草兄弟 發表於 2010-2-1 22:00:16

having done a slow run round TKO tonight, a bit hot during run, really today's temperature was a bit high, however, felt relax after the run.

met a old man on the road, he often runs on that road also, said hi to him.

草兄弟 發表於 2010-2-27 20:46:54

ha, just did a short slow run around TKO tonight, the weather was a bit hot...

long time no run, felt good after the run.haven't joined the standard charter marathon this year, so just did a run tonight~

草兄弟 發表於 2010-3-11 20:06:44

wah, tonight's weather was very nice, I did a short run with faster than normal tempo, really felt very happy during and after the run:lol ha, my birthday run~

arnold 發表於 2010-3-11 21:14:19

回復 83# 的帖子

I also run this evening.Great weather - 18 degrees, 70% humidity.It was an almost idea condition.

My mileage : 2k from home to stadium, 5k - 24'38", 2k from stadium to home

Run more regularly and you may want to joint SCM next year.

Add oil la.

大圍新跑手 發表於 2010-3-11 21:51:18

原帖由 草兄弟 於 2010-3-11 20:06 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
wah, tonight's weather was very nice, I did a short run with faster than normal tempo, really felt very happy during and after the run:lol ha, my birthday run~

草兄弟 發表於 2010-3-11 22:19:31

hi arnold, you also ran in TKO this evening?

quite busy this year, so haven't joined the race, maybe join next year la...:D

大圍新跑手, thanks thanks, ha, 因為我之前無去跑...:L :L

jogging_cat 發表於 2010-3-12 08:11:31

Hi 草師姐你好,補祝你生日快樂先,祝越跑越健康,長跑長有。hjhj01218hjhj

blurmax 發表於 2010-3-12 10:53:36

ng015hgh Hi 草師姐你好,補祝你生日快樂先,祝越跑越健康,長跑長有。

X 2 - happy birthday^.^


[ 本帖最後由 blurmax 於 2010-3-12 22:14 編輯 ]

草兄弟 發表於 2010-3-12 19:05:10

thanks thanks~ 大家咁話啦~:lol

草兄弟 發表於 2010-3-20 22:00:59

今日又跑左半個鐘到, 我諗4K到啦, 由維景跑到運動場, 跑外面個圈, 再跑返將軍澳中心


可能今日著條褲太闊, 所以跑得唔係幾自在:L

草兄弟 發表於 2010-4-3 21:55:22

今晚跑左40分鐘, 我諗大約5K到, 好大風, 跑得好舒服呀~:)

ginnywong 發表於 2010-4-4 16:00:41

涼涼地, 真係幾適合跑步

草兄弟 發表於 2010-4-20 01:56:07

係呀, 今晚我又跑左半個鐘, 大約4.5K, 今晚好大霧, 但跑得好舒服呀~:D

jogging_cat 發表於 2010-4-20 08:04:38

原帖由 草兄弟 於 20-4-2010 01:56 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
係呀, 今晚我又跑左半個鐘, 大約4.5K, 今晚好大霧, 但跑得好舒服呀~:D 草草,好勤力呀,幾時黎TKO約跑吓 JACK?

草兄弟 發表於 2010-4-23 18:01:59

hi ar jogging cat, 好耐無跑啦, 仲話勤力...:L

最近忙D, 可能等考晒試後得閒D先啦~ 不過我真係跑得好慢, 都驚跟唔切...

草兄弟 發表於 2010-4-30 23:35:45

今晚落街跑左半個鐘, 大約4.5Km到, 之後做左一陣伸展運動, 最近跑少左, 個人肥左少少...

叮叮噹 發表於 2010-5-4 14:06:43

原帖由 草兄弟 於 2010-4-30 23:35 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
今晚落街跑左半個鐘, 大約4.5Km到, 之後做左一陣伸展運動, 最近跑少左, 個人肥左少少...
考完試跑返步, 好快瘦架!

草兄弟 發表於 2010-5-16 01:39:37

哈, 你都要努力呀!

我星期五跑左半個鐘到, 最近少跑, 體能真係麻麻, 不過跑完都幾舒服~

星期一返新工, 希望可以好快適應到啦~:D

blurmax 發表於 2010-5-16 17:27:15


Add oil in both ur running and new job!


草兄弟 發表於 2010-5-23 23:04:39

thanks blur,

I just did a run for about 7.5km, used abour one hour, ha~

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