lvrunner 發表於 2008-4-21 23:03:01

Woohoo!!Watching the Boston marathon now, the 6 elite men in the front just passed the half way point in 1:03!!!I am all pumped now, someone is going to set another BM record hopefully.:victory::victory:   I can't wait to go outside for a run when this is all over.If you are not watching it online, you sure are missing an exciting race happening now in Boston!!!!

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-4-22 11:53 編輯 ]

lvrunner 發表於 2008-4-22 10:55:24

So I went out for a 5K recovery run after watching the BM and my adrenaline was up.I was running fast and thinking of Robert Cheruiyot doing a 4.57 mile pace running Boston earlier.I looked at my Garmin and I was pacing at 8.20.   So I sped up more to a 6 pace and then to a 5 pace.All I could do was a 15 seconds 5 pace then back down to 5.5 and 6 again.I said to myself, am I trying to injure myself again.I ain't no Kenyan, just forget about it!!!tytfuhgv tytfuhgv hjkjhk hjkjhk hjkjhk

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-4-22 12:00 編輯 ]

alfredyu 發表於 2008-4-24 10:51:41

It is interesting to run in the desert. Although it is hot, it's dry. I think we need to drink lots of water during the run to avoid dehydratioin.

Alfred 發表於 2008-4-24 10:57:25

回復 23# 的帖子

Yeah! It's better to run in high humidity.

lvrunner 發表於 2008-4-29 03:52:03

原帖由 alfredyu 於 2008-4-23 18:51 發表
It is interesting to run in the desert. Although it is hot, it's dry. I think we need to drink lots of water during the run to avoid dehydratioin.

.....and pee more too, which can be done easily here but not in HK. :lol

lvrunner 發表於 2008-4-29 03:52:41

原帖由 Alfred 於 2008-4-23 18:57 發表
Yeah! It's better to run in high humidity.

I can't stand it if it is too humid especially when the shirt and shorts are soaked with sweat and stuck to the body. tytfuhgv Yuck!!

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-4-29 07:20 編輯 ]

lvrunner 發表於 2008-4-29 03:52:42

It was a sunny 12C when I woke up at 6 this morning.I was planning to go out right away for a 6 miler.But I had to wait for an important phone call.So I waited and waited and by the time I was done with the phone call it was already 10:30.I looked at the themometer ~ 27C!!!!What the heck! :L

I am still on "maintenance" mode, so nothing fancy about my run, pretty uneventful, just ran around my neighbourhood.My next full marathon (half doesn't count) won't be until October 4th, I still have a couple of months to recover before I go into "training" mode in July.   If the weather is nice this coming weekend, I will do a few VO2max intervals.

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-4-29 07:18 編輯 ]

lvrunner 發表於 2008-5-18 04:39:35

I better update my thread!

I worked a 12h shift yesterday, came home dead tired of course!Woke up this morning and felt like running a marathon.I had a rough work week, I need to relieve my stress.What the heck! so I decided to go out for a 15 miler (24+km).My brain kept telling me "DON'T PUSH IT, YOU ARE GOING TO REINJURE YOUR HEEL".Weather station called for a high of 35+C today.It was already 20C when I left my house at 7am sharp.I decided to run a LSD pace which was roughly a 9:30 minute mile.I ran around and around my neighbourhood a few times.Quite uneventful and finished it in 2h33m including a couple of pee breaks.By the time I got home, the temperature already gone up to 30C!My left heel held up good without pain ~ Woohoo!!!I didn't take any chance, after I showered, I stretched it iced it right away!!

There is a new gym opening up in our neighbourhood on Monday.I took their introductory offer adventage and joined the other day.Only $12.50 a month ~ super cheap!!!I can't wait to go there and sign up some cardio workout classes.I love spinning classes.Hopefully there are some in the mornings when I am not working.   

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-5-17 19:36 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-5-18 17:37:07

回復 28# 的帖子

such diurnal range of temperature there....
a good workout whatever..
12.5 a month is really cheap.... my university charge student $12 AU for each single walk in :L(and you know currency between US an AU is quite similar now )

慢子 Wilson 發表於 2008-5-18 18:47:25


lvrunner 發表於 2008-5-19 22:57:41

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2008-5-18 01:37 發表
such diurnal range of temperature there....
a good workout whatever..
12.5 a month is really cheap.... my university charge student $12 AU for each single walk in :L(and you know currency between ...

Michael ~

Yes, the US bucks and AU bucks are almost at par (same).Wow!$12 for each walk in for students?!?It should be free for students or at least a discount.I actually paid $450 for 3 years and comes down to $12.5 a month.After 3 years it goes down to only $98 a year which is $8.16 a month.I am going there today, check out the place and get a cardio workout schedule.I really hope that they do have spinning classes in the morning.Spinning is an excellent cardio crossing training workout for runners.It is a brand new place (just opened a few hours ago) and big too, it opens 24 hours with indoor track and swimming pool.I will try to shoot some pics if they let me.

Anyway, high today is 40C tytfuhgv tytfuhgv tytfuhgv tytfuhgv !!!!I think I need a sunblock lotion with a SPF 70 today.Good timing eh, a brand new gym opens up when the temperature starts to rise.This is how a business makes money! hjkhjk

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-5-19 07:53 編輯 ]

lvrunner 發表於 2008-6-25 06:16:13

嘩! I think I need to update this thread again, I haven't posted anything here for over a month!But that doesn't mean I didn't run hjkjhk" />.

I haven't done any LSD for over a month now.Yesterday I decided to do one this morning.So I woke up at 4am and out of the house at 4:30 to avoid the heat when the sun comes up.I planned on doing a 18 miler (30km) around my neighbourhood. This would be the longest run since March 4th (Los Angeles Marathon).I hate carrying water bottle while running so I drove the area around and put bottles of ice cold water and the new Powerade sports drink under the trees, on top of electrical box, mail box......etc.Hopefully nobody will steal them.It was already 29C when I left the house.I am still on "maintenance" mode.My next full marathon is on October 4th.I won't be on "training" mode until towards the end of July.I did average a 9:00 to 9:30 minute mile pace (Sorry, don't know what was it in metric).The run was pretty uneventful.School is out already (yes, summer holiday starts in June here), not too much traffic on the streets.I took my time and finished it in 3:22 including 2 pee breaks and tons of water breaks. No pain or discomfort to my injured left heel!This weekend I plan on doing VO2max intervals with my new NB903 and the new green shirt.Here is a aerial map of the route that I ran this morning. (each loop = ~ 4.5 miles).

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-6-24 17:33 編輯 ]

lvrunner 發表於 2008-7-22 08:58:50

Date:July 20th, 2008
Nevada Weather Service:Thunderstorm and Flash Flood warnings
Crew support member: 大人
Supplement: water and Powerade (with no calories)
Distance:13 miles (~ 21.5km)
Route:neighbourhood streets
Shoes: Asics GT 2120 (forgot to try my NB 903

An uneventful morning run.It was overcast and no sun.Brought my camera and shot some pictures along the route.My 大人 volunteered to be my support crew, so I didn't have to hide my bottles along the route.A little faster pace than I wanted to.My pf (*plantar fasciitis 根膜炎) tried to attack me at around mile 10, so I stopped and stretched and stretched.Finished the run in 2 hours 7 minutes with a 9.51 min. per mile pace.What was I doing ~ too fast for a training run!I need to slow my pace down to avoid future injury.Home before 8:15am, showered, took a couple of pain pills, iced and stretched my left heel more.Then we both went out for morning tea in Chinatown! :)

Pace = 9:08, 9:30, 9:56, 9:23, 9:45, 9:51, 9:22, 10:52, 9:11, 11.22*, 10:00, 9:55, 10:05
Average HR= 158, Max. HR=167

瘋瘋 發表於 2008-7-22 09:26:02

lvrunner 發表於 2008-7-22 09:46:20

原帖由 瘋狂跑步機 於 2008-7-21 17:26 發表
溫度同濕度都唔錯喎, 天氣好適合跑步, 最重要係呀嫂支持你, hjikgyufyu 恨死隔離, 我大人只會叫我跑少D!:(
跑步機兄 ~

一時時咋, 親住係sunday咪順便出嚟睇吓小弟攪邊科, 跑成點law.

onon 發表於 2008-7-22 09:47:00



redred 發表於 2008-7-22 12:44:56

lv 兄, 你個邊環境好好喎
但點解一個人都無既 ???
d人去曬邊, 係咪知lv ching 跑,個個都要讓條路比大人你跑 hjkjhbgh

lvrunner 發表於 2008-7-22 13:10:41

原帖由 onon 於 2008-7-21 17:47 發表
路闊車少真係好環境! ...街中無人唔通又係避暑?
原帖由 redred 於 2008-7-21 20:44 發表
lv 兄, 你個邊環境好好喎
但點解一個人都無既 ???
d人去曬邊, 係咪知lv ching 跑,個個都要讓條路比大人你跑 hjkjhbgh
onon hing and red red tse,

That was between 6am to 8am on Sunday morning.Besides, most people drive their cars and there are no bus routes and stores in that area.It is different than HK.If you see people walking, you will wonder where are they walking to.

發表於 2008-7-22 13:11:53

Nice placehgkjjhlkjl
Is it far away to LV Blvd? There hadn't any people or car on the street.

lvrunner 發表於 2008-7-22 13:48:06

原帖由 Alex 於 2008-7-21 21:11 發表
Nice placehgkjjhlkjl
Is it far away to LV Blvd? There hadn't any people or car on the street.
We live approx. 15 minutes (driving time on the freeway) from the Strip.
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