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Press Release - Boston Marathon - 1/17/08


岩士唐曾於1993年贏得世界單車錦標賽,包括好幾次的環法單車賽冠軍,卻於1996被診斷出睪丸癌。儘管癌細胞曾一度擴散至肺部和腦部,他最終仍能克服癌魔並歷史性連奪七屆環法單車賽冠軍(1999-2005)已退出職業單車的他,隨後在20062007年參加紐約馬拉松賽事,分別以2小時5936秒及2小時4643秒完成。 岩士唐表示,他會在波士頓為他的基金籌募善款。以他名義成立的基金,將會集中研究預防和治療癌症,以及改善癌病患者的生活。

112屆波士頓馬拉松將會於2008421,麻省愛國者日舉行。賽事全長26.2英哩,路程會分為幾點:Hopkinton, Mass.Boston's Back Bay,於早上10時正式開始。 (michaelyw 譯)

原稿:'Lance Armstrong to Run 112th Boston Marathon

Boston, Mass. – Lance Armstrong, the seven-time Tour de France champion, has entered the 2008 Boston Marathon, the Boston Athletic Association announced today. Armstrong qualified for the Boston Marathon with a 2:46:43 finish at the 2007 ING New York City Marathon. The Boston Marathon qualifying time for Armstrong's 35-39-year-old age group is 3 hours, 15 minutes.

Armstrong won the 1993 World Cycling Championship as well as multiple stages of the Tour de France before being diagnosed with an aggressive form of testicular cancer in 1996. Though the cancer spread to his lungs and brain, Armstrong recovered to win seven consecutive Tour de France titles (1999-2005).

Following his retirement from professional cycling, Armstrong competed in the 2006 ING New York City Marathon, completing the race in 2:59:36. He returned to New York City a year later, improving his time to 2:46:43. In Boston, Armstrong will be raising money for the Lance Armstrong Foundation, which pursues an agenda focused on cancer prevention, access to screening and care, the improvement of the quality of life for cancer survivors, and an investment in research.

The 112th Boston Marathon will be held on Monday, April 21, 2008, Patriots' Day in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The race follows a 26.2-mile point-to-point route from the town of Hopkinton, Mass., to Boston's Back Bay. The race begins at 10:00 a.m.'

Reference:, 2008, 'Lance Armstrong to Run 112th Boston Marathon', < >, (accessed on 7/3/2008)

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-3-7 10:41 編輯 ]
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