nc 發表於 2008-7-22 11:50:02

原帖由 kennethwat 於 2008-7-22 11:41 發表


好大件事喎 gfuhguhgiuy

nc 發表於 2008-7-22 11:53:08

原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-7-22 11:44 發表

You only need 16 to 24 oz. of fluid every hour you run.Too much fluid will cause water intoxication.   

iv ching, 我意思係那些補充人體所需的.......健康飲品, 例如: 保x力等等, 飲得多會唔會對健康有影響 iuoihohighu

lvrunner 發表於 2008-7-22 11:58:06

原帖由 obaanc 於 2008-7-21 19:53 發表
iv ching, 我意思係那些補充人體所需的.......健康飲品, 例如: 保x力等等, 飲得多會唔會對健康有影響 iuoihohighu
Sorry, nc tse,do you mean electrolyte (电解質) supplements like Powerade, Gatorade.......etc?If so, no, it doesn't cause any harm if you are not drinking much at once.

redred 發表於 2008-7-22 12:03:25

原帖由 obaanc 於 2008-7-22 11:00 發表

6點幾仲有1/3曬到, 仍然好猛好猛 utyuftyftyf 我諗我患了見光死 ghjghjghjghjgh" />jg" />h 我都好怕應該講即程唔會曬住太陽跑
邊似ken 兄..咁耐都白雪雪

kenneth 發表於 2008-7-22 12:13:41

nc 發表於 2008-7-22 12:17:15

原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-7-22 11:58 發表

Sorry, nc tse,do you mean electrolyte (电解質) supplements like Powerade, Gatorade.......etc?If so, no, it doesn't cause any harm if you are not drinking much at once.

係呀, 就係電解質...

hgjugyyytu iv ching

redred 發表於 2008-7-22 12:32:18


[ 本帖最後由 redred 於 2008-7-22 15:59 編輯 ]

kenneth 發表於 2008-7-22 12:42:47

Ning 發表於 2008-7-22 13:17:43

原帖由 obaanc 於 2008-7-22 11:07 發表

知道知道, 想問下之前d ching話最好在跑之前約1-2hrs前飲保x力之類的飲品, 跑完又飲, 如果一星期跑很多天, 而每次跑前後也飲各1枝, 咁, 每星期都飲唔少, 飲咁多有無事o架 iuoihohighu , 話晒都唔係天然飲品...

C-tse, I don't think you need to drink those supplement if you run below 10K.

發表於 2008-7-22 13:19:26

I believe ice water is good enoughhjkjhk

lvrunner 發表於 2008-7-22 13:22:10

原帖由 Ning 於 2008-7-21 21:17 發表
C-tse, I don't think you need to drink those supplement if you run below 10K.
True, only need a bottle of water.

nc 發表於 2008-7-22 13:22:49

我都不是經常飲, 口痕才飲下 utyuftyftyf

Ning 發表於 2008-7-22 15:45:50

原帖由 Alex 於 2008-7-22 13:19 發表
I believe ice water is good enoughhjkjhk" />" />" />

C-Hing, it is better not to drink ICE water after training. Room temperature should be better. :victory:

Some interesting information from the folloing link,


[ 本帖最後由 Ning 於 2008-7-22 15:51 編輯 ]

發表於 2008-7-22 17:14:55

I don't understand why room temperature water is better than ice waterghjgIt's really help me to cool down after running.yuytuyg

Ning 發表於 2008-7-22 18:35:04

Alex C-Hing, base on the following document. It indicated that the water temperature between 15 to 20 degree is the best.

發表於 2008-7-22 19:29:50

回復 95# 的帖子

Oh! I see! Actually, I meant the cold water take out from fridgehjokkjlkjlkjl , not the freezing waterghjghjghjg , my poor Englishhjkjhk

Ning 發表於 2008-7-22 20:44:21

Alex C-Hing, just share the information from the web. :loveliness:
It also show the volume of water we should take after race or training. Btw, they are selling their product too. :lol

nc 發表於 2008-7-23 22:29:04

23/7/2008 - 運動場 - 10km


400 x 25 Total: 1:05.10; 10km - 1:02.50

原來按少了一次, 有一個圈是5'10"19, 所以跑了25個, 而不是24個.

今天好好彩, 給我遇見"九龍王", 跑了三個後便一起拍跳. 真係唔好意思要皇上相就陪跑, 大大減慢了他速度 ugjgyjfhf

幸好有人push自己跑快d, 否則肯定不可以這個時間完成, 10km這個時間目前也很老懷安慰了, 目標58分鐘內完成10k, 都唔係好貪心啫 hgkjjhlkjl   

最後那個圈 (大半個左右)更是盡跑才可以2'20"35 (最好成績的一圈), 一個人跑一定會hea番去 gfyfgughj

[ 本帖最後由 obaanc 於 2008-7-23 22:46 編輯 ]

711MF 發表於 2008-7-24 00:21:05

Gills 發表於 2008-7-24 09:37:24

原帖由 obaanc 於 23-7-2008 22:29 發表
23/7/2008 - 運動場 - 10km

2'32"54/2'25"56/2'34"40/2'37"23/2'40"72/2'44"01/2'44"87/2'32"99/2'33"55/5'10"19/2'40"89/2'37"22/2'45"75/2'41"99/2'30"34/2'36"31/2'40"73/2'36"68/2'41"98/2'32"41/2'32"63/2'3 ...

nc姐, 跑多左個圈, 定按漏制? 10K跑Track要好有恆心, 我時不時都想試, 跑到十零個就無心機跑, 你就好啦, 有皇上御駕親征, 拍住操練, 夏季跑尼個時間, 冬天會仲快D嫁.
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