ChARsoN 發表於 2009-1-16 21:47:05

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2009-1-16 11:14 發表墨爾本的夏天....真的不知道怎樣說... 星期日朝早14、15度,星期二下午最高37度. :L 嘩...真係.....

david_92hk 發表於 2009-1-17 09:54:34


michaelyw 發表於 2009-1-29 19:32:30



18/1/09 (星期日跑14km):
路線:Yarra Trail (10.3) + 1 lap the Tan (3.8)

全程用均速偏慢的步速跑,去到12K 有點乏力,太耐冇做較長的課有點不習慣,但仍希望下週日可延長跑距到18K。

12-18/1 總跑距:31.4km

michaelyw 發表於 2009-1-29 19:52:36

補 19-25/1 跑步記錄

19/1 jog 60mins 當日身體唔太舒服,黃昏在公園踱步,天氣有點悶熱,午間有三十度,但走完之後感覺稍佳。

20/1 45mins run threadmill (8.2km)
location: Caufield Campus Gym
正式開始為時三星期的reseach program run,今星期要做的是在星期二、四的早上七時十五分在學校gym的跑步機上跑45分鐘,條件是要維持80% HR 的intensity,對我而言是介乎147-158的HR,約過了158則需要減速。第一次跑唔太習慣,起初set自己用5:00m/km 的步速跑,但去到20分鐘後心跳率漸升,不時過了158水位,唯有一定減速,到最後減到約5:30m/km。

21/1 5.5km regular run
location: Albert Park
本來想加入一group人跑步,但最後因找錯地方而遲到,唯有自己背著書包圍著Albert Park 跑個幾圈,跑完做下少少core training 後就收工。

22/1 morning: 45 mins run threadmill (9.2km), afternoon: 4km speedwork at Olympic Park Track
下午在Olympic Park 跑了600m, 400m, 400m, 300m, 300m, 1000m (中間休2分鐘)
600m: 2:11, 400m: 1:26, 400m: 1:23, 300m: 0:56, 300m: 1:01, 1000m: 4:04

23/1/09 regular run 10.3km (55:43)
course: Yarra Trail
ran with recovery pace as I put myself quite hard a day before.

25/1/09 Sunday Long Run 18km (1:37:54)
course: Yarra Trail (10.3km) + double Tan (7.6km)

19-25/1 總跑距:55.2km

michaelyw 發表於 2009-1-29 20:03:07

補 26-29/1 跑步記錄

26/1: rest

27/1:morning 50mins treadmill run (10.2km), afternoon speedwork (7.5km in total)
今星期的research run 將時間延長5分鐘,條件照舊。 當日狀態良好,HR都維持得幾貫徹。max HR: 161, average: 156。
下午去Tan Track跑speedwork,1.5km warm up, 4*80m sprint, 4.7km session, 1km cool down.
500m (uphill): 2:00, 800m (downhill): 3:04, 1000m (uphill): 4:29, 1000m (downhill): 4:12,
800m (uphill): 3:29, 500m (downhill): 1:46

28/1; rest

29:1: treadmill 50mins run (10.2km again)
今日決定只跑上午的research run,在最高43度的情況下決定放棄跑下午的track speedwork。max HR: 160, average: 155
雖然昨晚因太熱而訓唔著,起初也不敢隨意加速(最後trainer見我HR 太低,主動要求我加速),但是今日跑落去又好似冇乜影響到,最後同前日跑的速度分別不大。

慢子 Wilson 發表於 2009-1-29 21:47:23

祝牛年越跑越快,身體健康;場場 P.B.,,長跑長友!ng49hgh

michaelyw 發表於 2009-2-1 11:00:20

原帖由 慢子 Wilson 於 2009-1-29 21:47 發表
祝牛年越跑越快,身體健康;場場 P.B.,,長跑長友!ng49hgh


michaelyw 發表於 2009-2-1 11:16:10




1/2/09:週日慢長跑 21.7km,時間:1:58:37
趁今天熱浪已過,在早上十點22度的晴天跑long slow distance,乃是今年首次跑多過20公里的workout。縱然踏到中午氣溫升近30度,最後也沒有太明顯的乏力,對自己在這半個月來的進展頗滿意。
先在Yarra River Trail 跑10.3km,再在圍住Tan Track 跑3 圈 (共11.4 km),共21.7km。


[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-2-1 11:18 編輯 ]

running-sue 發表於 2009-2-1 21:26:19

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2009-2-1 11:16 發表

非常認同ching的見解, 小妹係一個很懶的人, 能跑到今日的成績, 我已經非常滿意, 其實每次都要做到好成績, 係每個跑手的意願, 但講真果句, 有苦自己知.所以小妹今年挑戰渣打全馬, 都會抱住輕鬆的心態去完成, 希望做到ching所講的享受跑步的樂趣+帶來的健康.ng1hgh

michaelyw 發表於 2009-2-9 09:28:15


sorry for the late update and annoying English but I have no choice :( . I have just moved into a new appartment (again :L ) and I can't get online until I come back this Friday morning.
I have just finished an exam of summer semester now and is now at school library.
I will go to Department Immigration later for dealing with student VISA stuff before doing the VO2 Max Treadmill Testing again as I have just finished the research runnning program last week.

Here I justtype my running last week:

3/2/09 Treadmill 55mins run (10.8km, rule: don't exceed 80%HR)
last week of the research running program but my body wasn't as good as last week. Just felt easily to reach the peak of 80% heart rate (158) so I have to slow down at the early stage, end up with a relatively slow average pace for today running.

4/2/09 Treadmill 55mins run (10.4km, rule: don't exceed 80%HR)
special arrangement for today's running as I told the trainer I will leave on 12/2 night, so she made a special arrangement for me to do the last running just a day after the previous one and I need to take a longer communing journey to Clayton Campus which is 9km longer than my usual running place Caulfield. Surely my heart rate told me I wasn't recovered well from last running and I ran with the slowest of 10.6km/h before striking back to 11km/h at the end.

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-2-9 09:29 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2009-2-9 09:43:49

6/2/08 5km Time Trial Run

As part of the research this morining I have to undertake 5km Time Trial Run, VO2 Max Treadmill Testing and Peak Power Output Testing (on the bike) again ( I have taken 4 weeks ago <-- press it).

The trainer required me to have the same warm up and starting time of today. She also ask me to eat similar food this week comparing with 4 week before. Today my feet felt pretty strong and I hoped I could run faster than last time (22:20, and I believe she want me to run faster in order to prove the success of her research)

Time (compare with 4 weeks ago <-- press it):
1km: 4:05 started with an REALLY aggressive pace as I was over-excited and had strong desire to beat the past although I know I have to slow down a lap after.
2km: 8:28 (4:23) the catalyst has passed and everything was back to normal, but I still wanted to hope this relative fast pace
3km: 12:52 (4:24) still felt strong although my body began to sweat much. Just prevented myself from wondering too much but kept focus.
4km: 17:12 (4:20) I had strong belief I could beat the past and it is just the matter how far I could go.
5km: 21:31 (4:19) amazing! really an incredible effort. For the first time I appreciate my effort this time as I never thought I could run sub 22 5K this year.

warm up beat: 128
max heart beat: 182 (100% max, surely an all-out effort)
cool down beat (2mins later): 155
cool down beat (4mins later): 130

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-2-9 09:49 編輯 ]

ChARsoN 發表於 2009-2-10 19:55:14

唔知ching 住果頭有冇受山林大火影響?

michaelyw 發表於 2009-2-11 06:09:15

原帖由 ChARsoN 於 2009-2-10 19:55 發表
唔知ching 住果頭有冇受山林大火影響?
thanks for your care Charson :)
I am fine as I live in city centre.
the situation is really dreadful in countryside instead... it seems it get worse year by year :(
by the way I will be in Hong Kong from 13/2-2/3... wish to see you and run with you (in case you are not busy at studying)

michaelyw 發表於 2009-2-11 06:37:37

10/2/09 Speedwork Session (4.5km in total)

Warm up: 1km
Speed Interval: 3km (1000m,800m,600m,400m,200m, 90sec rest in between)
Cool down: 0.5km
Course: Olympic Park Track

Time: 1000m: 4:05, 800m: 3:12, 600m: 2:17, 400m: 1:19, 200m: 0:34

Comment: felt pretty strong today. As requirement I was able to increase pace gradually with the shorter distance. Such a nice workout for today and I am more confidence I can run faster in the following races. :)

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-2-11 06:39 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2009-2-11 06:40:21

11/2/09 Vo2 max Bike Test and the end of the test

Here is the full report of the research as I am a sample runner.


and to compare the VO2 max (ml/kg/min) with various groups, here are some information from this website:

VO2max for various groupsThe tables below detail normative data for VO2max (ml/kg/min) in various population groups, while bolded number are my gender and age group.
(me is 55.24 PRE Intervention, 58.12 POST Intervention, just above non athletes average at the same age group, but still have miles away to reach the lowest range of a regular athlete runners)

Non Athletes
AthletesSportAgeMaleFemaleBaseball18-3248-5652-57Basketball18-3040-6043-60Cycling18-2662-7447-57Canoeing22-2855-6748-52Football (USA) 20-3642-60Gymnastics18-2252-5835-50Ice Hockey 10-3050-63Orienteering20-6047-5346-60Rowing20-3560-7258-65Skiing alpine 18-3057-6850-55Skiing nordic 20-2865-9460-75Soccer22-2854-6450-60Speed skating 18-2456-7344-55Swimming10-2550-7040-60Track & Field - Discus 22-3042-55Track & Field - Running 18-3960-8550-75Track & Field - Running 40-7540-6035-60Track & Field - Shot 22-3040-46Volleyball18-2240-56Weight Lifting 20-3038-52Wrestling20-3052-65
Tables adapted from: Wilmore JH and Costill DL. (2005) Physiology of Sport and Exercise: 3rd Edition. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics

Athlete's Vo2max Scores The following are the Vo2max scores for a selection of the top female and male athletes.

VO2max (ml/kg/min)AthleteGenderSport/Event96.0Espen Harald BjerkeMaleCross Country Skiing96.0Bjorn DaehlieMaleCross Country Skiing92.5Greg LeMondMaleCycling92.0Matt CarpenterMaleMarathon Runner92.0Tore Ruud HofstadMaleCross Country Skiing91.0Harri KirvesniemMaleCross Country Skiing88.0Miguel IndurainMaleCycling87.4Marius BakkenMale5K Runner85.0Dave BedfordMale10K Runner85.0John NgugiMaleCross Country Runner73.5Greta WaitzFemaleMarathon runner71.2Ingrid KristiansenFemaleMarathon Runner67.2Rosa MotaFemaleMarathon Runner

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-2-11 07:06 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2009-2-17 12:53:46

running update (11/2 - 15/2)

下晨跟run for the kids 賽事的第一次跑步練習,有好多人參與,搞手也很慷慨,免費送人一頂nike cap,前後茶水和生果也供應得很足。當日將逾50人的大團體分為5km/10km組別,再在個別距離中分為快、中、慢組,各有領導員帶領。

12/2/09 (6.5km) interval run
750m warm up, 4.8km reducing recovery at Oval, 750m cool down
當日得好少人跑,10個人都冇。今日練的"遞減康復距離",大致是圍著一個約450m長的圓形rugby場跑,每set 為6圈,第一圈衝200m, 緩250m, 第二圈衝220m, 緩230m, 第三圈衝240、四衝260, 五衝280, 六衝300m然後完一set,總共練兩set,每set 間有三分鐘休息。
今日有點疲態,但也是我目的之一,跑完之後上機可以訓得好點 :)

14/2/09 (8.8km) 城門河獅子橋 到孖橋一圈 (41:29)

michaelyw 發表於 2009-2-17 16:21:54

17/2/09 獨自跑馬鞍山運動場 (5.24km)

時間:17/2/09 下午2時15分

熱身:800m (4線) +4*60m
主菜:1000m+800m+600m+400m+200m (中間休90秒)
cool down:1200m (4線)

由於明天晚上應會去跑12km 梅子林,原今天打算沿城門河例跑10-12km,為了與明晚的workout 不重覆決定今日逕自去跑些speedwork session。先上網留意下運動場的時間表,發現馬鞍山運動場在四點之前都開放俾大眾,就決定在1點吃過飯後搭馬鐵前往那裡。

一去到就見到一些中學生在練跑,唯有在外圈(4、5線)跑兩圈等佢地跑完先,然後想在場內草地衝數次提步跑(平時在墨爾本變速跑前的例行動作),忘記了運動場是禁止踐踏草地的,直到有人廣播警告才如夢初醒,好瘀 :( ,唯有在場邊的跑道做。

今日自己計劃做一星期前一樣的session:1000m,800m,600m,400m,200m 中間休90秒,
1000m: 4:04
800m: 3:13
600m: 2:22
400m: 1:27
200m: 0:37


[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-2-17 16:32 編輯 ]

spmho 發表於 2009-2-17 16:28:41


michaelyw 發表於 2009-2-17 16:34:30

回復 458# 的帖子


[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2009-2-17 16:38 編輯 ]

spmho 發表於 2009-2-17 16:36:48

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2009-2-17 16:34 發表

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查看完整版本: mic mic 的平凡跑誌 (現在長駐香港)
