michaelyw 發表於 2008-8-24 16:48:31

原帖由 慢速小子 於 2008-8-20 09:02 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif


Thx :)
然而,我都幾高興今次能夠中止七月份連繼兩場的表現不濟。乃是近兩星期來多練long slow/medium distance 的成果。

michaelyw 發表於 2008-8-24 17:18:31

撞牆 :(

其實我一直都冇打算今年/下年渣打跑全馬,但是我想在下年年中在澳洲試試看,所以我最近跟的training schedule 都幾"全馬feel"
今日第一次試跟人跑32km,原先以為那組是long slow distance,或是一個leader 帶快另一個帶慢,但是跑跑下愈覺唔對路,班人的跑速介乎4:50-5:00,事後才知道全group跑 32km 的為之LMD,全group跑30km 的才是LSD。儘管我一直在後面跟著,感覺就好似跑半馬比賽咁。旁邊有位越南中年人第一次來,也好似我咁胡里胡塗死跟,也許見我都係亞洲人,對我頗為友善,途中更送我一包補充體力的液體(我一時up唔出係乜野)。然而這包補充飲料也救不了我很久,我去到15K就開始墮後,22K 後我懷疑自己只能保持稍比6:00min/km 強的速度,去到26、27K 時我唔見左班人,唯有自己一個睇地圖版搵路跑。起初仍雄心壯志地想自己跑夠32k,但是去到30K 上下對腳開始抽筋,被迫跑下行下,去到最後更要行畢完程,那種舉步為艱的感覺大概就是大家常題及的撞牆吧。


回到起點見返班人,佢地當然以為我跑畢全程,同我講 (see, you'made it! well done Micheal.) ,我則連解釋的說話也講唔出了。

下次跑25+ 距離時,應該要考慮隨身帶補充體力的東西。縱然水機在墨爾本無處不在,齋飲水救唔到自己。

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-8-24 17:23 編輯 ]

lvrunner 發表於 2008-8-25 01:13:51

Hi Michael,

So you finally got the taste of hitting the wall eh!I usually start taking gel after 75 minutes of running.I take one pack of gel when doing 1/2 marathon.   When the body doesn't have enough electrolyes and the heart was beating fast, you can go into cardiac arrest (heart attack) very easily.I also think that you haven't really fully recovered from your last week 1/2 marathon run yet, that was the other reason why you hit the wall.But I am glad you know what it was like.Take care.

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-8-24 09:21 編輯 ]

edwinc 發表於 2008-8-26 21:11:38

Hi michael
I am also a runner from hk currently in melbourne, where about are you? and which running club you joined?

nc 發表於 2008-8-26 21:26:04

welcome, edwin ching :handshake

ching是否在melbourne才開始跑步呢 iuoihohighu 在香港跑邊頭多 ghjg

edwinc 發表於 2008-8-27 09:56:34

I actually live in Aus, but I am in HK for holidays at this moment
been running on and off since university time(I graduated in HK), but pick up running more seriously around 3 yrs ago in Aus
I run in   九龍斧山道 or   藍田晒草灣occasionally

[ 本帖最後由 edwinc 於 2008-8-27 10:22 編輯 ]

nc 發表於 2008-8-27 10:02:25

原帖由 edwinc 於 2008-8-27 09:56 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
I actually lived in Aus now, but I am in HK for holidays at this moment
been running on and off since university time(I graduated in HK), but pick up running more seriously around 3 yrs ago in Aus
I ...

ching 是否以前在d網多呢 ghjg 小妹係咪見過ching還傾過幾句 hjhk

edwinc 發表於 2008-8-27 10:23:34

yes, it's you! I think did I see you once in 斧山道, you are a very fit lady runner

[ 本帖最後由 edwinc 於 2008-8-27 10:45 編輯 ]

nc 發表於 2008-8-27 10:40:44

原帖由 edwinc 於 2008-8-27 10:23 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
yes, did I see you in 斧山道 once?

welcome welcome, 那天ching好似第一次去虎山場, 之後有沒有再跑過斧山呀??ching可以去九龍區留言, 看看kin兄今個星期五有沒有例會 gjhfghftgh

nc 發表於 2008-8-27 10:50:46

借用了michael兄個blog吹水好似唔好意思, 吹水可轉去"九龍區"版 gjhfghftgh

edwinc 發表於 2008-8-27 10:51:29

cant make it this friday, probably will go this thurs
what about you?

edwinc 發表於 2008-8-27 10:52:40

yes right, sorry michael

michaelyw 發表於 2008-8-28 08:47:24

原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-8-25 01:13 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
Hi Michael,

So you finally got the taste of hitting the wall eh!I usually start taking gel after 75 minutes of running.I take one pack of gel when doing 1/2 marathon.   When the body doesn't ha ...

thx David :)
and sorry for the late reply as I was too concentrating on my studies and running recently.
obviously I have bought a belt which has several containers for water as well as gel.
I tried to wear it in yesterday running session (with empty containers). I think it takes time for me to get used to it.
anyway I will try to take gel if I do the long run next time and see how I'll go.


michaelyw 發表於 2008-8-28 08:51:42

原帖由 edwinc 於 2008-8-26 21:11 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
Hi michael
I am also a runner from hk currently in melbourne, where about are you? and which running club you joined?

oh my god I am really sorry to miss your question and reply that late.
I was too concentrating on my studies and running recently ...

I live in city and run with the group in city.
the running group I involve is not a official running group but rather a training session for Melbourne Marathon.
I may plan to join a running offical to run AV events next yr.. whatever see how I'll go ...

glad to have company here :)

let's exchange some contact details through personal message first.

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-8-28 08:57 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-8-28 08:56:36

原帖由 obaanc 於 2008-8-27 10:50 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
借用了michael兄個blog吹水好似唔好意思, 吹水可轉去"九龍區"版 gjhfghftgh

Nevermind and thx for catching up with edwinc when I was wandering :P

edwinc 發表於 2008-8-28 09:13:13

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2008-8-28 08:51 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

may plan to join a running offical to run AV events next yr.. whatever see how I'll go ...

Haha, I am a AV club runner as well(we have to make it clear AV means Atheltics Victoria here as HK ppls are more familiar to other meaning of AV)
I am a Coburg Harrier, which club are you going to join? as you have to become a club member to participate in their certain events such as relays.
Good to see another HK man willing to pick up running more seriously in Aus, I don't remember seeing other HK runner in the AV circuit.

Hey there will be 2 AV events coming up in your area shortly, the HM championship and the 1 lap Tan relay, I think both of them are held in Sept, and the HM is also an open race for public to join to my memory

Anyway, nice meeting you

michaelyw 發表於 2008-8-31 14:31:12

原帖由 edwinc 於 2008-8-28 09:13 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

Haha, I am a AV club runner as well(we have to make it clear AV means Atheltics Victoria here as HK ppls are more familiar to other meaning of AV)

一時冇諗到呢個問題tim ~;P
nice to meet u too =]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-8-31 15:23:17


首次載上腰帶跑長課,腰帶繫著了兩個小水壺,分別盛著兩packs Gel 的容量 和 約300ml Powerade沖濟,想藉此習慣載著腰帶跑步的感覺。

於是我和他就一齊跟"中速組"runner leader 跑,leader 話想大家能做到negative split,我當然都想聽話,然而佢地一開始就跑到4:40m/km (原本佢地想4:50m/km去,4:40m/km 回, 當然我也做不到啦,但係從後跟住都未必唔見佢地影),我當然唔同佢地癲,但都應該在4:50以下,去到3km 就開始係後面。無疑,"中速組"是"高速組","慢速組"才是"中速組" (5:20-5:30)

在蜿蜒的耶拉河邊(Yarra River) 小徑,他們的背影時有時無,都有點驚唔見左佢地。幸好他們在若6km、11km 的水機飲水,我就乘機同佢地會合。基本上我在那些小休期間已開始"Pak" Energy Gel 和 Powerade。他們頭12km用56分幾 (我57分幾,absolutely my racing pace),runner leader 叫大家用自己的速度跑回去,最好可以做到negative split,之後就飛奔而去,不見影縱。那些中年男士也認為他們跑得太快,就放慢腳步同我和另兩名中年男士一齊回程。途中又停了兩次,最後回程用了59分鐘,negative split 的夢想化為泡影。

雖然如此,今次也高興自己可以持續均速而沒有在最後2km明顯的跌watt,無疑是"cheaters"的功效: Gel 和Powerade。暫時尚未能夠邊行邊"Pak" Gel,這要在往後的長課試試看。


[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-8-31 15:45 編輯 ]

edwinc 發表於 2008-8-31 23:16:10

I use endura, it has a kind of long-chain sugar, they store and consume longer than simple sugar, better for distance or endurance trainning, you may want to try

Gills 發表於 2008-9-18 12:27:26

米高兄, 九月份忙緊咩? 今年年尾有咩Plan? 會唔會返港走番轉, 太奈冇你消息, 見字速回.

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查看完整版本: mic mic 的平凡跑誌 (現在長駐香港)
