nc 發表於 2009-8-6 12:19:31

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2009-8-6 11:37 發表
2009每月里數:一月=157.9km 二月=167.4km 三月= 145.6km 四月= 144km五月=89.8km 六月=124.2km 七月=182km

傷患/大病記錄:膝關節外側痛(14/5-18/5零跑步,之後亦要慢慢由短程開始跑起),急性腸胃炎(懷疑食 ...

米兄, 加油呀 hgonion_icon_107ghgh hgonion_icon_107ghgh hgonion_icon_107ghgh hgonion_icon_107ghgh hgonion_icon_107ghgh

michaelyw 發表於 2009-11-12 00:52:40

如今回港可以穩定上網,是時候要開返個BLOG了。 OVERALL 今年的比賽記錄:

11/1/09 Princes Park (10km): 48:18

1/3/09 清水灣10K 長跑賽: 47:20
15/3/09 Sri Chinmoy Yarra Boulevard Run 15km: 1:09:38
22/3/09 Jells Park Dandy Creek Dash (10km): 46:24

5/4/09 Run for the Kids (14.1km):1:05:41
18/4/09 Athletic Victoria XCR 09 Rd 1 -- Jells Park XC Relay(6km): 27:12
26/4/09 Princes Park (15km): 1:12:36

10/5/09 Mothers Day Classic run, time: 37:34(net)
30/05/09 Athletics Victoria XCR Rd 3 Skins Sandown Classic 10km: 45:48

20/06/09 Athletics Victoria XCR Rd 4 Lake Wendouree, Ballarat 15km: 1:11:40
28/06/09 Run Melbourne presented by The Age 21.1km: 1:44:47 (net)

05/07/09 Gold Coast Airport Marathon (Half Marathon)21.1kmTime: 1:46:05(gun) 1:43:46(net)
18/07/09 Athletics Victoria XCR Rd 6 Bundoora Park XCR12km: 58:09

01/08/09 Athletics Victoria XCR Rd 7 Geelong Eastern Park XCR 16km: 1:17:56
08/08/09 Athletics Victoria XCR Rd 8 Sandown Road Relay 6.2km: 26:40

06/09/09 Athletics Victoria XCR Rd 9 Burnley Half Marathon (Road): 1:35:59
19/09/09 Athletics Victoria XCR Rd 10 Tan Relay (3.8km): 16:42

11/10/09 Melbourne Marathon 42.2km: 4:21:35(net)
18/10/09 Around the Bay on a day (100km cycling): fun riding, no time recorded
24/10/09 AV Shield - Round 4 (NORTHWEST REGION) (3000m track): 12'48''00
29/10/09 AV Shield - Round 5 (NORTHWEST REGION) (1500m track): 5'30''39

08/11/09 Hong Kong Half Marathon: 1:46-1:47 ???

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-11-12 00:56 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2009-11-12 01:00:04

2009年里數記錄(inc. races): Jan: 157.9km
Feb: 167.4km
Mar: 145.6km
Apr: 144km
May: 89.8km (ITB injury)
June: 124.2km
July: 182km
Aug: 265km
Sep: 229.4km
Oct: 103.9km (Marathon Recovery)

ChARsoN 發表於 2009-11-12 01:16:44

回復 523# 的帖子

I have to practise much much more....

michaelyw 發表於 2009-11-12 01:22:23


1/11/09: 獅子橋﹣>孖橋一圈+孖橋﹣>馬鞍山公園來回 (google map 計約16KM)
筆記:返來第工天即去跑,然身體不太適應導致流汗過多,全程帶著一支水也不太夠飲,最後5公里跑得很慢。當日點程時撞到Running Sue

4/11/09 沙田運動場SPEED WORK:網上見到某跑會在沙田會有速跑訓練,見很就腳就過去試試,教練是一位外藉女人,很友善,同組的也好相遇。當日跑了6個1KM 6分鐘連休(4:10/4:10/4:07/4:09/4:13/4:11) (3圈熱身,2圈cool down)

8/11/09 大尾督鹿頸香港馬拉
返來香港的第一次比賽。之前糊里糊塗從澳洲寄表和錢俾皇上代為報名,條路係咩料卻一無所知,跑到咁上下才知道有咁長的斜路,不過斜路不是主要問題,最大問題是點解會流咁多汗,幫襯晒個個水站都補唔返,去到最後五公里明顯脫水,又見PB無望,況且只是個人參與,懦夫地放慢以防虛脫,最後個斜路更要行路收場,乃是今年跑比賽以來的第二次走路(對上是一個月前的墨爾本馬拉松),慢PB 10+分鐘也是可解釋的(1.事前準備功夫不好2.身體尚未適應較高濕度下作賽3.鬥志不足)。今天實在學了不少東西。

11/11/09 沙田運動場SPEED WORK: 12個400m, 3:30連休:1:20/1:24/1:28/1:29/1:29/1:29/1:35/1:30/1:30/1:30/1:28/1:29
筆記:從未試過玩這個,頭兩SET去得太快:L 。3:30連休對我而言尚可應付,但對一些步速較慢的人可能都幾吃力,分分鐘尾段的SET只有一分鐘休息而已。跑完之後入荃灣會大家食飯,過得認真充實。
warm up: 6laps 400m, cool down: 1lap 400m (too lazy :( )

michaelyw 發表於 2009-11-12 01:38:54

原帖由 ChARsoN 於 2009-11-12 01:16 發表 have to practise much much more....

To be honest it is better for me to run a longer LSD. I ran 32km twice in August and Sept respectively, but I still cramped my calfs during the marathon which ended up with a rather disappointed finishing time. Anyway it is just about what you are aiming for. If you want to set a time goal more practise is inevitable. There is no shortcut to train for a marathon.
Good luck Charson I believe you can make it a good one:)

michaelyw 發表於 2009-11-12 01:40:13

My Race Report from long time ago: 11/10 2009 Melbourne Marathon

Two years ago when I have just finished my first 10K race at the MCG, I made a wish to run a half marathon next year. A years ago when I have completed a half marathon at the MCG, I wish I would be one of the marathon finisher. This year I have fulfilled my wish although it was really a tough finish. It wasn't disastrous run from my point of view. It just told me that race magic didn't work during my run.

My carbo loading plan didn't work so well during the racing week because of the Wednesday's diarrhoea. It stopped getting worse after Wednesday fortunately but I dared not to eat too much for the carbo loading. I reckon I have to figure out the solution of my naughty stomach if I want to improve in the future.

I didn't exploit the race advantage as I didn't make any special drink for myself to specific drink station. It is because I didn't make any drink for myself for long run training. I only took 2 packs of Gul Gels for my two >30km training run, so I just decided to bring 3 packs of them today. Unfortuneately it was proved to be far from enough.

The coach offerred us the preference start option during the Tuesday training session with pre marathon talk. I didn't take it for fear that being outpaced at the start. Also, I didn't set a specific time goal for my first marathon. My primary aim is to finish it while the secondary goal is to finish it strongly and beautifully.

I decided to get to the MCG as early as possible this time. From my past experience it is better to familiarise yourself before the crowd blocking every notice and toilet. It was a nice sunny day. A bit freezing in the morning but was acceptable. My friend Matthew took the first 10K race in his life which reminded myself two years ago.

The race started at 7:00am and I stood at the middle of the pack at about 6:40am. The atomosphere was great as usual. It was great to see son of Kerryn McCann right there at the announcement platform, reminding me there was a true chamption crossing the finish line at the MCG three years ago. The race gun shot and the long journey started. I ran steady and conservatively at first. It was far from the real fight, even though I didn't expect it'd turn out to be a walk or jog fight.

I was feeling good the first 10km with 5:30/km pace, so I decided to pace up a little bit to the half way after taking one pack of Gul Gel. I saw Gabby and Jim the SMAC mates as helpers of 15 and 19km water station. I got a cup of water from Gabby's hand with a brief greet and then went go. I passed Francis at 16km. I reckoned he didn't feel so well so I cheered him on. He told me to keep going as I was looking good, I knew the marathon still haven't started at that point. I passed through halfway in 1:50. Aerobically I was feeling okay but my left leg started to complain, so I slowed down gradually, took another pack of Gel, and keep rehydrating myself.

25km onwards was a real battle for me although my legs still haven't cramped. I got slower with each step for fear that I would end up with walking at any minute. I still had reasonable consciousness but most of them just focused on running. I didn't recognise Murray and Kerry at 25km water station until them called my name. However, I still thought that I could finish under 4 hrs until 32km.

The last 10km of the race was really a remarkable experience. My right leg started to cramp since 31km but it got seriously just after 32km mark so I was forced to stop and stretch. I moved aside the route and sat on the grass. It was so painful and I could not stretch myself probably. Luckily a woman who stood aside looking for her friend competitor came and helped me to fix it up. I felt better after that and tried to run again but then need stop only half km later. This time was left leg. At that moment any goal seem unrealistic except walk to finish it. However, I still wanted to run as much as I could.

I've never thought there was any other challenging hill except Anderson Street at the Tan, but when I crossed 36km mark there was a small hill up on the Tan and I could not even slowly jog through it. I decided to resume jogging after that but my legs cramped together which was worse than anything I have been experienced. This time I relied on a man who was just pass by to stretch. I was really lucky to be honest.

I decide that I won't be upset if I can walk to finish even though it was really ugly. Fortunately my feet could still walk comfortably as I could walk faster than other walkers (consolation you might reckon). I was still walking until 38km mark when I met Frankie the coolrunner. He just passed me and took a walk break after grabbing a cup of water. I greeted him and told him I could not run anymore. He then encouraged me to run with him regardless how physically exhausted we were. It is because marathon is in the mind but not just the feet. So I started to run again. Legs went cramped again after 10 metres and Frankie told me to keep going right to the next traffic light mark, and so on. So we ran together with some walk breaks. It was so hard to imagine how I could run with the cramped legs. It is so true that marathon is in the mind.

We sticked together to the MCG and Frankie decided to sprint so we ran as fast as we could. I saw Kate, Srini and Briony stood just before the finish line. They cheered me and did high five with me. I never forget everyone who helped me to finish this marathon. It is inevitable when you feel lonely at the moment, but it can't deny the fact that there are so many people around supporting you. It is part of your life that you won't forget it, even if it is just for a moment. Finally I finished with 4hrs21min net time which is not impressive at all, but what I experienced wasn't just the number or distance.

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-11-12 01:41 編輯 ]

佐治男孩 發表於 2009-11-12 04:07:42

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2009-11-12 00:52 發表
如今回港可以穩定上網,是時候要開返個BLOG了。 OVERALL 今年的比賽記錄:

11/1/09 Princes Park (10km): 48:18

1/3/09 清水灣10K 長跑賽: 47:20
15/3/09 Sri Chinmoy Yarra Boulevard Run 15km: 1:09:38...


佐治男孩 發表於 2009-11-12 04:17:13

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2009-11-12 01:40 發表
My Race Report from long time ago: 11/10 2009 Melbourne Marathon

Two years ago when I have just finished my first 10K race at the MCG, I made a wish to run a half marathon next year. A years ago w ...

michaelyw ching, the first Marathon is always a very good learning experience.I was very fortunate to hit it right the first time.But I thank all my online running friends for giving me very solid advice on RW's MRT forum.In my 2nd Marathon (Boston), I also suffered pretty severe cramp in the last 6+ miles (~10k) as well.But I did manage to crawl to the finish line in decent time.My cramps may be due to insufficient hydration, too much caffeine, the Newton hills, and the strong head wind in the last 10k.Since then, I have modified my training to address these potential problems.

Unless you are drinking a lot of sports drink during the race, you would need more than 3 packs of gel.In general, each pack offers about 100 calories.Our body can store about 2000 calories on average.For the full 42.2k (26.2 miles), each mile (1.6k) takes about 100 calories on average.So, your glycogen store will be depleted after 32k.You will need both sports drink more than 6 packs of gel to make sure you have enough.

That's why there is a big difference between the half Marathon and a full Marathon because the amount of glycogen we can store in our body.In general, one doesn't need any gel for the half, but it is a different story for the full.

Mike_Li 發表於 2009-11-12 10:26:41

Micheal Ching,
I have the same experienced of muscle cramp in my first two FM. Yes, as what you said " marathon is in the mind but not just the feet." I finished my FM in slow run after 26Km. Micheal, I tried to change my running posture in order to use other muscles to alleviate painful; it is work for me that I finished my first marathon in 4:02 and second in 3:53.
Hoping muscle cramp will far from us and all runners in coming years.

michaelyw 發表於 2009-11-13 00:22:00

原帖由 佐治男孩 於 2009-11-12 04:17 發表 ching, the first Marathon is always a very good learning experience.I was very fortunate to hit it right the first time.But I thank all my online running friends for giving me very s ...

Thanks for your words George :)
I have received reasonable advice from online running friends and running buddies. I should say I was too lazy to spend time planning for my first marathon. To be honest my racing schedule this year is so messy. I don't mean to blame for AV XCR series, but it did distract me from doing number of LSD training. It ended up with the fact that I didn't have enough distance cover in marathon preparation. I will try to have more thorough plan for my 2nd marathon and I will figure out the number of Gel I should bring for a marathon run.

michaelyw 發表於 2009-11-13 00:27:41

原帖由 Mike_Li 於 2009-11-12 10:26 發表 Ching,I have the same experienced of muscle cramp in my first two FM. Yes, as what you said " marathon is in the mind but not just the feet." I finished my FM in slow run after 26Km. Micheal ...
It is agood idea to change the running style and posture when we had serious cramp on certain muscle group(s). In my case I did change my feet landing on the surface since my calfs had cramped. I tried to keep my feet flat instead of normal forefoot. Certainly it wasn't good at all. So I reckon we might try to find "2nd choice" running style as a back up :lolThat's really great for your progression between two FM. It is never easy to finish every FM.

佐治男孩 發表於 2009-11-13 00:31:00

原帖由 Mike_Li 於 2009-11-12 10:26 發表
Micheal Ching,
I have the same experienced of muscle cramp in my first two FM. Yes, as what you said " marathon is in the mind but not just the feet." I finished my FM in slow run after 26Km. Micheal ...

Mike ching, I suspect that you used your lower leg/calf/feet to push off and that resulted in your calf cramp.If you read some Chi Running materials, you will realize that your lower legs should be very "quiet".You don't use your muscle.You don't push off.And your calf won't be overused and it won't cramp.

michaelyw 發表於 2009-11-26 23:46:24

14/11/09: 24.5km LSD with TKO runners, 2:26:50 from my watch

16/11/09 joined Wong Sir's Tuen Mun run session for the first time. Thx Wong Sir for your advice about my running style. I reckon it takes some time for me to adjust it. (about 5 km running distance)

18/11/09 speed pyramid session with HKLRRC
400m: 1:34 600m: 2:23 800m: 3:18 1000m: 4:10 1000m: 4:22 800m: 3:21 600m 2:28 400m: 1:29
I forgot the recovery time but I reckon it is between 90sec and 120sec

20/11/09 gym session, 10mins treadmill run only (1.8km)

21/11/09: 28km LSD with TKO runners, 2:39:32 from my watch

23/11/09: Tuen Mun Sport Ground (5km warm up), 踢腿, Tuen Mun Sport Ground --> Tuen Mun Park returns, 800m cool down.(about 8.5km in total)

25/11/09: speed session ( 8 * 800m 5mins include rest ):
warm up: 3.6km, cool down: 800m(10.8km in total)

26/11/09: Easy jog from 荃灣 to 深井 來回 , about 13km

michaelyw 發表於 2009-11-29 14:52:05


全日心情不太好,抱歉之前冇去同大家拉BANNER影相,跑完之後又逕自回家冇同大家SAY HELLO。

在這種情況下,下星期跑石門10K 50分鐘內都偷笑了。

edwinc 發表於 2009-11-30 14:37:26

If you've run a 96mins HM before, that simply means your body could at least do it, if not better, hey man you are still young. don't let negative thinking overtake you, dun doubt yourself, that's very silly.

It's only my feeling of you, no offence, I reckon:

1)you haven't come out of the torture of the FM in Melbourne yet, both physically and mentally. maybe you haven't given your body the rest it needed, and chronic exhaustion could lead to mild depression, depressed mind suppresses physical performance, it's a really bad cycle
suggestion: cut all intensity works for 2 weeks, no races, just long easy jog and stop or slow down when you feel tired. eat and hydrate yourself well, also make sure you sleep well and see how you go from there.

2)dun forget the basics of sport is fun. you demand too much of yourself, setting too many targets, slowly turning running into a boring subject, and even pressured from doing it, not worth it. just relax! release yourself from invisible burdens. run freely
suggestion: just go out and run, forget about the distance, the pace, just run with your i-pod, for half an hour to 45mins each section, enjoy the scene, look at the trees, the roads the people the kids. enjoy the sun, the wind, enjoy the sweat and everything around you but the pace!

3)I could be wrong, just feel that you maybe too sensitive of what ppl think about you. like running, oftenly you really want to prove yourself, but if it fails, you get very disappointed because ppl may think you're a un-talented slow runner and you really want to show you can. it gives you unnecessary pressure from running and can turn into self-doubting
If I am right, try to concentrate back to yourself, listen and communicate with your body, your body is the one work hard for you, not other ppl! pay all attention to train your body stronger, that's the only thing you need, dun worry about the result and dun worry about what ppl tthink of you, feel and talk to your own body

dun doubt yourself, dun give up
winners dun quit, quitters dun win
if you think you cant, YOU CANT!
our brain can really affect our physical performance
So stay positive, do the right things and be patient, patience is very important, fruits will only come thru for hardworking ppl do the right things at right times

Lastly, I still remember you pushed me all the way in Burnley HM, you were so smooth and strong, hope to be pushed again(not overtaken) by you very soon.
Stay positive, young man!

[ 本帖最後由 edwinc 於 2009-11-30 14:42 編輯 ]

shogikin 發表於 2009-11-30 15:18:42


Kin in Running

michaelyw 發表於 2009-12-2 22:56:41

Thanks Edwin for your long comment.
I was upset mainly because I had a bad plan and weak mental strength this time. Might be you are right as I haven't fully recovered from the marathon in October. But I would say I am not pushing myself hard at all. Unlike in Melbourne, run with easy pace occupy most of my distance this month. Even in the race I still didn't put reasonable effort because of morale. Meanwhile, you should understand the standard in Melbourne and AV XCR series. Do you think ppl will change their mind if I can run much faster than now? So I don't care about this as I get used to be an underdog under any circumstance. In secondary school I always finish last 10% of the pack in running any distance so I am satisfied what i've done so far.

To be honest I am facing other difficulties now and I find it hard to handle it. That's why I am not in good mood so it affects other aspects of my life.

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-12-2 22:58 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2009-12-2 22:57:13

原帖由 shogikin 於 2009-11-30 15:18 發表環境只是跑步其中一種因素時間只是跑步其中一項指標Kin in Running


michaelyw 發表於 2009-12-2 23:21:24

2/12/09 Speedwork at Sha Tin Sport Ground

雖然 Edwin 建議唔好玩high intensity workout住,但在家中呆得發慌兼胡思亂想,昨日INTERVIEW又唔多順利氣悶悶,想出來衝衝散散心,又可以與人聊聊,總比一個人自閉的好,於是傍晚還是落了沙田場。

因為太想找人說話的關係,前後跟了三個人去跑圈熱身吹水,計埋都跑左七、八個圈。如常STRIDE了四個100米之後就開始,今日再次係6個1000M 6分鐘連休,記得一個月前第一次來就是玩這個,想不到咁快就已經一個月了,找工還沒有頭緒........還是別想那麼多,跑完先算吧。原打算今次唔跑太快,不過唔知點解整個過程都跑得好順,又沒有刻意死谷,也許跑步這玩意兒就是這樣隨意,也許真如堅堅所說:環境只是跑步其中一種因素時間,只是跑步其中一項指標。


2.8km warm up, 6 * 1000m (6min inc. rest): 408, 406, 407, 405, 402, 403,
800m cool down

P.S. November total running distance inc. races: 184.8km
頁: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 [27] 28
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