Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-3 09:53:24

Today take a rest and may be go to gym for some exercise. Total mileage ran in July is 134 Km.

佐治男孩 發表於 2009-8-3 10:49:08

原帖由 Mike_Li 於 2009-8-3 09:45 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
George, running inside gym is differ from outdoor that machine moving by itself and what we do is moving your body. Of course, running in gym have its advantages in improving your running posture, pac ...

Mike ching, many researches determine that if the slope is set to 1%, the effort level on TM will be the same as running outside.

There is one more difference when running on the TM.The TM facilitates a longer foot impact time.Real outdoor running facilitates a shorter one.So, it is recommended that we try to minimize the foot impact time on the TM belt.

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-3 16:58:38

Thank you for your information.

arnold 發表於 2009-8-4 21:21:06

原帖由 Mike_Li 於 2009-7-26 13:02 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
今天目標:20Km slow run in 120 Mins,但比目標慢9分15秒完成。從家跑至南灣來回。
早上6:30起步,以6min/k慢跑。帶備一包energy gel和electrolyte liquid。跑了5K,心 ...

心魔 - 真是一個淘氣的朋友.

arnold 發表於 2009-8-4 21:25:08

回復 82# 的帖子

Very useful information!:)

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-5 12:16:40

Due to No 8 typhoon hold up, last night training was postponed to today.
Started at 9:45, temp. is 27C and with strong wind and rain occasionally.
With 10 x 100 m speed run and jog between each run.
Then start 12Km aerobic run
Total time for above exercise is 1:12:37@154 in 13Km

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-7 09:35:25

Ran at 20:45, hot weather with breeze. Tonight ran 16km in aerobic run, total time was1:28:26. Time for each lap as follow:
I changed my striding frequent on tonight training. Hope increased in striding frequency (~165/min) can reduce the chances of injury and improves my running efficiency. I felt hard after first 3 laps and dropped in running speed, it properly due to hot weather, my fitness and changed in running pattern. I believe I will adapt my new striding frequency soon.

arnold 發表於 2009-8-7 10:42:42

回復 87# 的帖子

Mike ching,

Just curious, how long is each lap and how to you count your stride frequency?

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-7 11:58:33

Hi Aronld,

Each lap is about 2Km (1.9xx Km), and you can count your stride frequency by simply rhythm, likes beats in singing.

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-8 20:33:33

Today started at 9:30, weather is hot and I bought with a bottle of water. I drank every 4Km.
Total time used for 8Km recovery run was 45:45 and lap time as followed:
Hope I can get up earlier on tomorrow (before 5:00) for my weekly medium long run (21Km), otherwise, I properly cannot complete it when the sun show up. I am not sure whether I will take laps or go to and fro South Bay on tomorrow training because I have to bring with a liter of water.

跟跑員yat 發表於 2009-8-8 21:13:16

原帖由 Mike_Li 於 2009-8-8 20:33 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
Today started at 9:30, weather is hot and I bought with a bottle of water. I drank every 4Km.
Total time used for 8Km recovery run was 45:45 and lap time as followed:
11:29 ... mike兄 深水灣 和 淺水灣 有水機

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-8 21:39:56

Thank Yat ching.

佐治男孩 發表於 2009-8-9 02:34:04

原帖由 Mike_Li 於 2009-8-7 11:58 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
Hi Aronld,

Each lap is about 2Km (1.9xx Km), and you can count your stride frequency by simply rhythm, likes beats in singing.

Mike ching, optimal frequency is 180/min for both slow and fast runners.The elites will probably approach 190-200/min.165 is decently closed.Contrary to the dominating principle in the HK running community, it is more efficient to have smaller steps and higher frequency than the other way round.May be you can give it a try and see if you can take smaller steps.

[ 本帖最後由 佐治男孩 於 2009-8-9 02:37 編輯 ]

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-9 14:01:42

George, thank you for your information

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-9 18:02:01

My planning of today is having a slow run for 21Km, that I should wake up at 5:00 am, but I still asleep. So I changed my plan and have a 21Km laps run in 15:00. I know that today is sunny and hot day, but with breeze. Of course, as I was expected it is not a right time for medium long run that I properly cannot finish my run.
I drank water for every two laps but it cannot help to cooling me down. I felt not well and gasp hardly after 6 laps, so I stopped and took a short break. After a short rest and I feeling better, so I did some stretching exercises and back home.
My record for 12km slow run as follow:
Total time used:1:12:35 in slow run

tomde 發表於 2009-8-9 18:54:58

mike 兄,

佐治男孩 發表於 2009-8-9 21:35:30

原帖由 Mike_Li 於 2009-8-9 18:02 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
My planning of today is having a slow run for 21Km, that I should wake up at 5:00 am, but I still asleep. So I changed my plan and have a 21Km laps run in 15:00. I know that today is sunny ...

Mike ching, good job on running in such hot weather :victory:

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-10 11:28:44

Tom & George,
Running in hot afternoon is not my preference, but it is really a punishment for my late wake up! I have to face it.

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-12 09:24:33

Total time : 1:19:13
Distance: 13K/8 mile
Tonight have a 8 miles run with 4 miles tempo run. Temperature around 27 C and I started at 9 p.m.
Warm up with a easy run for 2 laps (mile per lap) then took a 5 mins rest and carried some stretching.
Lap time :9:22; 9:17
Then had a Tempo run for 4 laps, my desired time for each lap was 8:14, but it is hard for me to accomplish my target tonight and lap time as follow: 8:21; 8:30; 9:05; 9:17.
I finished tonight training by 2 more laps in slow run, 10:51; 10:16.
I cannot meet my target time in Tempo run indicates my physical fitness is well enough, perhaps weight training and interval training is a solution.
Any one can give me other suggestion?

佐治男孩 發表於 2009-8-12 09:38:44

原帖由 Mike_Li 於 2009-8-12 09:24 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
Total time : 1:19:13
Distance: 13K/8 mile
Tonight have a 8 miles run with 4 miles tempo run. Temperature around 27 C and I started at 9 p.m.
Warm up with a easy run for 2 laps (mile per ...

Mike ching, weight training and interval will probably not help your tempo run at all.I am going to bet that the weather was too hot for you to run a decent tempo.In hot weather, you can try running your tempo a little slower.

I am also wondering how did you come up with your tempo pace.Did you use a recent half marathon race time?Or did you use one of the running calculators, like the McMillan Running Calculator?

Just a suggestion.Daniels' Running Formula prescribes that if the tempo run takes more than 20 min, the pace should be scaled down a bit, or that it can be run with up to a min break after every mile (~1609m or just 1600m).So, you can choose to keep the pace but take either a 30 sec or 1 min jog rest after 1600m.And it could be something like, e.g. 4x1mile@tempo pace with 30sec (or 1min) jog.For me, I choose to slow down my tempo and run continuously.But many fast runners here prefer to keep the pace and take a short break in between.

[ 本帖最後由 佐治男孩 於 2009-8-12 12:56 編輯 ]
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