redred 發表於 2008-7-22 09:38:04

gills 兄, 你既下集等到我地頸都長
莫非gills 兄其實準備緊一本黃頁咁厚既下集比我地分享
jhihjigyuy 好期待ygugyggg

[ 本帖最後由 redred 於 2008-7-22 09:45 編輯 ]

lvrunner 發表於 2008-7-22 09:39:11

紅紅姐 ~

有冇食消炎/止痛丸呀!小弟相信D神油冇乜作用bor, 小心愈整愈傷呀!!

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-7-21 17:40 編輯 ]

redred 發表於 2008-7-22 09:47:23

原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-7-22 09:39 發表
紅紅姐 ~

有冇食消炎/止痛丸呀!小弟相信D神油冇乜作用bor, 小心愈整愈傷呀!! LV CHING...講起真係無.....yhfhfghfhjhjm
睇黎真係要食, 今晚返去食返粒
但係咪普通去藥房買個d消炎藥巳經ok ?唔該曬gfuhguhgiuy

lvrunner 發表於 2008-7-22 09:54:44

原帖由 redred 於 2008-7-21 17:47 發表
LV CHING...講起真係無.....yhfhfghfhjhjm
睇黎真係要食, 今晚返去食返粒
但係咪普通去藥房買個d消炎藥巳經ok ?唔該曬gfuhguhgiuy
係呀, 小弟上次mentioned果種, 亞yungwai兄亦提及過NSAID(Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug)丸, 但切記唔好空肚食, 會"那"胃的.

redred 發表於 2008-7-22 09:58:18


瘋瘋 發表於 2008-7-22 10:01:40

redred 發表於 2008-7-22 10:07:46

原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-7-22 09:54 發表

係呀, 小弟上次mentioned果種, 亞yungwai兄亦提及過NSAID(Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug)丸, 但切記唔好空肚食, 會"那"胃的. LV CHING, 即係普通消炎丸唔得 ? 一定係nsaid 少有用嗎 ?
想請問ching 你之前提及可以係屈人持同萬0買到
咁佢包裝係咪會註明 nsaid 這些字 ?
我怕一陣買錯, 買左人地普通消炎藥hjkjhkhjk

711MF 發表於 2008-7-22 10:45:52

clerkb 發表於 2008-7-22 10:50:46

同意.不過醫生都係會開消炎藥的. 如去左睇. 記住keep 住個袋, 食完未好晒,可以去藥房配. $0.5 - $1 粒到

redred 發表於 2008-7-22 10:54:14

原帖由 瘋狂跑步機 於 2008-7-22 10:01 發表
你個頭像好鬼屎型bor! 好似有個男跑手力跑個女跑手咁bor!yuytuyg嘻嘻嘻. 精彩精彩!
隻腳好返未呀, 就來尋花問柳啦, take care! 瘋兄, 未好返我都會黎尋花問柳, 最多跑少d

redred 發表於 2008-7-22 10:58:05

多謝7兄同clerkb 兄意見
不過, 想請問睇普通醫生巳經ok
定係一定要搵d專科睇 ?

lvrunner 發表於 2008-7-22 11:02:23

原帖由 redred 於 2008-7-21 18:07 發表
LV CHING, 即係普通消炎丸唔得 ? 一定係nsaid 少有用嗎 ?
想請問ching 你之前提及可以係屈人持同萬0買到
咁佢包裝係咪會註明 nsaid 這些字 ?
我怕一陣買錯, 買左人地普通消炎藥hjkjhkhjk" />hjk" />" />hjk" />
red red tse,

NSAID is the catagory of the drug,And the drug is divided into either generic name (雜嘜牌) or brand name (名牌).Generic is cheaper than brand.Generic name for this pain/anti-inflammatory pill is "Ibuprofen", brand name in HK is called "Cortal"Just ask the pharmicist at the counter and say you want Ibuprofen or something equivalent to Ibuprofen which is Cortal in HK.Hope I am not confusing you.No need to see doctor at this stage yet.Take the pill first to see if it is better.Like clerkb hing said, even you go see doctor, he/she will prescribe you the same kind of pills.

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-7-21 19:05 編輯 ]

clerkb 發表於 2008-7-22 11:10:48

其實我信你. 消炎藥好普通. 傷得多就知

我試過有d藥房吾肯開, 要我睇次醫生, 拎個袋.  跟住好易買到

kenneth 發表於 2008-7-22 11:18:49

redred 發表於 2008-7-22 11:41:44

原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-7-22 11:02 發表

red red tse,

NSAID is the catagory of the drug,And the drug is divided into either generic name (雜嘜牌) or brand name (名牌).Generic is cheaper than brand.Generic name for this pain/anti-i ... 哦..真係唔該曬 lv 兄既解釋
我今晚返學前會抽d時間先時間去買, 希望快d好返

kenneth 發表於 2008-7-23 08:45:27

redred 發表於 2008-7-23 10:24:05

原帖由 kennethwat 於 2008-7-23 08:45 發表

ctse 今天情況如何ghjhgkjhjkh 仲有冇痛? KEN 兄, 我食左消炎+止痛藥呀

kenneth 發表於 2008-7-23 10:28:05

711MF 發表於 2008-7-23 10:37:29

lvrunner 發表於 2008-7-23 11:09:57

原帖由 redred 於 2008-7-22 18:24 發表
KEN 兄, 我食左消炎+止痛藥呀
不過仲係痛呀ghjghjghjghjgh" />jg" />
redred tse,

What kind did you buy?   Did you talk to the pharmacist at the drug store?If no relieve then it is time to visit the doctor.
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