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Hamstring & Quad injury

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升級   11.35%


發表於 2008-7-12 19:42:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
hi runners!
I have my 1st interval training this Thur. I went ok and I felt good after the training. However I thought I have pulled my Rt hamstring and my Rt quag feel sore as well since yesterday....

This obvious is not my 1st hamstring injury. In fact, I pulled my hamstring much less since I started distance running, compared to the days I played softball. Now the problem is, I got a 10K race to run tmr (in Tsuen Wan) and I am not sure whether i should join or not...........

I vaguely recall that the least severe hamstring injury (a Grade 1?) needs 1-2 weeks to recover, any advice?
+1 0
上一篇︰少就是好的馬拉松計劃下一篇︰Wear Sunglasses in the race?

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-7-12 19:53:09 | 只看該作者

Wow! Sorry to hear about that.  But you are definitely out of commission this time.  PLEASE do not attempt to run AT ALL if you have pulled your hamstring and quad muscles.  If you do you will injury it more and ended up tearing up your hamstring.  You need to stay out of running for at least 2 to 3 weeks (depends what grade). Did you stretch long enough before your interval training?  Do you think you are at Grade One now?  Check this out please:

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-7-12 03:58 編輯 ]

升級   11.35%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-7-12 20:26:15 | 只看該作者

回復 2# 的帖子

Dear lvrunner,

Thanks for your advice. but really no running~~~????
I know hmastring pull is tricky. And you guess right, I was late for the training and probably did not stretch enough

升級   97.05%


發表於 2008-7-12 21:20:39 | 只看該作者

回復 3# 的帖子

yungwai Ching,

You better listen to Lvrunner  to keep rest  and not running in a short time . Especially, no more competition  until you have recovered.
Warm up and cool down are very important when you doing interval training. When I do interval training I must have to run 6-8 laps for warm up and same for cool down.

升級   45.6%


發表於 2008-7-13 00:01:19 | 只看該作者
yungwai ching,

You can take photo instead of running on tomorrow's event.

升級   11.35%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-7-13 00:29:52 | 只看該作者
pwong5618 c-hing: yes you are right, i should have done more warm-up. I was late so i might rush myself a little bit....

Ning: photos taking is good but I REALLY WANT TO RUN . Guess this is the problem for most injuried runners, the fine line between rushing and pushing to limits.

升級   92.85%


發表於 2008-7-13 00:42:39 | 只看該作者
yungwai hing,

I absolutely understanding your frustration.  I once trained very hard for a marathon but due to late injury and ended up calling it off.  You can also think of it this way.  Now you are only off for a couple of weeks BUT if the injury gets worse, you might be at the side line for a long long time.  At least this is how I see it.  

升級   11.35%


 樓主| 發表於 2008-7-17 15:53:56 | 只看該作者
lvrunner, Ning and pwong5618 c-hings: I am a bad boy who ran against yr advice on Sun
Luckily (and very luckily indeed) I did not worsen the injury, which I felt was ok at the time. Now I will better nurse my hamstring ~~~~~
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