瘋瘋 發表於 2008-7-25 20:57:39

發表於 2008-7-27 08:09:30

26/7 5:30pm
尋花問柳13K, 一大隊綠色軍團由瘋兄會所出發。是次尋花過程小弟用了1:18'30":L , 其中向烏溪沙方向跑時因太熱關係, 所以中途停低多次:P 。

慢子 Wilson 發表於 2008-7-27 08:17:12

原帖由 Alex 於 2008-7-27 08:09 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
26/7 5:30pm
尋花問柳13K, 一大隊綠色軍團由瘋兄會所出發。是次尋花過程小弟用了1:18'30":L , 其中向烏溪沙方向跑時因太熱關係, 所以中途停低多次:P 。


發表於 2008-7-29 22:00:43

29/7 6:30am
今日仍然在鰂魚涌海濱公園跑圈, 共5圈, 約6K, 33'17"
頭三圈跑得太快, 扯爆了, 要停低1'回氣:L

發表於 2008-7-29 22:07:51

原帖由 慢速小子 於 2008-7-27 08:17 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

吓,咁我的表現更.............................ghjghjghjghjgh" />jg" />h


ChARsoN 發表於 2008-7-29 22:13:55

原帖由 慢速小子 於 2008-7-27 08:17 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

吓,咁我的表現更.............................ghjghjghjghjgh" />jg" />h

發表於 2008-7-31 22:22:40

31/7 9:30pm
今晚食完晚飯, 同家人落街打羽毛球, 打完波就去跑步。初初跑時感覺有D怪, 因無穿跑步鞋, 愈跑愈唔順, 跑左5K到就放棄了, 用左25'到。返到屋企除鞋之後, 覺得脚弓同小腿肚很疲倦,以後都係穿跑步鞋才跑:L 。

發表於 2008-8-2 08:12:16

02/8 7:00am
今朝在鰂魚涌海濱公園跑去筲箕灣, 來回兩轉, 約7K, 時間36'26"89, 分段時間
8'41"99 (又扯爆咗:L , 唉....點解咁易爆.....gvhjhi )
9'50"07 (捱返去所以慢咗好很多tytfuhgv )

[ 本帖最後由 Alex 於 2008-8-3 14:24 編輯 ]

發表於 2008-8-3 14:36:08

03/8 9:30am
今日唔跑海邊, 改跑山......hjkjhk" />" />" />
路徑: 鰂魚涌柏架山道-金督馳馬徑-畢拉山道-黄泥涌峽徑-大潭水塘道-大潭水塘-大風坳-英皇道

共18K, 2小時22分

8月cum數25K, 2小時58分

[ 本帖最後由 Alex 於 2008-8-3 14:40 編輯 ]

慢子 Wilson 發表於 2008-8-3 14:50:29

原帖由 Alex 於 2008-8-3 14:36 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
03/8 9:30am
今日唔跑海邊, 改跑山......hjkjhk" />" />" />" />
路徑: 鰂魚涌柏架山道-金督馳馬徑-畢拉山道-黄泥涌峽徑-大潭水塘道-大潭水塘-大風坳-英皇道

共18K, 2小時22分

8月cum數25K, 2小 ...

18K ?fhdfhdf

現在 34 度喎!今日我估連8k都不能...........ugjgyjfhf

發表於 2008-8-3 14:56:39

回復 30# 的帖子

係啊! 今日好熱:L , 中途我停左4次飲水及休息回氣hjkjhk

大圍新跑手 發表於 2008-8-3 21:36:06

原帖由 Alex 於 2008-8-3 14:36 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
03/8 9:30am
今日唔跑海邊, 改跑山......hjkjhk" />" />" />" />
路徑: 鰂魚涌柏架山道-金督馳馬徑-畢拉山道-黄泥涌峽徑-大潭水塘道-大潭水塘-大風坳-英皇道

共18K, 2小時22分

8月cum數25K, 2小 ...

18K.....Alex兄都好厲害吓wor,想問吓 ching 你出年渣打係咪都會跑全馬o架?目標時間會係幾多呢?希望到時小弟都可以跟到ching啦。

blurmax 發表於 2008-8-3 22:48:49

hgkjjhlkjl 路徑: 鰂魚涌柏架山道-金督馳馬徑-畢拉山道-黄泥涌峽徑-大潭水塘道-大潭水塘-大風坳-英皇道


U're really tough!I could not complete a 10 K run today under such hot temp.ugjgyjfhf

發表於 2008-8-4 08:48:03

原帖由 大圍新跑手 於 2008-8-3 21:36 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

18K.....Alex兄都好厲害吓wor,想問吓 ching 你出年渣打係咪都會跑全馬o架?目標時間會係幾多呢?希望到時小弟都可以跟到ching啦。1469

For FM or HM, still under considering. I hope to enroll FM, but depends on my body condition. I'm lack of endurance. Let's add oil together yuytuyg

發表於 2008-8-4 08:49:44

原帖由 blurmax 於 2008-8-3 22:48 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif


U're really tough!I could not complete a 10 K run today under such hot temp.ugjgyjfhf

It's really hot yesterday, I ran very slow (18K with more than 2 hours) and took many break for rest.gvhjhi

發表於 2008-8-4 22:35:12

04/8 9:30pm
今晚在鰂魚涌公園緩跑徑衝圈, 一圈640M, 每圈4分連休, 共衝10圈, 時間如下:
1 - 3'01"17
2 - 3'00"23
3 - 3'01"73
4 - 3'02"62
5 - 3'02"81
6 - 2'57"53
7 - 3'00"21
8 - 3'01"76
9 - 3'10"62
10- 3'02"02

共6.4K, 30'17"

8月cum數31.4K, 3小時29分

lvrunner 發表於 2008-8-5 06:41:17

原帖由 Alex 於 2008-8-3 16:48 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
For FM or HM, still under considering. I hope to enroll FM, but depends on my body condition. I'm lack of endurance. Let's add oil together yuytuyg
Come on Alex hing, it is part of mind over body, courage and determination!You can do it!!Let me show you Julie Moss's amazing video clip again.She inspires and motivates tons and tons of long distance runners through out all these years.

Julie Moss

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-8-4 14:48 編輯 ]

發表於 2008-8-5 08:16:27

原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-8-5 06:41 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

Come on Alex hing, it is part of mind over body, courage and determination!You can do it!!Let me show you Julie Moss's amazing video clip again.She inspires and motivates tons and tons of long ...

Julie is superwoman, not only due to she finished the IRONMAN race, but also her strong mind. hjikgyufyu I was heard that she still enroll IRONMAN nowaday, is it true?

lvrunner 發表於 2008-8-5 09:25:55

原帖由 Alex 於 2008-8-4 16:16 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
Julie is superwoman, not only due to she finished the IRONMAN race, but also her strong mind. hjikgyufyu I was heard that she still enroll IRONMAN nowaday, is it true?
Not sure, I haven't heard of her this year. http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h147/lvrunner/longrundothk/bouncingmickey.gif

發表於 2008-8-7 20:08:27

07/8 7:00pm
今日打大風, 無咩心機, 5K, 25'...................fghfghfgh
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