lvrunner 發表於 2008-6-26 08:05:31

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the report :) !Are you planning to do the Nike+ Human Race 10K on 31/08?

[ 本帖最後由 lvrunner 於 2008-6-25 16:06 編輯 ]

ram 發表於 2008-6-26 08:50:18

米高兄:年青的你有這樣的成績真是可喜可賀,真是一片前途光明! 努力 ! lkjkljkljkl
小弟也很喜歡St. Paul Cathedral那張照片,正!hgkjjhlkjl
看完ching的報告隻腳又痕痕地,一陣中午去gym食個10k先 !jkljkljkljk

michaelyw 發表於 2008-6-26 09:24:40

原帖由 awyh 於 2008-6-24 18:47 發表

同埋,如果個場比賽多人參加,而你又想係個場比賽做時間,真的要排前小小,如果唔係實會俾手塞住。但也要顧下其他跑友的感受,自己跑不到該時間,就唔好過份地排得前 ...

我通常在大型比賽都唔會排得太前,免得阻到人,今次算比平時排得較前,主要是因為想找那位拿著1:45 氣球的pace leader。

michaelyw 發表於 2008-6-26 09:29:03

原帖由 lvrunner 於 2008-6-26 08:05 發表
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the report :) !Are you planning to do the Nike+ Human Race 10K on 31/08?

oh~ 我剛剛才知道Nike Human Race 會在25個城市(Melbourne)舉行。

michaelyw 發表於 2008-6-26 09:40:17

原帖由 ram 於 2008-6-26 08:50 發表
米高兄:年青的你有這樣的成績真是可喜可賀,真是一片前途光明! 努力 ! lkjkljkljkl" />" />" />" />
小弟也很喜歡St. Paul Cathedral那張照片,正!hgkjjhlkjl
看完ching的報告隻腳又痕痕地,一陣中午去gym食個10k先 !jkljkljkljk

多謝ram 兄:)

P.S. Half Marathon first split: 51:272nd split: 52:23 = 1:43:50 典型的positive split,不過最後明顯無氣。

quck update of the run:

星期二:早上考完試,總括而言今個sem考得唔好,比想像中難,預備也不太充足,也罷,出了成績才想對策。傍晚在Tan Track 跑變速跑,因對腳仍有點疲累,選擇做較短的4*1公里90秒休,單程1公里。而路段稍有傾斜,因此,去程是上斜歸程是落斜。時間如下:


星期三:Run Melbourne training group farewell,大家慢跑5/8km 之後在adidas store 有個小型慶祝會,香蕉鬆餅香檳,氣氛不錯,礙於語言不通寒暄數句就回家去。晚上緩走河邊,七點幾時仲有好多人跑,到九點幾卻連鬼影都冇隻,想像到香港在十一點幾仍會有唔少人跑步,發覺這裡的跑者也實在訓得太早了。天上的浮雲鬆散,看不見明月,卻依然"星稀",間有烏雀,但應不是往南飛去,一個寂寞的晚上,回家獨酌一杯後見周公。

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-6-26 09:50 編輯 ]

lvrunner 發表於 2008-6-26 10:09:02

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2008-6-25 17:29 發表
oh~ 我剛剛才知道Nike Human Race 會在25個城市(Melbourne)舉行。
I am doing it too in Los Angeles.I have the Disneyland 1/2 to do at 6am.The Human Race starts at 8pm in LA and followed by a concert.Should be a fun day for me.

michaelyw 發表於 2008-7-2 10:12:03

get yourself back home


once again took the hardest speed session at the Tan tonight, in my perceptive. with the two sets of 6mins, 5mins, 4mins and 2mins (half way back) repectively, I found it quite hard to speed up with shorter sessions as it is my first time to run 8 sets of such run instead of normal 5 or 6 sets.

there was a little downslope for the first set and a bit incline for the second, so it is pretty hard to get yourself back to the start line for first set of each sessions unless you deliberately slow down yourself and the first half. In contrast it is not strange to run through the start line before time out for every second set of run.

I found it quite hard to run consistently, which ended up with the huge positive run in each of the first set. Also, I wasn't able to accelerate myself well in the following runs, truly I have given out to much for the first 6 mins run. A bit disappointing for me and I think it is better to spot someone who is at the similar pace or a bit faster than me. Afterall I am still inexperience in such interval run.

michaelyw 發表於 2008-7-4 21:52:16

This river is wild (2 July)

took an evening long run around the Yarra river with a small group.
frankly speaking, I was surprised by the pace of the run leader as she tried to keep average 5:00/km to run nearly 12km distance.
which was quite challenging since I have just completed a tough interval run yesterday.
we started from the Tan, turn left after reaching Anderson St to Yarra River, and run along the river to Macrobertson Bridge, then turn back to the starting point.
the route got dimmer when it evaded from the city light.
also, there were some bikes passing by so we should be rather careful.

it is my first time running in such dark area. I was scared if I lost the group.
I won't have any idea to come back if I run myself, so I ran with the steady speed which is pretty close to my racing pace.

The river was at the high tide and I haven't seen it got wild like this. I had to run cautiously for fear that I would fall into it. Most seriously, when we
turned back and attempted to get back to the Tan, we found it flooded the river track near the Swan Bridge, so we needed to turn back and found another way back home.

an hour for 11.8km was a nice pace but I am pretty tired right now.
I might take a rest or just take an easy run tomorrow.

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-7-4 21:55 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-7-4 21:52:50

a peaceful day (3 July)

spread half of the day on computer game and just did an easy run on the Tan at 6pm.
ran double Tan, without counting my time, in order not to speed myself up.
met some Crosbie Crew mates on the way
and had a chat with Cristina after the run, when they are waiting for the speed group mates to get the stuff back.
a quiet and peaceful day.
I will take a rest tomorrow and hopefully I would join their morning run in Saturday morning, and run my third half marathon at Como Landing a day after.

瘋瘋 發表於 2008-7-4 22:01:57

lvrunner 發表於 2008-7-7 06:01:32


You really sound like an Aussie by using a lot of "mate" words :lol .You know, we don't use this word a lot here in North America, except roomate.

michaelyw 發表於 2008-7-7 19:24:10

回復 291# 的帖子

I don't know about this actually. but it is the fact that ppl here always use "mate" words, even in the greeting they would use sth like "hey mate" .

michaelyw 發表於 2008-7-7 19:41:07

昨天我跑了我第三場半馬賽事 (Sri Chimnoy Como Landing)。
Como Landing Park 是一個小型的公園,有一個普通的cricket ground。
因坐落於Yarra River旁,比賽路段也多圍繞著河邊跑,而那條路也是我平時跑開的。


縱然如此,頭10k的時間還是滿好的,48分幾,有望可破上次的1:43:50,在8k-15k 身體有中興的感覺,見之前爬我頭的阿叔和女人在並排跑,也就嘗試跟跟他們。他們發覺到我的存在後就加快步伐,我由11k 跟到14k ,阿叔見女人似乎想放慢,也就拍拍我肩頭說句(keep going)後就墮後和女人一起跑。然而,我卻因此而失去了跟從的去向,不知道該用什麼速度去完成最後一圈,後來證實是跑得過快了。去到18km的時間是樂觀的,1:28,然而,大概我一直都怕自己會缺水,我在10k以後就差唔多個個水站都飲水,每個距離若2km,但是我相信自己應該飲得太多了,跑到最後2k時實在忍耐不到,要去草叢就地解決,解決後卻發覺有點力不從心的感覺,我不清楚這個是什麼問題,也許是因飲水太多而導致腎負荷過重吧,我明白到自己唔可以用正常步速去跑,除非要想拼條命去吧,這時想起那位昏迷的老人,心想自己不應拼條命去做PB,現在身體不太行,唯有盡力完成賽事吧。於是我用6分鐘一公里的速度跑最後2km的路程。當然1:43:50 就已經無望了,慶幸的是在最後半行半走的情況下仍能守住1:45,最後時間大概是1:45:1x。儘管有點失望,聊勝於無,終歸也完成了第三次,也是最辛苦的半馬。總括而言,該次比賽的策略實在糟糕得很,開頭又跑得太多,自己跑又唔識控制步速,最重要的是,水唔飲當然不行,飲太多也有危險,輕則腎虛,重則喪命。



[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-7-7 20:11 編輯 ]

michaelyw 發表於 2008-7-16 21:26:19

normal running update

16/7 Harsh Runs

Tuesday's quality run session was pretty good. 6km interval run I estimate. Ran around a cricket ground continously, while the whistle determined when to speed up or in recovery pace. The ground was without light, but I was still pretty sure what it was going on... just like living on the earth and you are just doing those stuff again and again, yet you are still able to know when to get up and sleep, depending on the morning sun that shines on your head every day.

Today's long run was pretty harsh. ran along the river with 4 Crew members for 14km. I am sure I was running with the racing pace as we surely ran under 5:00min/km. Starting from the Tan, along the Yarra River, through Como Landing Park and stepped into Yarra Boulevard track, which are quite familiar with as I ran those tracks in Sri Chimnoy races. However, I found it hard to let my brain full of memory as they just ran really fast... in my perceptive... and I did not afford to lose them because I am really afraid of running alone in the darkness.. so I just try my best following them.. regardless how tired I was. It end up with 1:07+ for near 14km distance, which was so fantastic for me since I am not sure if I can keep such pace even in the race.

michaelyw 發表於 2008-7-16 21:38:52


轉眼2008 年都過了一半了,而我也展開新的學期。
上學期考試一般,四科fail了一科,僥倖地過了Taxation Law。
然而,因fail左一科的關係,我打算summer 讀返一科,因此應該要遲一個幾月才回港。預料聖誕節前會回來與大家見面。

最近得知十月舉行的melbourne marathon (全馬、半馬、10公里) ,學生的時間將會記錄於 Australian University Championship, Distance Running ,儘管在大學入面最少都有十幾人跑半馬比我快,但是這個將會成為我努力練習的原動力,但願可以為學校盡綿力。
所以,為了好好預備melbourne marathon (半馬),我在八、九月將會較少參加比賽,星期日多會跟跑步group 去唔同地方練長跑/越野,星期二則會練變速跑,務求在數月間會有所進步。

[ 本帖最後由 michaelyw 於 2008-7-16 21:47 編輯 ]

慢子 Wilson 發表於 2008-7-16 21:52:01

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2008-7-16 21:38 發表
轉眼2008 年都過了一半了,而我也展開新的學期。
上學期考試一般,四科fail了一科,僥倖地過了Taxation Law。
然而,因fail左一科的關係,我打算summer 讀返一科,因此應該要遲一個幾月才回港。預料聖誕節前會回來 ...


吓!咪趕不及來跑 nike 10k.hjkuhkuhjkhg

michaelyw 發表於 2008-7-18 21:07:39

原帖由 慢速小子 於 2008-7-16 21:52 發表


吓!咪趕不及來跑 nike 10k.hjkuhkuhjkhg

沒辦法 :(
但願可以參加得切年尾的石崗30K 吧。

慢子 Wilson 發表於 2008-7-18 21:11:42

原帖由 michaelyw 於 2008-7-18 21:07 發表

沒辦法 :(
但願可以參加得切年尾的石崗30K 吧。


michaelyw 發表於 2008-7-18 21:13:28

星期日會玩個5K 比賽,
為何要參加短的? 乃是想做個5K PB 出來,自2004年中七陸運會到而家都未跑過5K,

michaelyw 發表於 2008-7-20 15:12:28

原帖由 慢速小子 於 2008-7-18 21:11 發表


2009 年應該唔會跑住,不過都要預備下,
我諗我2010 先會跑全馬~
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查看完整版本: mic mic 的平凡跑誌 (現在長駐香港)
