量子泡沫 發表於 2009-5-15 00:35:49

原帖由 gary1027 於 2009-5-14 23:32 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

gary哥放心, 自己屋企有大有細, 我唔會亂嚟既......hjkhkjhk

何況我依個年紀, 想夾硬嚟都唔容易, 而家中午練習, 見得最多既就係魔鬼, 佢差唔多每2, 300米就會出嚟叫我: 夠啦, 夠啦, 夠啦, 番去啦, 番去啦, 番去啦......hcghfgch

量子泡沫 發表於 2009-5-19 17:15:14


8:30 a.m.


誰會想到當天的氣溫竟高達29度, 還要萬里無雲, 晴空如洗?

甫開跑, 已知道又是另一次高溫作業. 於是只好硬著頭皮, 就當做平日中午練習吧!

報報成績: 45'37", 半程22'.

這其實是小弟第二個8公里賽事, 第一個是2008年4月13日的"荃灣區迎北京奧運長跑比賽", 還記得當天的溫度大約20度, 沒有炙熱的陽光, 天氣可人.那次的成績是47分鐘, 男子組1,156人中排第920.

雖然今年挑戰44分鐘失敗, 但和一年前的成績相比, 都算PB吧......

[ 本帖最後由 量子泡沫 於 2009-5-20 00:12 編輯 ]

量子泡沫 發表於 2009-5-19 17:32:10

天文台話跟住個幾日可能落雨, 於是決定今日繼續努力.

~1 - 2 p.m.
氣溫 ~32度
尖沙咀鐘樓<-> 紅磡碼頭   8k

0:05:15 (1k)
0:13:23 (2.5k)
0:16:00 (3k)
0:22:00 (4k)
0:27:50 (5k)
0:31:00 (5.5k)
0:37:15 (6.5k)
0:40:15 (7k)
0:46:05 (8k)

唔知係咪心理作用, 雖然今日有成32度, 但都唔覺太辛苦.


[ 本帖最後由 量子泡沫 於 2009-5-19 18:10 編輯 ]

量子泡沫 發表於 2009-5-20 14:49:57

今日本來同事約食飯, 無奈心情欠佳, 天文台話可能落雨又冇出現, 於是決定繼續努力:

~1 - 2 p.m.
氣溫 29-30度
尖沙咀鐘樓<-> 紅磡碼頭   8k

0:05:10 (1k)
0:13:16 (2.5k)
0:16:00 (3k)
0:21:36 (4k)
0:27:15 (5k)
0:30:00 (5.5k)
0:35:53 (6.5k)
0:38:43 (7k)
0:44:25 (8k)
今日冇昨日咁曬, 而且有風, 所以都跑得頗舒服, 昨日每500m/1k就要停低抖抖, 今日基本上可以一口氣走晒8k, 繼續努力   hjhjD134hjhj


MT 發表於 2009-5-20 21:39:03

原帖由 量子泡沫 於 2009-5-20 14:49 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
今日本來同事約食飯, 無奈心情欠佳, 天文台話可能落雨又冇出現, 於是決定繼續努力:

~1 - 2 p.m.
氣溫 29-30度
尖沙咀鐘樓   紅磡碼頭   8k

0:05:10 (1k)
0:13:16 (2.5k)
0:16:00 (3k)
0: ...

非常勤力~ 加油呀量子gfyfgughj

wadee 發表於 2009-5-20 21:49:31


量子泡沫 發表於 2009-5-22 14:37:21

今日唔開心hjhjD123hjhj, 於是去跑步 (咁都得?!)

~1 - 2 p.m.
氣溫 ~30度

尖沙咀鐘樓 -> 海逸豪園 -> 新世界中心10k

0:05:16 (1k)
0:13:27 (2.5k)
0:16:18 (3k)
0:21:59 (4k)
0:27:47 (5k)
0:29:09 (5.25k)
0:36:40 (6.5k)
0:45:27 (8k)
0:51:21 (9k)
0:57:53 (10k)

最尾1k真係熱到想死...hjhjD100hjhj   不過跑完又真係開心DhjhjD112hjhj


TerrySze 發表於 2009-6-2 23:59:23

量子兄.....e排偷懶 ??

量子泡沫 發表於 2009-6-3 18:15:17

原帖由 TerrySze 於 2009-6-2 23:59 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
量子兄.....e排偷懶 ??


啱啱要孭兩個大project, 食飯時間都冇咁一截, 最快要到下星期先有轉機......hjhjD123hjhj

TerrySze 發表於 2009-6-4 17:38:29

O......努力 ..!!

[ 本帖最後由 TerrySze 於 2009-6-4 17:42 編輯 ]

量子泡沫 發表於 2009-6-8 14:20:17

忙左兩個星期, 今日終於"jit"到D時間練習......yeah!

~1 - 2 p.m.
氣溫 30度
尖沙咀鐘樓<-> 海灣軒6k

0:04:51 (1k)
0:13:01 (2.5k)
0:15:46 (3k)
0:19:01 (3.5k)
0:25:01 (4.5k)<- 好似係, 唔記得左, 我依個低能佬買左隻只有split但冇lap time既錶, 所以一直以嚟D時間都要靠副豬腦記住 kljkljkl
0:28:05 (5k)
0:34:25 (6k)



[ 本帖最後由 量子泡沫 於 2009-6-8 14:37 編輯 ]

MT 發表於 2009-6-8 16:29:14

原帖由 量子泡沫 於 2009-6-8 14:20 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
忙左兩個星期, 今日終於"jit"到D時間練習......yeah!

~1 - 2 p.m.
氣溫 30度
尖沙咀鐘樓   海灣軒6k

0:04:51 (1k)
0:13:01 (2.5k)
0:15:46 (3k)
0:19:01 (3.5k)
0:25:01 (4.5k)   

天氣真係惡頂~ 有d必達feel:L

量子泡沫 發表於 2009-6-8 16:38:47

原帖由 SuperMT 於 2009-6-8 16:29 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

天氣真係惡頂~ 有d必達feel:L

真係意志既鬥爭, 你話跑唔倒又唔係, 但硬係有把聲不停叫你收檔......

量子泡沫 發表於 2009-6-10 17:13:56

今日還了心願, 做了個3k test, 成績如下:

~1 - 2 p.m.
氣溫 31度
尖沙咀鐘樓 -> 海灣軒3k

0:04:36 (1k)
0:15:15 (3k)

可能之前停了兩個星期的關係, 星期一跑完6k後今日仍覺雙腿有大量乳酸, 不過本住有前冇後, 搾乾罷就的心態, 勉強"衝"完3k.回程時只能步行/慢跑, 用了26:26! uihjighjghj


[ 本帖最後由 量子泡沫 於 2009-6-10 17:18 編輯 ]

法蘭 發表於 2009-6-10 17:47:27


你自己睇住跑..天熱跑步係好講 體能架~


量子泡沫 發表於 2009-6-10 18:02:28

原帖由 法蘭 於 2009-6-10 17:47 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

你自己睇住跑..天熱跑步係好講 體能架~



謝謝關心! 我既冇體能, 亦冇意志(一諗起個女就冇晒意志 - 驚死!), 所以係唔會死頂架, 放心!

~偉~ 發表於 2009-6-10 19:44:33



量子泡沫 發表於 2009-6-10 19:50:39

原帖由 coxswain 於 2009-6-10 19:44 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif


多謝coxswain師兄!BTW, 你個頭像好正, 好攪野!:lol

~偉~ 發表於 2009-6-10 20:26:43

Thx 我好鐘意貓架:$

量子泡沫 發表於 2009-7-11 11:42:22

Sorry to type in English, but my Chinese typing is sooooooo...... slow, and I wanna vent my emotions:

My blog has been gathering dust for a whole month, and needless to say the more idle it gets, the more depressing I am......

Have been toiling in office for the past few weeks with a "real fascinating" project, which occasionally eats up a part of my lunch time.My misery, aggravated by the somewhat unstable weather, brought my "running life" more or less to a standstill......

Yesterday I told myself, enough is enough!So I asked my boss for a brief lull of one hour, so that I could run outside.My boss squeezed out the faintest smile I've ever seen, and said "don't get heat stroke, dude", and there I went......

Wow, it was 4 p.m. in the afternoon but the weather was still hellish hot.Only did I learn later, from our small weather station installed in office, that the outdoor temperature was around 34 degrees Celsius.I ran as fast as I could, as if trying to escape from the quagmire I've been stuck in.The 1st km took 4'46".Not too bad, I murmured to myself.I needed 16'34" to complete the first 3 km.

Unfortunately the payback was fast and quick.As soon as I turned around, I was staring right back at the Sun, now dangling in the west with its relentless, unforgiving glare.It easily took my fighting spirit out of me, and on my way back, I had to run some, jog some, and even walk some.It took me all told 36'14" to return to the clocktower near the Cultural Centre, for a journey of 5.6 km.

Anyhow, I'm glad that I start running again.The next window will be coming Tuesday.Wish me good luck that I can make it.

Thanks for your patience to listen to my babbles......at least I feel better now......:)

[ 本帖最後由 量子泡沫 於 2009-7-11 17:14 編輯 ]
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