michaelyw 發表於 2008-6-12 16:54:40

原帖由 stanleyhpm 於 2008-6-12 12:45 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif


父母既影響有時對我地係好緊要,成日會將自己既希望投射係 ...

嗯,所以一直以來我都係打緊護級戰:lol ,合格最重要。

原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-6-12 12:27 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

其實米高兄, 閣下比我好好多了, 小弟在港只讀到中二咋. 什麼AL, OL, 會考通通沒有試過.

原帖由 obaanc 於 2008-6-12 13:23 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

米高兄, 挨下挨下你已挨了3/4了, 很快便挨完了, 幸好除了讀書外, 你也有跑步伴著你, 有那兒d friend, 有長跑網d ching ctse作support, 不過, 目前最緊要也是考好個試, 唔駛想得咁遠, 向著這個目標進發, 就好像你 ...


原帖由 瘋狂跑步機 於 2008-6-12 13:30 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
遙想當初讀書, 自己在大學時期釣兒郎當的日子, 有點後悔. 盡了讀書生涯最後的努力, 就好似長跑到左最好幾百米既沖刺, 破唔破到PB好睇自己.衝衝衝....Interval都係咁衝啦.hjkjhk" />" />

我又何嘗唔吊兒朗當... 但我相信每個人生階段也總有其意義。


[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-6-12 16:59 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-6-15 14:17:24

Eastlink Open Day Fun Run (6.5km)

a nice run this morning, although I have started 4-5 mins late thanks to the train.
it was a bit hazy at the start, espeically when I just got off the train, felt like I have entered into another world.
but such romantic thought has immediately put behind my mind when I realised that I only had couple minutes to the race start.

I enjoyed the run in the tunnel and I think the highway is more than enough to afford >4000 runners.
That's great and everyone can run/walk with his/her own will.

finished with 30+ (my own time) and 34+ offically (thanks for the offical allow me to start late)
I feel no regret to run this game despite I am struggling for my study right now.

I haven't expected the beautiful scenery of Heatherdale. It is a new developed suburb and the station is well upgraded.
just regret why didn't I bring a camera

michaelyw 發表於 2008-6-17 21:18:08

1st Tuesday running group

Thx Randall for introducing a good running group"Crosbie Crew". With the information he've given from facebook message, I was able to meet everyone at the Tan. I am pretty sure most of the members joined or coached start to finish running group coz I recognised so many faces there.

It was a beautiful evening. Moon light shone on the Yarra River, which was shone by the big city light at the means time. It also reflected the tree with bald branch, and facilitied the feeling of loneliness to the single heart. Thanks for the group, which gave me a little sense of unity at least.

It was on track training today and we made several sessions of velocity runs. As it was my first time to join this group, I decided not to take the longer session but did 1000m,800m,600m,400m,200m with 90 sec rest each of them.

here is my time for today... honestly I still haven't managed to find my own speed and hoped I could make it in the future.

1000m 4:16

oscar 發表於 2008-6-18 10:06:52

michaelyw 發表於 2008-6-20 09:17:27

回復 264# 的帖子


michaelyw 發表於 2008-6-20 09:25:54

Run Melbourne (22/6) preview



日期:六月二十二日 ("冬"至)
地點:Federation Square, Melbourne (市中心附近)

以現今情況來說,狀態尚佳。有部分跟開的coaches會做pace leader,前日有位帶1:40半馬的coach邀請我跟下佢。然而有朋自遠方(悉尼)來,有有興趣來跑跑,也可能會就下佢跑而放慢,站在兩邊矛盾位時,現時也不知自己的目標是如何。
目標1. 若做時間的話,目標是sub 1:45 (似乎頗貪心)
目標2: 若同朋友一齊跑的話,希望唔好慢過2:10吧 (時間都差好遠下:L )

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-6-20 09:30 編輯 ]

瘋瘋 發表於 2008-6-20 10:32:20

peteruno 發表於 2008-6-20 11:27:00

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2008-6-20 09:25 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

這個比賽都算是墨爾本規模較大的賽事,我預計參加人數應有五位數字。單以我去開的澳洲forum就已經有五十幾人參加,實在難以想像。賽道以 ...


michaelyw 發表於 2008-6-22 17:24:02

今日成功達標,大會時間1:44:1x 完成,好開心~

michaelyw 發表於 2008-6-23 15:04:06

Some photos of the run:

I like this photo pretty much... it was the St Paul Cathedral which makes the difference!
(I wore coolrunning gear today, hope to wear longrun.hk gear soon :) )

quite blur of this photo.. not because I was at the high pace... but thanks to the weather as it was drizzling. the white shirt guy (12305) ahead was the 1:45 pace leader who was my training coach and my target of this game.He held the balloon the whole way but this photo didn't show it.

these two photos were taken when I had completed 2/3 of the half marathon. weather looked better before another shower afterwards, that attributed to some visual issues under my glasses. I believed I was still struggling to follow the pace leader (not in these two photos) before I totally lost him at the final 3km :(

full report will be coming soon...

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-6-23 15:10 編輯 ]

瘋瘋 發表於 2008-6-23 15:10:30

oscar 發表於 2008-6-23 15:45:57

lvrunner 發表於 2008-6-23 15:51:13


Congrats on your PB again!Keep it up!What's next?And don't say you're not a speeder anymore!

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-6-22 23:52 編輯 ]

Gills 發表於 2008-6-23 16:31:50

好...跑得又快又好, PB又achieve target, 天氣睇落唔錯, 看你的跑姿, 仍然有進步空間, 有點鬆容不迫之感, 有時間再慢慢分享.

oscar 發表於 2008-6-23 16:51:08

michaelyw 發表於 2008-6-24 12:11:12

原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-6-23 15:51 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

Congrats on your PB again!Keep it up!What's next?And don't say you're not a speeder anymore!

THX :)
next up will be on 6/7, a small scale half mara game.

michaelyw 發表於 2008-6-24 12:13:18

原帖由 Gills 於 2008-6-23 16:31 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
好...跑得又快又好, PB又achieve target, 天氣睇落唔錯, 看你的跑姿, 仍然有進步空間, 有點鬆容不迫之感, 有時間再慢慢分享.

大家過獎了...其實個時我已經出了「卍解」,差在沒有「虛化」:L(冇睇bleach的朋友可以ignore 「」入面的字)


michaelyw 發表於 2008-6-24 12:54:50

Run Melbourne 22/6 報告


正直冬至(南半球),日照時間全年最短,六點幾天還未亮,Federation Square卻已充斥著人群,大都是參賽者或其家屬,也有少數醉酒青年蹣跚而至,看到其中兩位正在跟一位美貌女跑者搭訕。

今天的目標是要跟著1:45 pace leader 跑,務求突破一個月前的時間(1:50),卻找了半天也找不到leader及其手帶著的氣球,唯有呆站在起點線附近等候著。大會將參賽者據估計完成時間分了四部分,分別是1:30內、1:30-1:45、1:45-2:00、2:00+,相信很多參賽者也不會誠實,只管向前濟,我也不太誠實地站在第二線頭(還好最終時間與這個位置沒超大出入)。開賽前數分鐘,終於看到氣球和pace leader,乃是我平時練跑組入面的其中一位教練,跟著他後面的數位跑者也頗為面善,份外有親切感之餘,也提升了賽前的士氣。

比賽開始頭兩公里有點樽頸,賽後在forum也有不少人投訴,還好排位頗前而影響不大。一直跟著pace leader跑,其黃色氣球在人群中清晰可辨,也是全程比賽的最大原動力。人群開始鬆動後,突然聽到周圍跑者在"呼求神的名",乍看旁邊,有位男士赤裸全身只剩波鞋跑步:L ,步速甚快fgyhgjm ,當其時覺得在澳洲見到這些東西不太出奇,逕自朝著目標繼續跑,事後想起才覺得好笑gfyfgughj ,翌日看報紙才知道那傢伙竟跑了10公里多才被警察逮捕,不知是該男士跑得快(警方表示:he was actually a good runner),還是警察唔夠fit。


去到9公里開始有點疲態,也開始懷疑現時的步速是否過快。到10公里marker時望望錶,49:00! 被pace leader 帶得太快,開始擔心自己能否捱得住。剛好前面有條上斜,也順便減一減步速,但也盡力將氣球在視線以內。頭半共用了51:3x ,到12-15公里期間體力有點復甦,可以跟返貼個氣球,不過也只是曇花一現。明顯去到最後3公里跟唔到了,不過見時間仍有機會做到sub 1:45 (18公里 1:28) ,點都保持5:00m/km 埋尾吧,於是又死雞撐飯蓋咁捱埋最後3km,不過氣球早已不知影蹤了。那時天下著雨,在眼鏡下的世界有點模糊,不過也為身體減減溫,總也不算壞。最後還有少少力衝去終點,見到pace leader 在恭候著大家,那時有少少感動,實在多謝他全程的push up和題點。


[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-6-24 13:04 編輯 ]

瘋瘋 發表於 2008-6-24 12:59:55

awyh 發表於 2008-6-24 18:47:05


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查看完整版本: mic mic 的平凡跑誌 (現在長駐香港)
