michaelyw 發表於 2008-2-25 19:08:07


今天下午去了跑轉,邊跑邊找路走,找到一條不錯的緩跑徑,近市中心 某河邊公園裡。
稍後會對該跑步徑作進一步的探索,或會在這裡post 相分享。

michaelyw 發表於 2008-2-25 19:15:13

原帖由 thomasleung 於 2008-2-25 18:28 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
michael, 我可能今年11月尾會去澳洲 (未定邊個城市), 想順便跑個全馬, 如果你有資料, 請通知我。:)


並找不到11月份的馬拉松賽事 :(

michaelyw 發表於 2008-2-26 19:07:53

開學了,今個semester 選修的學科不容易,聽天由命吧。

oscar 發表於 2008-2-26 19:10:15

michaelyw 發表於 2008-2-27 13:38:50

at the university right now.... will try to go and meet the "running guy" I contact with through the email.
just feel confused because the place to meet is a large place.... it is a racecourse that holds jockey races on weekends. ghjhgkjhjkh
we will probably meet at 17:45 (14:45 in Hong Kong)
hope I would find him finally ..hjkhjk

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-2-27 13:43 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-2-27 13:40:00

原帖由 oscar 於 2008-2-26 19:10 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

thx =]you too

Gills 發表於 2008-2-27 14:56:15

米高兄, 個馬場景好靚, 好似大過快活谷好多, 你可以係尼度走幾轉, 真係引死人:lol

原帖由 michaelyw 於 27-2-2008 13:38 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
at the university right now.... will try to go and meet the "running guy" I contact with through the email.
just feel confused because the place to meet is a large place.... it is a racecourse that...

oscar 發表於 2008-2-27 18:16:50

michaelyw 發表於 2008-2-27 21:55:53

我準時在那裡等了幾分鐘後,見到有些人在跑,有些人在放狗踱步,卻不知道誰是我要找的人。由於一向用email通訊,我連佢手機電話都沒有 ghjhgjghjghj" />ghj" />
最後我決定自己一個跑,將背囊放在路邊,貴重野跟身。邊跑邊驚住俾人偷背囊,所以跑得不太起勁,儘管在馬場跑步的感覺實在不錯 (當然大前題是你要曉得避免踩中馬糞)。由於太擔心背囊被偷的關係,我只跑了近5 km就停步了。迎面見到幾位跑手,樣子看來很pro,我相信其中一位是我要找的人。唯有翌日在電郵上問清楚吧。

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-2-27 21:58 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-2-27 22:02:26

原帖由 Gills 於 2008-2-27 14:56 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
米高兄, 個馬場景好靚, 好似大過快活谷好多, 你可以係尼度走幾轉, 真係引死人:lol

個馬場一個圈長約有2.3-2.4 km,跑十個圈就可以當半馬咁練~

michaelyw 發表於 2008-2-27 22:04:29

原帖由 oscar 於 2008-2-27 18:16 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

如果我有能力可以係度跑到20幾個圈就應該可以馬到全馬 ~

awyh 發表於 2008-2-28 07:57:41


michaelyw 發表於 2008-2-29 08:58:44

Another good running track

I have found another good running track yesterday. The track is quite close to the city centre. I ran on this track nearly 4 rounds. counted about 12 km run yesterday.
Here is the map of that track(Blue highlighted)

They would like to call this track as "The Tan".
According to Wikipedia, it has such description:

"There is a 3.8 km running track parallel to the perimeter fence of the Botanic Gardens. Officially termed The Tan Track as it has a surface of tan bark, it is more commonly and affectionately known as The Tan.

The Tan originally served as a horse track for Melbourne's well-heeled, and is now one of Melbourne's most frequented locations for joggers. Locals, visitors and famous alike now share the space as its international reputation has grown. The Tan is often used in training by professional athletes, such as AFL footballers, particularly during pre-season time-trials."

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-2-29 09:40 編輯 ]

thomasleung 發表於 2008-2-29 09:06:38

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2008-2-29 08:58 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
I have found another good running track yesterday. The track is quite close to the city centre. I ran on this track nearly 4 rounds. counted about 12 km run yesterday.
Here is the map of that track   ...

wow... looks like really good running track with nice scenaries.add oil, ching!:)

kenneth 發表於 2008-2-29 09:14:26

Gills 發表於 2008-3-1 15:13:57

回復 33# 的帖子

綠草林蔭, 陽光普照, 定必空氣清新, 係尼度跑步真係好好既享受.;P

michaelyw 發表於 2008-3-2 13:36:44

Thx everyone's response:)
I am now online at my frd's home.

just type my running stuff yesterday:

Saturday (1/3/08)
Location: "The Tan" at Royal Boltanic Garden
Time: about 18:00
Distance: 3x 3.827km = 11.481km
Time (total): 1:02:34 (5:27 pace)

Time each lap: 1st    20:08 (5:15 pace)
                        2nd   20:52 (5:27 pace)
                        3rd    21:34 (5:38 pace)

getting slower and slower :(
need to train my sustainability...

Alfred 發表於 2008-3-2 17:49:19

nice job.

michaelyw 發表於 2008-3-3 14:01:58

32 degree afternoon today... really hot...
I will attempt a regular run on racecourse later.
hopefully I won't be evaporated tytfuhgv

michaelyw 發表於 2008-3-3 15:56:25

just finished the running under the sunny sky with 32 degree tytfuhgv
I haven't run with >30 for a long time ( at least 2 yrs ago last time)
really hard to running continuous....
On the racecourse, there is no any tree to block the sunlight.
I just ran a bit more than 6km today with v.slow pace. Meanwhile, have to stop and drink water after finishing each lap ugjgyjfhf
such a hard run today ....
Hopefully it would be cooler and I will run "The Tan" tomorrow .

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-3-3 15:57 編輯 ]
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