

LAM is always walker friendly.  There is no time limit.  Even you finish the next day, someone from the organization will always wait for you at the finish line to give you your deserved medal.  But of course, after certain time, the course is opened to traffic again and the runner/walker has to use the sidewalk and obey all the traffic signals.

HK is different, the course involves the freeways, tunnels, and bridges, there is no possible way they will let the runners continue to run on those after their time is up.

The weather was good this year.  Last year it was like over 30C, I had to go inside a store to buy an ice cold popsicle to suck at mile 18.

As for the 12 hours runner/walker.  Did you mean him?  What an inspiration!!

- David

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-3-5 17:27 編輯 ]

升級   45.45%


發表於 2008-3-6 09:40:10 | 只看該作者
原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-3-6 08:55 發表
As for the 12 hours runner/walker.  Did you mean him?  What an inspiration!!

I have checked his time, he finished with 11hrs sth and there were 6 ppl (5 male 1 female) who were behind him. That's really amazing for a sumo to join marathon .

For me ~ running is for health and entertainment. I would try to keep going regardless how my physical condition would be ( if I could ).

升級   92.85%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-3-7 16:43:40 | 只看該作者
This is funny!  I recognized him right away and I knew he was playing tricks on those poor runners.

升級   45.45%


發表於 2008-3-8 18:42:11 | 只看該作者

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[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-3-8 18:44 編輯 ]
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