lvrunner 發表於 2008-8-17 05:43:23

Date: August 16th
Time: 0600h
Humidity: 22%
Wind speed: Calm
Distance: 15 miles (25km)
Fuel and supplement: Hammer gel (Espresso), Powerade and ICED cold water
Finish time: 2 hours 27 minutes.

A pretty uneventful run, very muggy though!Only two weeks left before Disneyand 1/2.Next week will be an easy 8 miler!!Then Disneyland 1/2 on the 31st!!

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-8-17 20:19 編輯 ]

lvrunner 發表於 2008-9-22 03:39:45

Haven't typed anything here for a month now, I better say something here.

本來今日預備去游水的, 點知今朝一早起身心血來潮又出去跑咗20 miles (33k). 天氣開此轉變, 25C and 濕度亦只有 10%, 沒有像先一排咁熱了.跑起來很輕鬆 and uneventful, 跑到18.7 miles時右小腿想抽筋, 立即停下來stretch咗30秒, 再跑埋剩餘1.3 miles都冇事, 連一次小解一共用了3:47hours.抽筋原因可能跑太密LSD (20 miles last Saturday too)或唔記得換翻Gatorade Endurance嚟飲.Check吓 Powerade, Sodium嘅成份只係55g per 8oz, 而Gatorade Endurance formula則成200g per 8 oz.睇吓個日曆, 連埋Disneyland 1/2, 呢三個星期共跑咗成71 miles(120k), 簡直想昨屎都未定好彩又到taper time如果唔係10月4號個St. George Marathon 一定包尾

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-9-21 11:51 編輯 ]

oscar 發表於 2008-9-22 08:55:44

lvrunner 發表於 2008-9-22 11:33:16

原帖由 oscar 於 2008-9-21 16:55 發表
奧斯卡兄 ~

對呀! 呢d咪係叫忘羊補牢囉, 除咗夏威夷外都不算得係大賽. 小弟由十月初起會有一個月一個全馬, 小弟打算將佢地treat哂做LSD.希望唔好跑殘對腳就happy啦! :victory:   

pwong5618 發表於 2008-9-22 12:32:40

Lvrunner ching,

氣温得25 度濕度得 10度正呀!


edwinc 發表於 2008-9-22 20:18:31

一月一全馬? 好忙好緊密喎
我呢邊就賽季完左, 準備進入維修期

lvrunner 發表於 2008-9-23 06:28:09

原帖由 edwinc 於 2008-9-22 04:18 發表
一月一全馬? 好忙好緊密喎
我呢邊就賽季完左, 準備進入維修期
I am actually doing 3 full in 70 days!My strategy is to to treat each marathon as a long run.Hopefully everything goes well.

lvrunner 發表於 2008-9-23 06:30:10

原帖由 pwong5618 於 2008-9-21 20:32 發表
Lvrunner ching,

氣温得25 度濕度得 10度正呀!


Thanks, pwong hing!! :):handshake

lvrunner 發表於 2008-9-28 04:37:59

Temp:25C and sunny
Humidity: 15%
Distance: 10 miles
Mode: Taper

今朝一早跑咗10 miles. 今個月內一共跑咗90 miles(150K).下個月一定唔會跑咁多.依家係taper緊, 下星期四再跑多3 miles.相信對嚟緊下周十月四日的高原沙漠全馬可以no problem.刚刚上磅, 自八月尾起, 一共重了2.5磅, 小弟一早expect咗. :(

lvrunner 發表於 2008-11-24 12:51:23

It has been quite awhile since I posted here.That doesn't mean I didn't run.Here is a little update ~

Date:Nov. 23rd
Time: 6:00am
Temp: 8C
Humidity: 26%
Condition: blue sky and calm
Distance: 20 miles (33.5km)

I did an uneventful 20 miler early this morning.It took me 3:37 with one pee break.I worked a 12 hour shift yesterday.I was dead tired after the run and went right back to sleep for a few hours.I wasn't planning to do LSD today but since Pasadena Marathon was cancelled last weekend, I need to get my run in.On top of all that,I have also signed up for the Las Vegas Marathon (7/12).This means I will be doing back to back marathons.Now, what am I getting myself into? Two marathons in 7 days!!

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-24 12:56:32

Humidity: 26% .....
hard to imagine ..

瘋瘋 發表於 2008-11-24 13:01:49

desmond 發表於 2008-11-24 14:21:29

原帖由 瘋狂跑步機 於 2008-11-24 13:01 發表
Two marathons in 7 days!!unbelievable! God, to call you a marathon-maniac is an under-statment, definitely.

lvrunner 發表於 2009-1-2 13:48:58

嘩! 個幾月冇update過post了.今日適逢元旦大日子, 就拿枝筆出黎慢慢"dook"中文字吧!

小弟經過7日兩全馬一役後, 元氣盡傷, 在檀香山休息過多禮拜後, 現已開始回復體力了.小弟亦順利加入了聞名馬拉松跑檀嘅Marathon Maniacs Club (馬拉松跑癡會),做了一粒星Bronze會員, 編號1265. 下次再嚟過, 將會係玩兩日兩全馬(星期六, 日).

本來今年打算玩一月一全馬, 但因工作關係和要遠征東瀛國, 計劃要改期了.亦經家中大人同意, 今年的參賽時間表已安排好了.

加州Surf City USA全馬 (1/2/2009)
洛杉機華埠10K 炮竹賽 (08/02/2009)
日本東京全馬 (22/03/2009)
洛杉機全馬 (25/05/2009)
西雅圖搖滾樂全馬 ~ 首界 (27/06/2009)
加州狄士尼樂園半馬 (05/09/2009)
猶他州St. George Marathon全馬 (03/10/2009)
拉斯維加斯搖滾樂全馬 (06/12/2009) questionable? another back to back?
夏威夷檀香山全馬 (13/12/2009)

現post住幾將相片先, 遲些有空會放入album內.

小弟在此祝各位新年快樂, 長跑長友!

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2009-1-1 21:57 編輯 ]

pwong5618 發表於 2009-1-2 14:30:09


Happy New Year 2009 !

嘩!利厲今年要跑10個全馬,祝馬馬PB !hjhj04318hjhj

發表於 2009-1-2 23:49:32

將會係玩兩日兩全馬,勁! 果然係Marathon Manic!

lvrunner 發表於 2009-1-3 06:54:14

原帖由 pwong5618 於 2009-1-1 22:30 發表

Happy New Year 2009 !

嘩!利厲今年要跑10個全馬,祝馬馬PB !hjhj04318hjhj
Thanks pwong hing ~ Happy New Year to you too!!!

lvrunner 發表於 2009-1-3 06:57:18

原帖由 Alex 於 2009-1-2 07:49 發表
將會係玩兩日兩全馬,勁! 果然係Marathon Manic!
Just dreaming!My wife would have me killed!!My friend just did a marathon on New Year day in Texas and now he is flying to Mississippi to do another one on Sunday.He is more crazier than me ~ 2 marathons in 4 days!!!
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