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The Andy Naylor Memorial Run


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發表於 2012-8-28 12:18:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
The  late  Mr.  Andy  Naylor  passed  away while competing in the
Ironman  U.S. Championship in New York on 11 August 2012. He is survived by
his wife and three daughters, aged 8, 10 and 12 respectively.

2.        Mr.  Naylor  was  a  highly admired athlete who had a tremendous
passion  for  long  distant  running.  Over  the years, he set some 16 new
records  in  the  Henry  Shield  Relay, the Cross-country Championship, the
Dowman  Road  Race  and  the Police Athletic Championships. He was indeed a
recognized  top  distant runner who finished the London Marathon in 2 hours
32  minutes  in  2009.  He  was  also  a  regular  patron  of  charitable
organizations  such as UNICEF and the Hong Kong Sedan Chair Charities Fund.

3.        To recognize his contributions and accomplishments in supporting
and  promoting long distant running, the Police Athletics Club (PAC) is now
earnestly  inviting  all  Force  members  AND  members  of  the  public  to
participate in a 1-Km memorial run. Details of the run are as follows :

  Date  :    Saturday 22 September 2012
  Time  :    10.00 am (Registration starts at 9.00 am)
  Location:    Police Foundation Training Centre (the Centre), Wong Chuk
Hang, Hong Kong. (Previously known as Police Training School)

Deadline: 10 September 2012 (Monday)
Remarks:  All entry fees as well as all donations made for the run will be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. Naylor.

For more details,  Please go to Police Athletics Club web site
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