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Running from Manhattan to Washington D.C. - Chris Duddihy


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發表於 2009-11-9 16:04:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
*Being a friend of Chris and running with him for a short while duringthe 7in7on7 event Hong Kong leg, I believe that he is one the fewpeople that run with a purpose, running not for PB or keeping fit butjust for helping out the others. Please show your support to Chris byleaving him some encouragement in his facebook/twitter account, or youcan even sign the petition as well, thank you!*

Chris Cuddihy is definitely an amateur in running. Prior thebeginning of this year he has never run anything more than 10K. However3 months later, to raise fund for building an orphanage in Uganda, heand 3 men took part in the 7in7on7 event to run 350KM consecutively in7 days of time in 7 continents. (Detail can be found in

He suffered so much in that experience but never give up his ideaof doing charity races. After resting for a few months, Chris is back.Starting from 7th Nov, he will run from New York City to Washington DC,a distance of about 400Km, over the course of three to four days. Inaverage he need to run at least 2 marathons per day. He is running toraise fund for the Wounded Warrior Project and to get a petition signedby as many people as he can for a GI Bill of Rights (written by theLindenhurst High School Social Studies Class of Ralph Viggiano) andhand deliver it to the US Congress in Washington DC.

Being a non-US resident, it seems like it is not much of our concernto support the GI Bill of rights; however, it takes lots of courage andsacrifice for someone to run for the sake of helping the others. Pleaseshow your support to Chris. Your word/message will make a bigencouragement to him to complete the rest of the journey. If you alsosupport the US GI Bill of Right, please sign your petition by visit thebelow website ( (You can even make adonation to the Wounded Warrior Project as well). Most importantly,please yell your encouragement to Chris in his website to let him andhis team knows that they will never walk alone!(Facebook(
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