叮叮噹 發表於 2008-12-23 00:58:09

hgonion_icon_107ghgh 加油!hgonion_icon_107ghgh努力!

現在才知道妳是師姐, 要不要將個blog搬去女子跑手區呢?
已經有幾位ctses在女子跑手區開blog, 互相打氣支持hgonion_icon_105ghgh .

xue 發表於 2008-12-23 10:10:33

原帖由 龜速行 於 2008-12-22 20:03 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
xue c tse

so goodhgonion_icon_106ghgh

add oil ar

thanks ching... im very happy that i did 21K :D

xue 發表於 2008-12-23 10:11:21

原帖由 叮叮噹 於 2008-12-23 00:58 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
hgonion_icon_107ghgh 加油!hgonion_icon_107ghgh努力!

現在才知道妳是師姐, 要不要將個blog搬去女子跑手區呢?
已經有幾位ctses在女子跑手區開blog, 互相打氣支持hgonion_icon_105ghgh .

叮叮噹ctze, i dont know how to move it :(

瘋瘋 發表於 2008-12-23 11:06:10

redred 發表於 2008-12-23 12:39:25

xue ctse, 歡迎你開blog
ctse 好有恒心,而且都好動喎
見你除左跑,仲有做yoga 又行山

ctse 做普遍yoga ?定高溫呀 ?

xue 發表於 2008-12-25 18:37:33

thanks fung ching.

redred ctze, i did 普遍yoga. 主要想D筋鬆D.

Dec 25 brisk walking 60 mins. 6.4K.

xue 發表於 2009-1-11 18:28:39

Had flu for two weeks and didnt run :(

Today restart training.

Brisk walking 60 mins jogging 20 mins total 10K

叮叮噹 發表於 2009-1-11 19:18:07

原帖由 xue 於 2009-1-11 18:28 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
Had flu for two weeks and didnt run :(

Today restart training.

Brisk walking 60 mins jogging 20 mins total 10K

休息好身體, 再加油! 支持妳.hgonion_icon_107ghgh

xue 發表於 2009-1-13 12:03:15

thanks ctze:)

jan 12brisk walking 1 hour

曲奇 發表於 2009-1-13 12:15:04


龜速行 發表於 2009-1-13 12:17:18

xue c tse
add oil ar !!!!!fgftk_40fgfg

xue 發表於 2009-1-14 15:03:55

thanks ching ctze :)

Jan 13 walking 20 mins jogging 50 minutes total 10K

xue 發表於 2009-1-14 18:07:23

Jan 14 walking 15 minutes jogging 60 minutes total 10.6K

xue 發表於 2009-1-20 17:13:50

Jan 19 walking 15 minutes jogging 55 minutes total 10K

叮叮噹 發表於 2009-1-20 17:20:35

Keep going!hgonion_icon_105ghgh

xue 發表於 2009-1-21 21:40:36

thanks 叮叮噹 :)

Jan 21 walking 15 mins jogging 125 minutes, total 20.5K

叮叮噹 發表於 2009-1-22 00:32:01

原帖由 xue 於 2009-1-21 21:40 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
thanks 叮叮噹 :)

Jan 21 walking 15 mins jogging 125 minutes, total 20.5K
一次+100%jogging時間同距離, 太多啦!yhfdyfgh
每星期增加10%運動量, 慢慢加上去, 以免受傷.

xue 發表於 2009-1-22 13:20:01


因為渣打半馬就到, 怕無時間跑長程, 所以試一次. 今日感覺都OK, 不太累. 現在到2月8日不再跑長程了

瘋瘋 發表於 2009-1-22 14:58:28

龜速行 發表於 2009-1-22 15:15:46

xue c tse

good good good !!!!! hjikgyufyu

HM lahjikgyufyu
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