慢子 Wilson 發表於 2009-3-5 09:58:24

原帖由 oscar 於 2009-3-2 13:24 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
出年一齊玩全馬吓!努力讀書........同練跑ghikjlkjl" />" />

x2 , 比心機讀埋 master 回來hgonion_icon_103ghgh

michaelyw 發表於 2009-3-12 11:33:47

Running brief summary (6/3/09-12/3/09)

Subjected to some technical problem, I have no idea when will my home internet connection can be fixed... whatever I hope it won't last for more than a month :(

6/3/09: joined a group fitness class at Campus, did some kinds of high intensity aerobics which lasted for an hour.

7/3/09: ran a 8km informal race with 10mins handicapped (planned to run 39mins) in the morning and finished with 38:44. Yet there were so many people ran ahead me :LI thought they were all "underestimating" themselves (finish time much faster than planned time). I felt a bit struggling for today and it may be the symptom of getting sick in the following day.

8/3/09-9/3/09: didn't take any run as I didn't feel so well ... probably stomach and digestion problem.

10/3/09: felt better a bit so I joined the speedwork in the evening. Today session was just a relaxable team relay at the Alexander Garden. Ran 3 laps with approximately 900m for each. Plus about 3km warm up + cool down run.

11/3/09: felt much better than yesterday so I took the 5:00m/km train in a 10km training run. There was a heavy downpour during the last 2km but I felt good to run in the rain :)

12/3/09: no running again :L

michaelyw 發表於 2009-3-15 17:19:54

15/3/09 Sri Chinmoy Yarra Boulevard Run 15km brief review

edited 15/3/09 10:23 at melbourne
今日在一場15km小型賽事中跑了PB,比之前的快了4分幾鐘,實在此料不及。因為前一、兩日仲有些微感冒,賽前都冇諗住會去得快。三星期後將會跑大型賽前RUN FOR THE KIDS (14.1KM),中間的星期日應該會自己跑長跑。讀書方面,學期已經開始,最後一個SEMESTER果然不容易,但是我會盡力求PASS。


I have completed a 15km race this morning with fantastic 1:09+ which is my new PB of this distance. Comparing with my last year time (1:15:05), it is really a great leap of my speed. I am also happy to run a neat negative split this time as I always fall apart at the end instead of finish strong like today.

It was a cool morning and my hands were freezed when I cycled to the racing place which was about 6.5km away from home.As I was a bit sick past few days (running nose + sore throat), I didn't expect I could run that fast although I still hope to break my old PB of 1:14+. I roughly planned to run 24mins for each 5km so I could finish with 1:12 and didn't take it serious if I fail to do so.

I was at the middle pack at the start of the run as all distance categories started together (5k/10k/15k) and I didn't want to block those fast sprinter. I ran conservatively at the first 5km and tried to maintain 4:45-4:50m/km. I speed up a bit at 4km-5km and made it 23:51 for 5km. Amazingly I still felt strong to hold the pace despite running faster than the initial plan, so I hold the pace and increase gradually to 4:40-4:45, and surprisingly ran 47:11 for 10km. At this time I was wondering why didn't I run 10km so I would make a new 10K PB.

However, the final 5K display has shown that I did join the right distance today. At the final 4km, I suddenly had a wild feeling to push myself up until the end of the race, so I accelebrated and ran past 2 or 3 runners. I reckon I ran about 4:30-4:35 on average at the final 4km and 4:20-4:25 and the final km, which is just enough to run under 1:10.

There was a short shower after the race and luckily it didn't last long. I cycled back to CBD with headwind. My hamstrings felt a bit tight when it came uphill but everything was just fine after running such amazingly fast 15km race.

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-3-16 11:59 編輯 ]

edwinc 發表於 2009-3-17 18:54:28

回復 503# 的帖子

top time 15km for 1:09
you are kicking my back now! well done

sleung2002hk 發表於 2009-3-17 18:56:58


michaelyw 發表於 2009-3-23 20:14:01

Jells Park Dandy Creek Dash

時間:46:24 (22:27/23:57)

當日有很多值得感恩的地方。首先在不知情之下,通往東南郊區的free way 在早上封閉。個的士司機又唔識路,在兩人互相研究的情況下差點兒遲到,途中又因兜來兜去搞到有點暈車。開賽前五分鐘在離起點約一公里處下車,見到一位年輕的男工作人員,向他投石問路間突然有架車經過,入面那位超好人的人員俾我坐順風車。


老實說,這種倉促的情況下,有得比賽已經偷笑,開始時沒打算跑出什麼好成績來。頭五公里跟大隊被帶快了,跑到22:27,心想大獲了,平時齋跑都差唔多呢個時間,後半段果然捱得很辛苦,加上太陽出來了,氣溫驟升,有一兩次跑到想吐,去到七公里左右曾想過如何在DNF之下唔喊:'( ,不過心想只係得2公里幾,還是撐埋去吧。還好最後都堅持到,但當然是好無力咁衝線了:L ,跑完之後行了一陣就躺在草地上休息,這時有涼風吹來,心中舒暢起來,就坐返起身,見到附近有位五十來歲的男人,同佢寒暄了數句。最後大約十一點回家。


P.S. 稍後才寫過去一星期的跑步記錄

RE EDWIN: THANKS~ 相信我同你仲有一段距離,不過我會繼續努力的 :)
RE SLEUNG: 謝謝你~ 希望在之後的比賽可以保持到吧,另外,最近兩次比賽都著了較為輕的 Wave Ronan2,似乎頗為奏效。

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-3-23 20:35 編輯 ]

花子阿DEE 發表於 2009-3-24 10:03:48

咁忟至到,咁咪無咩warmup 囉~~:(

總之PB 就是幸福,加油啊!!:loveliness:

michaelyw 發表於 2009-3-26 19:18:22

原帖由 花子阿DEE 於 2009-3-24 10:03 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
咁忟至到,咁咪無咩warmup 囉~~:(

總之PB 就是幸福,加油啊!!:loveliness:





[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-3-26 19:19 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2009-3-26 19:26:52

23/3 - 26/3/09 跑步/運動簡要

23/3 與朋友於校園外邊草地踱步,熱身約1km,緩跑約7km,最後衝若500m,共若8.5km。

24/3 跟人跑變速跑,熱身2km, 4.6km 速跑,每set 中間休分半鐘(因跟唔到大隊,有好幾set休少十幾秒:L )

500m 微上 1:48, 800m 微落 2:58, 1km 微上 4:20, 1km微落 4:12, 800m微上 3.28 :L , 500m 微落1:45。

cool down 1.6km ,當日共跑了8.3 km

25/3:中午第一次去學校加入group fitness玩body pump,舉下重咁,手無搏雞之力的我全程的負磅只介乎 1.5kg 乘 2 到 5.5kg 乘 2 。 黃昏回市中心跟run for the kids training sessions 跑10km fast group,步速不太平均,在4:40到5:00間上落,都算去得幾盡。

26/3:中午去玩group fitness core ball,做了很多複雜的動作,在此不能盡說,只能說句,真係好甘:L

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-3-26 19:35 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2009-4-1 18:51:40

29/3/09 - 1/4/09

29/3/09 之前個晚同教會朋友打籃籃球,懷疑冷親,第二日起身喉嚨唔多妥,右腳有點緊,本來想早上緩跑15km,延至黃昏才起跑。在Yarra River 畔跑,聽到附近不時傳來陣陣引擎聲,懷疑附近在舉行方程式賽事。跑跑下對腳又順返,之後入Tan上Anderson Street 斜路,再跑完一圈Tan之後漸感乏力,本想再來回跑500m,最後還是回程。共跑了14.1km,需時1:18,平均5:31m/km。

31/3/09 身體還是不行,漸演變成傷風,半日可幹掉一圈廁紙,沒法,本來應該黃昏去跑speedwork,現改為自己沿河邊跑10km。跑個時個鼻罕見地順暢,雖然身體狀態有點不濟,最終仍可勉強跑畢全程,共跑了10.3km,需時55:15,平均5:21m/km。

1/4/09 身體稍有好轉,儘管傷風依舊。黃昏去參加最後一星期的R4TK training session,因昨日miss 了speedwork,決定不跟往常的10km group 而選擇speed group,跟了才知道今日是要在沙地Tan Track 跑1km trial,大家先從Federation Square 緩跑到Tan Track,約跑了1.3km,再做了四次約80m的sprinting 就開始衝1km。 條路時微落斜的,理應可以去得較快,不過自知狀態麻麻,也不敢去盡,估計用了九成吧,時間是3:42 ,較平時做4乘1km 90秒 休的每set 時間快近20秒(相同的路程),也不太差,不過跑完之後對腳仲好fresh,顯然可以去得盡少少。之後教練再叫大家隨便衝四次約80m的斜坡後就收工回程,全日共跑了約3km。

星期日就要跑Run for the Kids (14.1km),會有三萬人參加,到時應該會好熱鬧:)

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-4-1 18:52 編輯 ]

edwinc 發表於 2009-4-5 12:49:40

回復 510# 的帖子

喂, 打籃球我都啱喎, 下次有波打預埋我, 真架

michaelyw 發表於 2009-4-16 19:08:23

原帖由 edwinc 於 2009-4-5 12:49 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
喂, 打籃球我都啱喎, 下次有波打預埋我, 真架


michaelyw 發表於 2009-4-16 19:22:28

5/4/09 - 16/4/09

太耐沒有update 了,先簡述這兩個星期來的跑步。

5/4/09: 賽事 "Run for the Kids", 距離:14.1km, 時間:1:05:41
筆記:很滿意自己的表現,但三個月後就要跑Gold Coast Marathon,下星期開始要加長訓練距離。

7/4/09: Speedwork, location:The Tan,
warm up: 1km, session: 2 times 5min run, 2 times 4min, 2 times 3 min, total six sets, 90sec recoveries in between.
cool down: 2km
筆記:共跑了約8.5km,狀態麻麻地,理應最後兩sets 要跑得較快 (因為時間較少),但結果同跑4分鐘個兩set差唔多速度......

8/4/09: 同South Melbourne Athletic Club 的人在Albert Park 跑10公里,均速都幾快,約4:45m/km。
筆記:第一次參加該跑會的訓練,所謂訓練也只是tempo run,志在聯誼一下大家。跑完之後參與該跑會的Annual General Meeting,大家討論了很多複雜的問題,令我一頭霧水。最後正式報名代表該跑會參加今年度的Athletic Victoria 賽事,最早的賽事將會在18/4/09 舉行,Jells Park 6km 接力賽。

9/4/09 Core Ball group fitness class, Weight training at gym.

10/4: 自己跑14.1km (Yarra River capital city trail 10.3km, The Tan (1 lap): 3.8km) ,共跑了 1:14:14,當中在Tan track 步速較快,跑19分鐘一圈。當日天氣很好,跑完感覺不錯。

12/4: 自己跑21.7km (2:01:30) Yarra River capital city trail 10.3km, Port Melbourne return 11.4km.

14/4: Speedwork: 在 Oval 變速跑24分鐘 (30秒緩, 1分鐘快, 30秒緩, 2分鐘快, 1分鐘緩, 3分鐘快, 90秒緩, 4分鐘快, 2分鐘緩, 3分鐘快, 90秒緩, 2分鐘快, 1分鐘緩, 1分鐘快)

15/4: 10km at Albert Park with Sth Melbourne. 平均步速5:00m/km,與一位跑會阿叔邊跑邊吹水,經驗豐富的他得知我將會跑Gold Coast,即授以跑全馬之道,尤是感激。跑完之後試跑衫,呎碼太大,也許星期六的接力要著大一個碼的衫,要不然或要著舊款參賽。
備註:比賽當日應會是division 5 的最後一捧

16/4: warm up: 1.5km, session: 6 X 500m 2min recoveries at the Tan
1:54, 1:52, 1:54, 1:50, 1:51, 1:47, cool down: 1.5km (total 6km)
筆記:教練話星期六參賽的跑友在今日的訓練最多出九成力,於是開頭都稍有留力咁跑,唯最後一 set 加速。rm

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-4-16 20:13 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2009-4-16 19:49:04

Run for the Kids photos sharing

其實都upload 左係 facebook 度,不過也在這裡分享吧:)。


Herald Sun on 7/4/09
lists of runners' time and ranking.

michaelyw 發表於 2009-4-20 19:47:12

Match Review: AV XCR 09 Rd 1 -- Jells Park XC Relay

Gaby Carmona                                                   26:29                                                                               Day: 18/04/09
Start Time (first leg): 13:30
Course: 2 laps of 3km loop course in Jell Park(total 6km)   
Club: South Melbourne
Division: 5
Order: 3rd leg
Times of my team(as followings)                                                                                                               

Stuart Nicol27:29Michael Lai27:12 Peter Logan26:08
Overall division position: 10th /15 finished teams (quite surprised as we would in lower position if we are in division 6, honestly the standard between division 5, 6, 7 are similar subject to various factors).

Notes: It's so nice to participate in Athletic Victoria race for the first time. I am happy to team with three experienced runners and I was benefit from their advice about the course before the race started. Obviously I was absolutely new from this game. AV race, Cross Country, Relay --- haven't tried these both previously. The course is undulating and covered with grass. I was quite worry how to run fast without raisng the risk of injury. Luckily my feet were fresh and felt like they were quite ready for this challenge, so I decided to put myself at limit this time to see how I'll go.

Honestly I had a pretty aggressive goal as I thought I was in good form recently. I hoped I could run somewhere between late 25 to 26min ---- so unrealistic although I didn't stick at this. However, I still started ridiculously fast in the first lap thanks to the absent of any km marker. Sometimes it is good not to have frequent marker so I can be more focus, but it is not a good idea for an amateur like me.

So I did about 13:05 the first lap on this undulating course. It is quite easy to expect what would come next: just like every over-excited debut runner, I fell apart in the 2nd half. I tried hard to hold my pace until I reached an incline during the final 1000m. At this point I felt like rubbish, but I knew I wasn't finished until reaching to the exchange area, so I gave my all effort to sprint at last. 27:12 in the end ---- Edwin the Coburg Harriers thought I could do better than this and I think so. He did 24:XX in his division which was similar with last year. He reckoned he held too much the 1st half this time since he used to fall apart at last past few years. We jogged together before coming back to my club's tank. After some nice chatting with clubmate I went back home by my friend's car. Really thanks for his help today.

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-4-20 20:30 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2009-4-21 14:36:02

21/4/09 might do 10km medium

My legs still haven't recovered from Saturday run + Sunday 4 sets of badminton, so I'll decide to do 10km medium instead of regular speedwork today.

By the way the result of Jells Park 6km relay has released. Edwinc ran respectful 24:40 in his division.

look forward to running next AV Cross Country race on 9 May :) .

spmho 發表於 2009-4-21 17:27:39


michaelyw 發表於 2009-4-30 10:56:45

26/4/09 Princes Park 15K

start time: 08:00
tempature: about 9 degree @.@
weather: mostly cloudy, shower or two

I had a tough run today but it is still nice to meet a group of familiar runners.
Yet I only got involved in little converstationwith them before and after the race because I had to focus on catching up with Tammy who come from Hong Kong and being granted a working visa here. She enjoyed running her first race in Australia and is looking forward to running Great Ocean Road Half later on.

The head wind kept me from speeding up so I had to run pretty conservatively.
1:12:36 so far...which is not as good as Yarra Boulevard and R4TK but I am content about it. Feel good to see Tammy finished her race with a steady pace although I am a bit worry about her as Great Ocean Road is much harder than this one.

I think I have to get ready, at least psycologically, for running in the chilly and strong head wind because winter is coming (or has already come).

michaelyw 發表於 2009-5-12 11:05:22



30/4/09 treadmill 25min, 5.1km, 四月數=144km
3/5/09: 10.3km medium Yarra Capital Trail, Federation Square to Burnley return
5/5/09: 10km slow, around the city with the group including Tammy
8/5/09 : 2km treadmill 10min, didn't feel so well during the process, so stopped early.
10/5/09: 8km Mothers Day Classic run, time: 37:34 (net), quite struggling at the second half, resulted to apositive split run (18:10/19:24).

note: 經趕功課之役後尚未回復水平,8/5做完gym之後hamstrings 有些緊,被迫近數日唔敢跑得太多。然都享受有得跑步的感覺。

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-5-12 11:11 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2009-8-6 11:37:16


2009每月里數:一月=157.9km 二月=167.4km 三月= 145.6km 四月= 144km五月=89.8km 六月=124.2km 七月=182km


[*]30/05/09 Athletics Victoria XCR Rd 3 Skins Sandown Classic
Time: 45:48[*]20/06/09 Athletics Victoria XCR Rd 4 Lake Wendouree, Ballarat
Time: 1:11:40[*]28/06/09 Run Melbourne presented by The Age
Time: 1:44:47 (net)
[*]05/07/09 Gold Coast Airport Marathon (Asics Half Marathon)
Time: 1:46:05(gun) 1:43:46(net)[*]18/07/09 Athletics Victoria XCR Rd 6 Bundoora Park XCR
Time: 58:09[*]01/08/09 Athletics Victoria XCR Rd 7 Geelong Eastern Park XCR
Time: 1:17:56
頁: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 [26] 27 28
查看完整版本: mic mic 的平凡跑誌 (現在長駐香港)
