nc 發表於 2009-2-19 19:37:32

原帖由 xue 於 2009-2-19 18:39 發表
Feb 19

first run after scb hm.

new target: to reduce 15 lbs

fat to burn: 15

walking 10 mins. jogging 60 mins. total 10K

照xue 每次也跑成1小時以上, 再加上飲食的控制, 減15lbs不難的.

加油呀!!! hgonion_icon_107ghgh hgonion_icon_107ghgh hgonion_icon_107ghgh

xue 發表於 2009-2-25 17:49:14

nc, i hope to accomplish it in 2-3 months... if i can control my diet.

Feb 25

walking 15 mins jogging 60 mins, total 11K

fat to burn: 14.5

[ 本帖最後由 叮叮噹 於 2009-2-28 14:24 編輯 ]

xue 發表於 2009-2-26 13:25:16

interesting! why 叮叮噹 can edit my post?:o

My target is to lose 15lbs... 14.5lbs to go.:)

ginnywong 發表於 2009-2-26 13:49:27

就我自己唻講,如果跑一次跑12KM 以上, 我覺得身體不斷燒緊脂肪,感覺會維持1-2日

叮叮噹 發表於 2009-2-28 14:24:15

原帖由 xue 於 2009-2-26 13:25 發表
interesting! why 叮叮噹 can edit my post?:o

My target is to lose 15lbs... 14.5lbs to go.:)


版主係可以edit posts, 唔好意思, 按錯掣入錯左妳個post, 已刪除該留言, 搬返落嚟.
加油!hgonion_icon_105ghgh fat to burn: 14.5, 點計算出來??
妳跑邊區架? 有時間參加約跑, 好玩.

xue 發表於 2009-3-1 17:32:51

Thanks ctze^^

Feb 27
walking 10 mins, jogging 50 mins, total 9K

xue 發表於 2009-3-12 17:56:31

Mar 12
walking 10 mins jogging 60 mins total 10K
fat to burn: 16lbs :(

nc 發表於 2009-3-12 19:18:33

原帖由 xue 於 2009-3-12 17:56 發表
Mar 12
walking 10 mins jogging 60 mins total 10K
fat to burn: 16lbs :(

xue ctse 比心機呀 hgonion_icon_107ghgh hgonion_icon_107ghgh hgonion_icon_107ghgh ctse現在一星期跑多少次???跑密少少 (例如一星期三至四次), 每次時間短少少可能會好些!!! 有沒有誡吃甜, 零食, 少出街吃飯....呢???

xue 發表於 2009-3-13 11:09:26

nc ctze, 最近比較忙, 又食得勁, 所以身體即刻反映出來. 我要節制下飲食, 同勤力D跑, 一星期跑2-3次, 希望盛夏前完成目標, 可以著靚泳衣去晒太陽^^

cc 發表於 2009-3-14 21:53:45

xue 發表於 2009-4-8 21:20:33

Get caught up with things and didnt run for a month :L

April 7
walking 30 mins running 20 mins total 7K

April 8
walking 20 mins, running 50 mins total 10K

xue 發表於 2009-4-16 18:51:15

April 14
walking 10 mins jogging 60 mins total 10K

April 16
walking 10 mins jogging 60 mins total 10K

xue 發表於 2009-4-29 19:05:42

April 29
walking 10 mins jogging 60 mins total 10K

叮叮噹 發表於 2009-4-29 19:23:28

原帖由 xue 於 2009-4-29 19:05 發表
April 29
walking 10 mins jogging 60 mins total 10K

Xue ctse,

How are you?
Why didn't u run for the last 2 weeks?
Hope u are o.k.
Keep goinghgonion_icon_105ghgh
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