michaelyw 發表於 2008-10-12 14:57:17

Melbourne Marathon (Half)



幸好還能在賽前十分鐘放好隨身物品、換好衫、去完廁所,到達起點線前,更成功濟進一個稍前的位置,站在兩位1:40 pacers旁邊。今屆半馬應有近7000人參加,乃是我暫時參加過的半馬中規模最大的一次。賽事一開始的時候,被前後跑手逼得很緊,不得要領,還好開始濟得前,周邊沒有百萬行人士,在數百米打後就可用自己速度跑。

由於前兩次的半馬賽事中,頭一公里總不期然去得過快,今次嘗試跟著1:40pacer 跑頭一公里,控制步速,待人群稍鬆時才放慢用自己的速度。然而不明白有一位1:40pacer 由頭到尾都跑得幾慢,基本上與1:45pacer 一樣,在賽事的尾聲才越過我,這是後話。誠然並不是每位pacer也如Tim Crosbie 一樣全程均速咁跑,沒有辦法,唯有靠自己看時間就著來跑吧。

頭3K 我用約4:50的均速前進,於4K-10K時身體感覺不錯,於是稍為加快步速到平時的racing pace。5K和10K的分段時間大約是23:5x 和 48:1x 。不過10K以後要面對全程最大的問題,就是唔識開水袋。話說Melbourne Marathon的水站有時會派發小水袋來代替杯,去年已經經歷這個問題,然只10K距離就馬虎了,唔飲就罷。但是今次並不能作罷,幸好今次也有些水站是用杯的(大部分是 powerade 溝水),不過我在沿途也曾兩次試開水袋,卻不幸地都失敗了:一次爆到成身都係,一次爆入個口,搞到咳了好陣子才回過氣來。

去到15K (1:07) 開始體力不繼,唯有開跑Gel死撐,但也撐不了很久,去到18K時已經腳軟軟,明顯是最近長課不足之結果,也沒有辦法,我承認今次跑步的策略也算得宜,要不然一開始快放的話情況應更糟。

到19K 時看見有個人倒下要在場人仕處理,這時心下一沉,覺得還是唔好咁搏,又不是為了什麼,我跑步只為強身健體,還是安全點吧。於是最後一K跑得奇慢,恐怕不比6:00/k 強很多,最後入MCG運動場衝線時,由得別人越過我,慢慢衝過終點,大會時間若為1:44:30,對自己時間頗為滿意,最後數K慢下來也沒有辦法。


[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-10-12 15:25 編輯 ]

edwinc 發表於 2008-10-12 15:05:39

我會攞兩條水袋...一條用牙, 齒開缺口然後飲....一條扭斷照頭淋

michaelyw 發表於 2008-10-13 16:46:15

結果大致出了,gun time 1:44:36,排名什麼的則尚未整理好,相信要待明白才公佈。
但不明白為何net time 也是這個時間。我肯定自己不是在preference start 行列,開始時最少都要用20秒才行到起點。 不過如何也沒甚關係,反正也不是PB

http://www.theage.com.au/nationa ... -20081012-4z6e.html
睇報紙才知道,今次melbourne marathon 第四名的埃塞俄比亞選手,就是有位不時過來我跑開個度跟操的師兄,他好像上一、兩個月才來到墨爾本,第一次來時他連跑鞋也沒有,最後經facebook聯絡眾跑友,給他弄來一對合他呎寸的跑鞋。

我上星期二才跟他吹了幾句,我還跟他說什麼埃塞俄比亞以前叫阿比西尼亞 (竟會打開這樣奇怪的話匣子,好明顯我並不擅長用英語傾談)。其實個時我都知佢咱步唔少野,因為佢話會aim for 2:20,但估唔到佢背後原來有這樣的故事。要藉跑步來尋求政治庇護,實在難以想像那裡的國情。他年紀唔大得我好多,卻要離鄉別井,四處流離,實不勝感慨。

"YESTERDAY he was a champion, coming fourth in the Melbourne marathon, but if he were back home in Ethiopia, Tesfaye W. Jiru would be in prison.

Jiru was one of several refugees and asylum seekers who, with the help of two professional athletes from Ethiopia, used the marathon to show what people from other countries have to offer Australia.


Jiru, 28, was one of Ethiopia's top athletes when, after competing in Cyprus last year in a Master Marathon, he returned home and was arrested by Ethiopian security forces.

He was held for 15 days and released only after a friend put up the money for him.

As he explained yesterday, his tribal group was engaged in conflict with the Government.

"They say you are a terrorist and you are helping a terrorist group and I say I didn't and why would I return here if that was true," he said.

While in Australia in May for the Great Ocean Road International marathon race at Apollo Bay, he called the friend who had bailed him out of jail.

"He told me don't come home. The Government has searched your home. They have taken your computer. They have taken documents," he said.

Jiru found himself unexpectedly having to apply for asylum after his friend convinced him that if he returned he would be imprisoned again.

Yesterday he ran under the banner of Melbourne's Asylum Seekers Resource Centre because it had helped him find accomodation and get settled in Melbourne.

His life at the moment is now "just running and studying English".   "

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-10-13 16:53 編輯 ]

lvrunner 發表於 2008-10-15 22:30:51

Hi Michael ~

Thanks for the half mary report!

michaelyw 發表於 2008-10-19 16:54:12

Melbourne Marathon 的小量相片





edited: 終在在官方網頁找到數幅自己的相


[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-10-20 08:29 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-10-19 17:27:51

Post Melbourne Marathon week round up

星期四 (16/10/2008)

休息四天之後,決定放學後去跑跑,於是首次跟操Edwin 師兄的跑會Coburg Harriers


今天大家首先做300m衝100m緩的變速訓練,原要做8個,但得知我上週日才跑完半馬,Brian就容許我和部分全馬、半馬參賽者和年輕的中學生"開小差",做6個。做完之後在家圍著跑道內的草地緩跑兩圈cool down,再分組衝4次200m,基本上我去到最後兩個200m就開始衝唔到了,尤其一直沒有飲水,有點兒吃不消,唯有在最後一次200m前衝入去休息室拿回水樽。不過總括而言也是一個不錯的interval training。訓練過後與Edwin和數位跑友聊一會,他們都是很友善的人。最令我感開心的是,那裡的雪櫃滿是"維多利亞啤酒",雖然我沒有從前那樣經常飲酒,但是看到這種情況,卻有種說不出來的親切感,尤其見到部分跑友訓練完拿罐啤酒飲時,起初那種陌生的感覺頓時消失,可能我還是喜歡較隨便的跑會。


[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-10-19 17:38 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-10-19 19:25:09

Post Melbourne Marathon week round up 2

星期五 (17/10/2008)
傍晚六時半去the Tan跑了兩圈,因唔想去得太盡,所以載著平時甚少載的心跳測量跑,第一個圈較為輕鬆,除了上Anderson St 的斜路心跳率達到165 之外大部分時間都在150至160之間。第二圈加速,上斜路時一度上到173,之後都維持著160-165,最後直路放時最高達到173,cool down 後很快就回落到若120,最後回復到普通走路的心跳率85-95。

michaelyw 發表於 2008-10-19 20:51:02

Post Melbourne Marathon week round up 3


Maribyrnong River Run (12K)

想在考試前跑最後一個FUN RUN,今早去一處未曾去過的效區參加一個小型的跑步比賽。
因此,今早六點起身,七點起程,帶著相機前往Maribyrnong參加 Maribyrnong RiverRun。對Maribyrnong River 的第一個印象是與Yarra River頗為相似,但水質似乎比較好之餘,周圍環境也較寧靜,兩岸均有行人單車混合徑,無疑是個跑步的好去處。

早上天色陰暗清涼,在賽前5分鐘才肯脫外套放行裝。比賽是一個全長4km的環圈,從起點過行人天橋到彼岸,再從彼岸過橋回到起點。今日賽事分為 4km/8km/12km,我則即場報了12km。





[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-10-20 14:48 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-10-20 14:52:05

exam week(s)

23/10 Strategicf Management
27/10 Company Reporting (that means, Financial Accounting)
29/10 Macroeconomics
7/11 Religion and Genocide in 20th Century India

running plan:
Tuesday: tempo
Thursday: interval
Mon/Wed/Fri: Gym/ 8-12km slow jogging / Study whole day
Saturday: church
Sunday: 8-12km slow jogging

瘋瘋 發表於 2008-10-20 15:05:22

michaelyw 發表於 2008-10-23 19:26:19

21/10/08 fun "speed work"

今晚都幾過癮。雖然考試在即,仍在傍晚去Tan Track起點參加 Tim 的Speed Work Group。大家先在Track附近緩跑熱身約1.5km後,之後就開始過癮了。

為了遷就部分跑完全馬半馬的人,Tim話今日會輕鬆點,唔會做一如以往的speed work sessions,於是叫大家跟住佢跑,說罷逕自就往Tan Track裡頭的公園走,都是平時甚少走的地方,先有段兩百來米的上斜,再有段落樓梯,沿途有些羊齒植物,也有一個涼亭。在這些怪路竄來竄去,正落級的當兒,見Tim在停下等著,見差唔多人齊時,又逕自衝上梯級,於是大家又衝返上去,有些跑友覺得蠻有趣,也有些跑友覺得很吃力。

之後跑上一個小山丘,做了15下掌上壓後落山,跑返落去Tan Track 3公里點,然後用全速衝返去起點(3.827km點,時間:3:48),休息

整個過程都玩得幾吃力,尤其衝完四次斜路後接近冇停過咁繼續下去,但終歸來說也幾有趣,第一次這樣玩法,也發覺Royal Boltanic裡原來有這些怪路可走。

michaelyw 發表於 2008-10-23 19:57:28

23/10/08 自己跑 Tempo

考完試差唔多五點先放人,要由東南面的Caulfield坐火車去City,再轉車去北面的Batman Station,再要行多15分鐘路程去Coburg Harriers,實在是沒可能的事,無奈趕唔切去,唯有轉計劃逕自去Tan Track跑兩轉。


起初想保持5:00/km,跑跑下漸有起勁來,慢慢地加速,第一個圈跑了18:50,稍比5:00/km為快,之後個腦開始想我放慢,但想起跑步雜誌所講,人的腦有時會保守地控制自己唔好去得太盡,但有時真的太保守,正如我平時跑步一樣,今次反正都跑唔多,決定試試破下例,迫自己諗多些正面的東西,唔俾自己放慢,去到最後1公里時有少少受壓,不過我唔俾自己諗"it's near there",因這樣也會減慢步速,儘量令自己保持稍比5:00/km快的步速。最後第二圈18:32,歷史性地做了negative split來(唔知應唔應慶祝一下) 。兩圈共37:22,乃是我歷來跑得最快的一次 (可想而知平時我有幾龜速) 。跑完又唔覺身體有何異樣,也許真的如雜誌所說,腦的指令有時會令你跑得過於保守。

剛好Tim 的interval group 也練完了,跟著他們 Stretching 後就回去,與當中的一位中年女人同行了一段路,吹吹水,在Flinder Street Station 分手,就踏上回家的路。

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-10-23 20:12 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-10-24 15:18:23

24/10/08 休息



星期日的比賽結果出了,57:51 12km,之前從沒跑過這段距離,但對個時間都幾滿意。那天參加的高手實在不多,不過在自己category還處於中下游 (18-49... 個range 都好大下 -_____- ),要成中間或中上游恐怕要付出一段時間的努力。



edwinc 發表於 2008-10-24 20:05:12

不錯麻, 57 mins is a respectful time

this sunday is my turn to run a 12k, considering coburg course is a bit hilly, I aim to do ~~53mins

michaelyw 發表於 2008-10-28 14:26:55


Study+Gym day ... Miss the speed work this evening because of my third exam preparation tomorrow afternoon....

My computer is infected and dead because of the virus spread from facebook.


unlike almighty Runner T, I am not good at weight training.......

just did some light and silly weight stuff and ran 跑步機 20mins (4.22km)... pretty much a tempo pace for me. and now get back to my own studies at library =.=

re Edwin:
how is your running last Sunday so far ??

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-10-28 14:28 編輯 ]

瘋瘋 發表於 2008-10-28 14:44:26

michaelyw 發表於 2008-10-31 10:56:16

30/10/08 Train at Coburg Harriers

:lolbetter to type something for 監察員 although I can only get online at library these days...

went to Coburg Harriers yesterday evening and joined the speed work group with Edwinc and his wife.

1km warm up.
600m * 6 interval (200m jog, 200m medium, 200m fast, walk back to the start line)
"on your mark" train+instruction (two attempts)
cool down jog (600m-800m)

quite hot and dry today... and a bit windy sometimes...but still managed to maintain a solid pace during the whole interval.

However, my nose felt so sick just after the training... I reckon I might get hay fever or running nose....

原帖由 瘋狂跑步機 於 2008-10-28 14:44 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

米高兄, 你唔sent俾我, 但我始終會收到其它人的, d毒無孔不入, 好難避既.fgfgtk_39fgfg
關於weigh training,小弟都開始左每一星期做1次, 不過都係唔係好識架.fgftk_13fgfg

瘋狂跑步機: just be careful as I have received a strange facebook message from you yesterday. You could consider to change your password as I guess your account is invaded.

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-3 12:10:39

31/10/08 comfortable 2 laps at the Tan and October Review

my computer was down so I have lost all of my running Log record :(
but luckily I have recorded most of my running at this blog so I can estimate my October running distance.

just did double Tan plus extra 500m on the last day ofOctober as I felt a bit sick that day (running nose). felt a bit better after completing this 8km run with the pace about 5:20/km.

to sum up, 10月里數: 116.3km (much less than previous months as I didn't do Sunday long run owing to the exams menace )
Competitions: Melbourne Half Marathon 1:44:36,Maribyrnong River12km Run 57:51

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-11-3 12:11 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-11-3 12:42:40

2/11/08 "Long Slow Distance"

For preparing 15/11/08 Relay for Life 12 hours walk/run, I decided to run a Sunday long slow distance myself. Initially I wanted to run 8 laps the Tan (30.6km), started at 9:00am before the temperature rise at noon. However, I turned up late (8:15am) and had to get started an hour later. I brought a pack of energy Gel and a belt with two little bottles (300ml) that mixed with water and powerrade powder.

It was a sunny day and the weather was starting to get hot when I started my campaign at 10:00... I reckon it was quite close to 30 degree. I found myself not at the top fitness form as I felt not so comfortable after completing 2 laps the Tan even though it was just at 5:30/km, so I stopped and drank my tiny powerrades after finishing one lap of Tan (3.827km per lap). And decided not to follow the original plan.

I saw some familiar faces on the way and greeted them if he/she recognised me. When I ran my fourth lap, there were two guys around the track and gave ppl an energy bar. Although I knew it is a kind of marketing technique, I was really thankful to their act. It seems I had found an oasis in the desert. After completing fourth lap, I took one pack of Gel and that whole wheat energy bar given by those guys. I felt much better and finished strong at my fifth lap. And I enjoyed the benefit from the changed weather as the sun was hidden behind the clouds. Despite of these, I didn't continue after that as it was close to my limit and I had no any 'fuel' left around my belt... Neither Gel nor Powerrade. Eventually I had only run 19.1km today with 1:46... a slow pace but not the long distance. A bit disappointed but I have to listen and obey to my body reaction.

As a result, I am 100% sure that I cannot run the whole 12hours Relay for Life... probably I have to run an hour and walk for another hour... and obviously I have to bring enormous packs of Gel and Powerrade to refuel myself.

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-11-3 12:46 編輯 ]

瘋瘋 發表於 2008-11-3 13:37:59

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查看完整版本: mic mic 的平凡跑誌 (現在長駐香港)
