edwinc 發表於 2008-11-3 15:33:25

hey michael, we'll have a training session tmr 9am, wanna come?

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-5 15:34:33

04/11/08 Evening Tempo Run

With no speedwork for today at the Tan, I ran double laps with tempo pace myself. Met 2 elite African runners at the start line (top 4 runners in Melbourne Marathon). I found no word to chat with them besides a simple greeting sentense.... just like seeing really large birds... and you could not look at them directly as their feathers were just too bright for me.

so I just start my turtle sprinting and attempted to run faster than usual. I ran quite fast at the 1st lap although I could not keep it at the 2nd half of it.That African passed me on the way like the wind, but I keep running with my speed. I found myself really hard to keep it at the start of second lap. I tried not to think any negative stuff and concentrated on maintaining my pace. It worked after passing an uphill of Anderson Street as I could run as fast as sub 5:00/m. However it could not deny the fact that I ran much slower than the first one eventually... ended up with a huge negative split in this tempo run.

Time as follows:
Distance: 7.654km
Split: 18:26 (4:48/km), 19:20 (5:03/km)
Totel: 37:46 (4:55/km)

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-11-5 15:35 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-6 18:50:26

06/11/08 City Bath Gym :(


今天都有夠唔順利了。原打算坐火車去Coburg跑會練speedwork,點知火車delay了15分鐘不特止,在North Melbourne 站前竟停多15分鐘,大家呆在車廂裡,面對外邊黑暗隧道的當兒,那位可惡的司機竟還有空向大家開玩笑,心裡頭真想@#$%^&。 去到North Melbourne站已17:40,列車還在那兒停了一陣子,我心中盤算,去到最少遲成半小時多,又不知列車之後會唔會繼續停下去,就無奈地離開車廂,走前有意無意地潮車門一踢洩憤。

這樣兩頭唔到岸的時間,去Tan 跑speedwork 又唔係,回家又太無聊,最後就決定用無限錢去就近的City Bath 做Gym。做了點weightraining,跑了陣跑機,由11.8km/h開始遞增,去到11分鐘加速到去13km/h(4:36/km),然後keep住,見心跳率一度去到180,就唔諗住再加了。用23:45跑了5K,之後將速度減回12km/h,跑到25分鐘就收工。共跑了5.25km。及後再去spa浸了一會兒就去食飯、回家。

edwinc 發表於 2008-11-6 20:05:27

快D學車啦! 20mins就到
BTW, Sat 11:30am係princess park 有training session, wanna join?

發表於 2008-11-6 20:26:17

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2008-11-6 18:50 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

既然係無限嘅, 分啲泥洗好喎! 哈哈kjlkjliuohui

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-7 09:21:55

原帖由 edwinc 於 2008-11-6 20:05 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
快D學車啦! 20mins就到
BTW, Sat 11:30am係princess park 有training session, wanna join?

Saturday = Church Day
would love to join if it is on Sunday.
have a nice training :)

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-7 09:25:08

原帖由 Alex 於 2008-11-6 20:26 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

既然係無限嘅, 分啲泥洗好喎! 哈哈kjlkjliuohui" />" />

I'd rather spend $$ excpet gym as I already have membership in my campus

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-7 15:04:18

07/11/08 Weight trainings

Rainy day
No running for today~

Feel a bit tired after the exam, so I decided to 東"T"效顰.
And did some weight trainings at Campus Gym room (about half an hour).
Then cycling for 25 mins after that.

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-11-7 15:17 編輯 ]

瘋瘋 發表於 2008-11-7 15:30:53

edwinc 發表於 2008-11-7 19:47:38

hey michael, to be honest, if you do it wrong, weight training can slow you down somehow
cos bulky muscles take more blood supply which decreases your endurance but add no benefit to speed (for longer distance)
so make sure you don't aim to bulk up your muscles

I don't mean going to the gym is a bad idea, I go to the gym too
but for distance runners, one should train their muscles to work more efficient. e.g. use lighter weights but more repeats. also to train up your core strength, i.e. abdominal and back muscles.

have a nice one

[ 本帖最後由 edwinc 於 2008-11-7 19:49 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-7 20:57:16

原帖由 瘋狂跑步機 於 2008-11-7 15:30 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

Hi Michael,
Weight training is good. I started twice per week for half an hour too.:lol

我平時通常一星期一次,今次則因為天氣問題,又唔想唔做運動,才決定效顰 :P。

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-7 21:01:38

原帖由 edwinc 於 2008-11-7 19:47 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
hey michael, to be honest, if you do it wrong, weight training can slow you down somehow
cos bulky muscles take more blood supply which decreases your endurance but add no benefit to speed (for longe ...

不過老實講,我等手無搏雞之力的人,所謂weight training也不過是5kg-25kg。但我日後會注意增強持久力而非重量的練法。

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-10 08:40:59

09/11/2008 Sunday Long Run (22km for me)

I had Sunday long run with the group today as I had already disappeared for such a long time. It was a really good running morning (before 10am) as we started at 8am. They planned to run at least 24km for today.

However, when I looked at the group member just a bit thorough, including Dave the teacher , Tim the coach and his wife, an Ethiopian the No. 3 Melbourne Marathoner and some smart youngsters, I reckoned I had stepped into a 'pirate ship'. Probably I had to expect running myself half of the whole run.

Nonetheless, I still wanted to test myself so I still decided to follow them. We started from the Tan, running east along the Yarra River and turned back before reaching Yarra Boulevard (a bit more than 5km mark). They started with about 4:45 so I could still narrowly follow them even though I knew it very well that they were doing negative split. Soonly I was leaped behind at about 6, 7km when we were heading back to city. A mile later that nice Ethiopian guy ran back and saw if I was okay hgkjjhlkjl" />" />" />" />before sprinting back to the group. I reckon he was trying to do an extra work.

I completely lost their sight on the half way when I reached Casino.I had run about an hour at this stage and took a pack of energy Gel.Knowing they were running towards South Melbourne and St Kida, I tried to catch them by running south. Lamentably I still could not find them at South Melbourne, so I decided to run approximately 2hours myself before running back to the start. So far I ran at about 5:20 when I lost their sight completely and felt enjoyable to run under the sun (as soon as it wasn't at the top of the sky).

Eventually I ran back to the Tan as I had run 1:53 in total. I estimated I had run about 22km totally. I was quite happy about this run overall although it was 2km short the inital plan. An Ethiopian was alreay there and greeted me immediately right I had just get there. Tim and one Indian guy did some extra work by running along the Tan track in order to make it 27km in total. We had a nice breakfast after that. A nice day so far :)

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-11-10 08:44 編輯 ]

ChARsoN 發表於 2008-11-10 09:18:28

Hey, is Australia turning hot now?
It is a bit cold in Hong Kong these days...
But it is quite good for running~

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-10 09:25:01

回復 394# 的帖子

Yes, it start turning hot here although it isn't so hot in the morning.
Sometimes it would rise close to 30 in the afternoon.
And it drop rapidly just after the sunset (to about 13-15).

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-12 17:47:37

11/11/08 Uphill training

今日speedwork session 練跑斜路。

大夥兒先跑1公里熱身,朝往離Tan Track半公里的Airlie St,全長235m (在google map 計過) ,從起點衝上去再緩跑下去為之一set,共要做8set。

由於用兩個月前跑6set的記憶衝斜,頭兩set去得太快,去到第4、5set已開始跑到老鼠拉龜咁,死唔斷氣咁捱落去,見迎面的埃塞俄比亞跑手仿然在平路上疾馳,最後更衝過我頭(即比我快一set)hjkuhkuhjkhg 。當然也不只有我在struggling,更有些人跑完6set就收工。不過我最後還是死捱到尾,儘管最後一set真係同行走唔差得遠。

完事了後就jog返回Tan Track cool down。有些意猶未盡的高手們可選擇在track衝最後500m。對我而言速度並不是首要,加上之前去得太盡,還是死狗般jog返去罷就。最後大家一起做些 streching。見到米高大兄著住西裝咁企係度,順便問問佢傷勢如何,佢話俾Edwin兄照完x ray後情況不太樂觀。希望佢及早康服吧,更重要的是唔好再練到burn out先停,不然又要受傷勞煩Edwin 兄了。

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-11-12 17:52 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-13 19:10:03

13/11/08 Coburg Harriers Speed Work

今日去Coburg跑speed work。
在最高33度高溫下跑speed work 實在很惡頂,開始明白香港夏天時各師兄師姐的苦況,現在大家守得雲見月明的當兒,我則要逕自走進那灼熱的白太陽了gyujghkjhk" />" />
今天教頭不要求我們做endurance,集中在速度、跑姿和腳掌落地方面著手。他不要我們做heel striker,對我而言則沒什問題,素來沒有這樣跑法。訓練內容如下:
300m衝+100m行:3sets (冇計時)
200m衝+場中行: 4sets (平均約38秒)
150m衝+場中行: 5sets (平均約22、23秒)
場內跑600m cool down 收工

我今日跟四位快馬跑(包括jeremy兄, edwin 知道邊個) ,由頭到尾都係後面跟著,不過頗為享受個中"狐假虎威"的感覺。每次一齊衝時,旁邊有人嚷 (track!) 提醒跑道上正在緩跑的人讓路。往常只會是讓路俾人的小夥子,今天卻因濫竽充數而成為跑馬組的一員,實在是人生的第一次。不過這當然沒什麼大不了,只是一位龜速跑手發白日夢的夢話而已。

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-11-13 19:13 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-17 09:30:53

16/11 Relay for Life (01:00-08:00) report

總算完成了這場艱苦的人生接力,儘管最終還是支持唔到走12個鐘了,跑/行/休息了7小時到另一批組員來接力就坐弟兄的車回家去。然我竟能成功地用約4:30的時間(包括中間去廁所和休息補給)跑畢105.5個運動場圈,即全馬的距離。雖然步/跑12小時最終變成"marathon trial",但是對自己完成此"創舉"感到很滿足。


我們教會小組在約12:30到達現場,雖然是午夜時份,亦看到不少正在場上步行和緩跑的人士,那裡有警察和消防員組成的小組,都是十分強壯的傢伙。那時氣溫清涼,約11、12度,起行前落了一場驟雨,立時全身發抖,唯有先"拍"條香蕉和飲場內提供的咖啡保暖。近01:00接過上輪時段弟兄的接力棒後就正式開始這次"長征",起初有數位弟兄伴著我跑數圈,之後我就嘗試保持兩分鐘三十秒一個400M圈的速度跑,無奈卻常去得過快。因自己跑均速,全程儘管跑二圈,讓出內線讓別人衝圈。周圍的弟兄姊妹在外圈走著,不時鼓勵支持我。今次事前有備而來,帶了10packs energy Gel, 3 banans, 3 powerrade和數條uncle toby wholewheat bar ,並將它們放在場邊,根據75mins rule,5k來過小補給(powerrade),在若完成10k 則來一個大補給(1 pack Gel, powerrade, toilet break),去到20k(50圈)開始出動香蕉。休息的時間有賴其他弟兄姊妹接捧繼續接力。




我跑到91個圈時開始作抽筋,這也沒辦法,我從未跑過這樣長的距離。唯有"拍"埋最後一條香蕉,食條uncle toby (我個胃這時應該唔太受得太多energy Gel,真不明白岩士唐為何在全程馬拉松中幹掉15packs, 畢竟每人有不同的身體構造。),此時唯有保持與步行和緩跑的弟兄姊妹說話以維持神志清醒。捱到100個圈,天漸漸地亮起來,彷彿生命漸現曙光,無意中增強自己支持下去的意志。到最後100m與一位弟兄一同"衝",當然那時我已不能加速了,那時是清晨05:28:11,即我用了4:28:11跑畢全馬的距離。跑完之後與他在外圈步行,望著那在雲間滲出的白光,人生還是美好的,因黑夜終會結束。

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-11-17 10:49 編輯 ]

edwinc 發表於 2008-11-17 20:23:08

多多休息, 看看thurs能見你否

=chairman= 發表於 2008-11-17 21:02:45

michael ching 好勁!能夠完成全馬距離 ~ yhgyface7gygy
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查看完整版本: mic mic 的平凡跑誌 (現在長駐香港)
