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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-9-6 15:46
  • 簽到天數: 8 天


    發表於 2008-7-5 19:16:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
    今日睇中醫時,醫師幫我搭脈後說我心跳較慢,可能心脏有問題。我說我跑開步,冇理由心脏會有問題的!那中醫師說“如跑步那更要小心,要適可宜止”。我不以為然,後上網查了一下,正常人的靜止心跳是每分鐘60~100,經常運動的人的心跳會慢一些的,而我靜止心跳每分鐘還不到50下。請問各位跑開步的C-Hing們,有冇check下自己平時的靜止心跳是多少呢?不過我認為我們跑開步的人,經過日常 的鍛練,心跳應該是跳得較慢些吧。
    +1 0
    上一篇︰nc 跑步blog下一篇︰東區長跑迎奧運 - 2008/7/6 瘋狂相片簿

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    發表於 2008-7-5 20:10:02 | 只看該作者
    其實心跳率低真係吾一定代表心脏好的. 正常健康的心脏, 經過心肺運動的鍛練, 心力會大左, 所以不需要用高心率亦可得到相等的氧氣同血液到全身.  但心臟先天係弱(有問題)的 , 心跳率亦會低 , 因為不夠力pump氧氣同血液到全身 ,是嗎?

    其實有d 簡單d 方法check . 不過有關身體健康的,  都你 係 驗體好d

    [ 本帖最後由 clerkb 於 2008-7-5 20:13 編輯 ]

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  • TA的每日心情
    2019-8-21 01:43
  • 簽到天數: 1864 天


    發表於 2008-7-5 22:06:13 | 只看該作者

    My still heart beat is 60+, and don't think urs are adnormal

    升級   99.47%


    發表於 2008-7-5 22:42:54 | 只看該作者
    原帖由 daniel0415 於 2008-7-5 19:16 發表
    今日睇中醫時,醫師幫我搭脈後說我心跳較慢,可能心脏有問題。我說我跑開步,冇理由心脏會有問題的!那中醫師說“如跑步那更要小心,要適可宜止”。我不以為然,後上網查了一下,正常人的靜止心跳是每分 ...

    Daniel ching. Do  you feel dizzy often? If your low heart beat is a pathological one, you should have discomfort, like dizziness often.

    Otherwise, it is a good thing. It shows your heart actually is strong and do not need to beat as much time as usual people.

    Like you said, NORMAL person (better say, average people) beats around 60-80.. But I beat at 53... look at Lance Armstrong (a very good cyclist) and Dean Karnazes (crazy ultramarathoner who can run 226 miles non stop), their heart beats at a stunning 30 times per mintues only!

    Endurance athletes have lower heart beats than the average joe you find everywhere.

    [ 本帖最後由 kaevin 於 2008-7-5 22:43 編輯 ]

    升級   99.47%


    發表於 2008-7-5 22:47:38 | 只看該作者
    原帖由 clerkb 於 2008-7-5 20:10 發表
    其實心跳率低真係吾一定代表心脏好的. 正常健康的心脏, 經過心肺運動的鍛練, 心力會大左, 所以不需要用高心率亦可得到相等的氧氣同血液到全身.  但心臟先天係弱(有問題)的 , 心跳率亦會低 , 因為不夠力p ...

    You are partially right.

    However if "心臟先天係弱", heart beat will actually be HIGHER. If your definition of weak is about heart muscles and capacity.

    Or, the electrical pulse which control the heart has problem, THEN the heart beats LESS than it should, and the guy will feel weak and exhausted easily, or even feel dizzy  very often.

    Another way is, the electrical pulse have problem (think of the nerves and brain is like a control circuit) and the heart beats actually fructurate even when you rest... (like this mintues you beat @ 53, then it increases until 90, then it starts to decrease back...).

    升級   99.47%


    發表於 2008-7-5 22:50:24 | 只看該作者
    "Bradycardia is defined as a heart rate less than 60 beats per minutealthough it is seldom symptomatic until below 50 bpm. Trained athletestend to have slow resting heart rates, and resting bradycardia inathletes should not be considered abnormal if the individual has nosymptoms associated with it. Again, this number can vary as smallerpeople and children have faster heart rates than adults.Miguel Indurain, a cyclist and five time Tour de France winner, had a resting heart rate of 28 beats per minute, one of the lowest ever recorded in a healthy human.[5]"

    升級   100%

  • TA的每日心情
    2014-9-6 15:46
  • 簽到天數: 8 天


     樓主| 發表於 2008-7-5 22:58:48 | 只看該作者
    原帖由 kaevin 於 2008-7-5 22:42 發表

    Daniel ching. Do  you feel dizzy often? If your low heart beat is a pathological one, you should have discomfort, like dizziness often.

    Otherwise, it is a good thing. It shows your heart actual ...

    Thanks C-Hing,目前來說我當然一切正常,繼續跑步。希望如你所說".... it is a good thing,...."。

    升級   99.47%


    發表於 2008-7-5 23:05:39 | 只看該作者
    原帖由 daniel0415 於 2008-7-5 22:58 發表

    Thanks C-Hing,目前來說我當然一切正常,繼續跑步。希望如你所說".... it is a good thing,...."。

    My heart rate dropped 3 beats after I resumed training a few months (rested a month before).

    升級   86.32%


    發表於 2008-7-5 23:52:33 | 只看該作者
    原帖由 daniel0415 於 2008-7-5 19:16 發表
    今日睇中醫時,醫師幫我搭脈後說我心跳較慢,可能心脏有問題。我說我跑開步,冇理由心脏會有問題的!那中醫師說“如跑步那更要小心,要適可宜止”。我不以為然,後上網查了一下,正常人的靜止心跳是每分 ...

    在我小時候,我曾玩過田徑、游泳和足球各類運動,我曾經聽過不同的教練講過,越 Fit 的運動員,心跳會越慢的,平時不運動的時候,心跳也會比一般人慢,甚至乎一分鐘心跳都不過四十次,可能您就是 Fit 的運動員呢。 而吸煙者的心跳是最頻密的,因為香煙會令血管收窄,血液運行不暢通,會加重心臟負荷,長期及持久吸煙人士,心跳會比一般人快半倍,再加上香煙含一氧化碳有礙帶氧,所以吸煙人士 Fit 極有限,大多數香港的所謂職業足球員就是好例子。



    [ 本帖最後由 rockstarman 於 2008-7-5 23:57 編輯 ]

    升級   92.85%


    發表於 2008-7-15 16:45:39 | 只看該作者
    原帖由 pwong5618 於 2008-7-10 21:10 發表
    Kaevin Ching,
    你對這方面的知識很強 , 是否同Lvrunner 兄 一樣,工作方面

    Kaevin hing~

    I am also curious too!  Are you in the medical/healthcare field?  You seem to be using quite a bit of medical/technical terms when posting!

    [ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-7-15 00:49 編輯 ]

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    發表於 2008-7-15 17:29:10 | 只看該作者
    kaevin hing,
    Are you fans of road bike or tdf? Armstrong & Indurian are special as their VO2 max is much higher than average. I believe their heart size is also biggger than average too.

    升級   15.26%


    發表於 2008-7-15 23:42:51 | 只看該作者

    回復 1# 的帖子

    十歲以上的小孩或成人, 每分鐘靜態脈搏是 60 - 100 ; 運動員是 40 -60.
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