Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-12 14:25:12

George, thank you for your informative suggestion. I used McMillan Running calculator and my last marathon race time to find my Tempo pace. I am sure my Tempo run be improved in future.

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-13 14:34:08

Tonight have a recovery run for 4 miles, weather is fine and with breeze.
Time: 40:37
lap time:

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-14 10:08:57

Tonight the weather is fine, temp. around 27C and breeze. I started at 21:15 , an hour after dinner .
My target distance is 16K in aerobic run. I started with easy run pace then accelerated my pacing to 5:30/k.
Total time took for 16K was 1:28:04 and lap time as followed:
10:55;10:48;10:35;11:00; 10:42;10:46;11:57;11:18.
I met a marathoner, who is a sub 3:30, in second lap and have a chatted with him. He is really fast runner that he ran a warm up lap, but for me I have to run harder in order to catch him up. After a 2km faster run, I ran by myself again.
I drank water for every 6K and it prevent me from overheated or dehydrated. On the last two laps, I met another runner, who have a problem in his legs and we also chatting in easy pace and last for 4Km as cool down.
I am satisfied for my performance tonight that I can finished my run within a desired time. Hope I will complete my medium long run on Sunday.

tomde 發表於 2009-8-14 13:59:49

你既時間都好好呀!! 假以時日,你都會成為高手中既高手!! 加油呀!!

佐治男孩 發表於 2009-8-14 14:10:58

原帖由 Mike_Li 於 2009-8-14 10:08 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
Tonight the weather is fine, temp. around 27C and breeze. I started at 21:15 , an hour after dinner .
My target distance is 16K in aerobic run. I started with easy run pace then accelerat ...

Mike Li ching ran very well in the heat.For me, 27c would be very very hot and I would be dying!

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-15 12:50:33

Time & Temp: 16:15, 30C with breeze and cloudy
Distance & Time: 4 miles;41:12
Today have a recovery run for 4 miles, finished in easy way and lap time as follow:10::28; 10:08; 10:17; 10:17
Tomorrow have a medium long-run, hope I can wake up early; otherwise, I probably cannot complete 22.5Km with the rising sun.

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-16 11:28:01

Date: 16-08-2009
Time & Temp: 07:15, 29C hot and sunny day
Distance & Time: 9 miles in slow run; 1:37:15
Today's schedule is 14 miles but the weather is so hot that I finished 9 miles and give up. Although I drank water for every 2 mile but the weather made me tired. Time for 9 miles as follow:
11:09; 10:26; 10:13; 10:45; 10:27; 11:07; 10:44; 11:19 11:01
I am sweating and wet through, my shoes also wet by sweat and felt worse. After ran for 6 miles, I met my friend Daniel and we ran together before I stopped. Run with a companion help me raising my spirit, otherwise I probably give up around 7 mile.
May be I will run the rest of my schedule on this evening.

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-17 09:24:16

Time& Temp: 16:30, 30C hot and sunny day
Distance & Time:3 miles and 30:14
My schedule for today medium long run is 14 miles, however, due to hot weather I didn't finish my target distance. After a window shopping, I intended to run the rest (5 miles), but I cannot withstand the hot summer heat and only finished 3 miles.
Time for each lap as :10:26; 09:59; 09:48
It is not easy to run a medium long run in a hot weather, even it is a secondary run after I took a few hours rest. Hope I could wake up early and finish my next medium long run in coming Sunday.

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-19 09:34:09

Date: 18-08-2009
Time & Temp: 20:35, 31C
Distance: 12K general aerobic run with 10 x 100 m stride
Total time used: 1:06:07(5:30/K)
12K laps time as :10:48; 10:42;10:53; 11:03;11:10; 11:28
After 12K run, I started with 10 x 100m stride, with jog in between.

[ 本帖最後由 Mike_Li 於 2009-8-19 14:11 編輯 ]

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-20 09:30:55

Time & Temp: 18:30 & 31C
Distance: 5miles recovery run
Total Time: 51:45 (10:21/mile)
Today takes a recovery run, weather is fine and breeze. Lap time as follow:
10:17; 10:13; 10:20; 10:21; 10:32
After the run, I am wet through and then stretching before back home.

arnold 發表於 2009-8-20 20:26:34

回復 110# 的帖子

Good work.Keep it going man!:victory:

佐治男孩 發表於 2009-8-21 05:44:55

原帖由 Mike_Li 於 2009-8-20 09:30 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
Time & Temp: 18:30 & 31C
Distance: 5miles recovery run
Total Time: 51:45 (10:21/mile)
Today takes a recovery run, weather is fine and breeze. Lap time as follow:
10:17; 10:13; 10: ...

Mike Li 兄,每天都太熱了,可會考慮入室跑Treadmill呢? 雖然,我個人在Treadmill是跑不快,但是,如果超過30度,我會另可跑室内Treadmill.

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-21 09:40:21

George, thank you for your advice. However, gym room has is a guideline that restrict usage of treadmill not more than 20 mins., it is inconvenience to change or wait for other treadmill after 20 min running. That why I running outdoor in hot summer rather than inside a gym room.

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-21 09:56:05

Time & Temp: 20:30; 31C
Distance & total time:16k general aerobic run;1:30:46, 5.40min/K
Tonight the weather is hot but fine, without breeze. I drank water for every 3 laps, but still feel hot and wet through from head to toe.
The lap time as follow:

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-22 22:10:35

Time & Temp: 16:00; 24C gym room
Distance & total time:4mile run on treadmill; 40min
Today have a recovery run in gym room, treadmill set at speed rate of 6mile/hr. Although there is a air-conditioning, I am wet through as well. After a recovery run, I did some weight training in brief. I don't want having an over-training today, because I have to prepare 22k medium long run on tomorrow.

[ 本帖最後由 Mike_Li 於 2009-8-23 10:15 編輯 ]

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-23 10:29:05

Date: 23-08-2009
Time & Temp: 05:15, 26C
Distance & total time: 24K slow run; 2:31:03
Today wake up early in morning, drink a cup of water and banana as refreshment. With regarding to past unpleasant experience, I start my run early in dark and cool environment, it is not bad for medium long run. However, the weather get hotter and hotter after the sun rise, fortunately I almost finish 20K. I drink water/electrolyte in every 3 laps.
The lap time as follow:
I am satisfied with my lap time, which about 6:30/K.
The total mileage of this week is 67.5Km

[ 本帖最後由 Mike_Li 於 2009-8-23 10:31 編輯 ]

跟跑員yat 發表於 2009-8-24 10:06:10

原帖由 Mike_Li 於 2009-8-23 10:29 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
Date: 23-08-2009
Time & Temp: 05:15, 26C
Distance & total time: 24K slow run; 2:31:03
Today wake up early in morning, drink a cup of water and banana as refreshment. With regarding to past unpleasa ... mike hing

如此熱的天氣可以跑24k 繼續加油

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-24 11:44:20


arnold 發表於 2009-8-24 12:06:56

回復 116# 的帖子

Mike ching,

Looks like you are keeping the pace very well.In fact, you have used negative split - the second half of your run is faster than the first half.

Way to go, man.

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-8-24 14:07:14

It only a bit faster. In fact, I ran faster because I don't want be burned by the hot sun, but I am exhausted.
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