燉奶佬 發表於 2010-12-9 09:31:39


sunrise 發表於 2010-12-9 10:02:41

跑得好好, keep住呢股勁, 台馬一定穿330呀!

MatthewTse 發表於 2010-12-9 11:25:41

謝謝朝陽兄 ~~ 一落場我一定會盡全力跑120%, 當然這次台馬是很可能pb的, 如果under 340分, PB 十多分已經算有交待了! 下年目標穿330.

昨天再讀一遍朝陽兄4次全馬日誌, 朝陽兄 d 「幾大就幾大,燒賣就燒賣」pacing, 全馬仲要孖PB咁靚仔, 勁呀!

P.S. 但朝陽兄d pacing 真係幾特別,唔爆唔舒服, 好似坐過山車咁!

[ 本帖最後由 MatthewTse 於 2010-12-9 11:28 編輯 ]

大B 發表於 2010-12-9 11:31:19

真佩服師兄練習都做到120%!!如果我自己練習, 做到90%已經好難得....nmkjhkuyiuy

MatthewTse 發表於 2010-12-9 12:01:06

原帖由 大B 於 2010-12-9 11:31 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
真佩服師兄練習都做到120%!!如果我自己練習, 做到90%已經好難得....nmkjhkuyiuy" />" />

Oh 我意思比賽做到120%, 練習做到98.7654321% 到 la.;P

sunrise 發表於 2010-12-9 14:32:41

原帖由 MatthewTse 於 2010-12-9 11:25 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
謝謝朝陽兄 ~~ 一落場我一定會盡全力跑120%, 當然這次台馬是很可能pb的, 如果under 340分, PB 十多分已經算有交待了! 下年目標穿330.

昨天再讀一遍朝陽兄4次全馬日誌, 朝陽兄 d 「幾大就幾大,燒賣就燒賣」pacing ...

小弟係一個好倔強架人, 鍾意我行我素, 跑爆算數:lol
我同其他跑友唔同, 我唔係好鍾意跑馬仔, 因為我好怕練習, 特別係長課, 非常抗拒, 或者在平日的練習里數不足下,跑長課是一件份外辛苦的事, 係我記憶之中, 廿k以上的長課次次都爆, 原因可能是我太高估自己, 每次都用超過自己能力架pacing去跑, 既然未夠30k架長練都爆, 全馬又焉能幸免呢!

今年打算練多些, 起碼要跑返一,二次唔爆架長課, 希望跑返一次均速的全馬, 當然我定架目標, 都仍會高過自己能力多少少架:lol

MatthewTse 發表於 2010-12-9 14:47:34

原帖由 sunrise 於 2010-12-9 14:32 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

小弟係一個好倔強架人, 鍾意我行我素, 跑爆算數:lol
我同其他跑友唔同, 我唔係好鍾意跑馬仔, 因為我好怕練習, 特別係長課, 非常抗拒, 或者在平日的練習里數不足下,跑長課是一件份外辛苦的事, 係我記憶之中,...

朝陽兄 ~~只要自己鐘意狂野 pacing 就唔好理人地點睇~~ 跑全馬又真的唔爆好似唔好玩咁.ngD150hgh

[ 本帖最後由 MatthewTse 於 2010-12-9 14:56 編輯 ]

MatthewTse 發表於 2010-12-9 14:49:50

又有bug. 衝過去先!!


新買美記及膝Tight 褲 MIZUNO 3/4 TIGHTS. 10K shop 買 last one 黑色 $190 x 80% = $152. 好正!!

[ 本帖最後由 MatthewTse 於 2010-12-9 14:51 編輯 ]

clerkb 發表於 2010-12-9 15:03:48

原帖由 MatthewTse 於 2010-12-9 14:49 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
又有bug. 衝過去先!!


新買美記及膝Tight 褲 MIZUNO 3/4 TIGHTS. 10K shop 買 last one 黑色 $190 x 80% = $152. 好正!!

好底喎. 台馬加油呀, 食多點飯吧, 努力. 塗多點花士令呀, 吾係好易出血嫁.

MatthewTse 發表於 2010-12-9 15:13:06

原帖由 clerkb 於 2010-12-9 15:03 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

好底喎. 台馬加油呀, 食多點飯吧, 努力. 塗多點花士令呀, 吾係好易出血嫁.

開始食多飯 la.

靜靜雞講上次腳和大腿側記得塗花士令 no problem, 乳頭沒有塗. 結果擦損了.ng39hgh

[ 本帖最後由 MatthewTse 於 2010-12-9 15:27 編輯 ]

sunrise 發表於 2010-12-9 16:19:29

原帖由 烏拉 於 2010-12-9 14:46 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
如果目標只係半馬. 應該點呢??
5k x 2?? 得兩組. 又好似少得制.
2k x 5?? 3k x4??

前輩請賜教!!!hjkjhk" />" />" />" />" />hjk

烏拉, 唔知你係咪想問我呢?
不過, 唔理咁多, 雖然係人地地盤, 都答左先算:lol
練半馬, 一般情況下, interval唔駛咁長; 因為長interval如果配合唔到高里數的訓練, 會跑得頗辛苦, 即係話keep唔到個form! 所以, 操半馬要練速耐, 可以選擇3k-2k-3k(中間分別休3分鐘及2分鐘), 1k x 8 或者1.6k x 5等等, pacing就set係走5k比賽速度!

除了interval, 中速跑都好重要, 半程之後仲有無力都係靠佢!

sunrise 發表於 2010-12-9 17:15:13

原帖由 烏拉 於 2010-12-9 16:41 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

查實我無特定人選架. 答到我既都係前輩囉ng8hgh

點解咁特別? 3k-2k-3k而唔係3kx3既??

我係新手黎. 咩都唔識. 又跑得慢.
10k pb 係55'10
之前試過係運動場走5kx1. 幾次都係28-29分度
上星期20k 2:05
即 ...
跑完3k再跑2k, 感覺無咁辛苦嗎!
如果5k走28-9分, 你可以定4'45/k左右啦. 慢慢練, 一定會越走越快架, 加油呀!

MatthewTse 發表於 2010-12-9 17:28:23

屈公司捐錢要寫個"苗圃"日誌英文版放在公司 newsletter. 順便 Post 埋在這裡..

Matthew Tse completes The Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hour Marathon

The Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hour Marathon covers Section 3-8 of Hong Kong’s famous Wilson Trail starting at Yau Tong and finishing in Tai Po. Along the way you can enjoy spectacular views of Sai Kung, Pak Sha Wan, Kowloon, Kowloon Reservoir and Shing Mun Reservoir – that’s if you have time to stop and appreciate it! It is quite a challenging trail as you not only have to run uphill and downhill but also the entire track is uneven with rocks and boulders throughout. The most challenging part of the course is to run a distance of 544 m up Fei Ngo Shan.

My original target time back in August was 7 hours 30 mins. The farther I ran, my targets were reset to 7 hours, then 6 hours 45 mins, and finally 6 hours 30 mins (and dreamed to make sub6). Estimated times are set carefully for each section of the trail and have to be measured throughout the race. At 8:15am On 7 Novemberthe race began . I ran on and on. For the first 24 km, I felt pretty good because I found myself 25 minutes ahead of schedule, according to the estimated times. However as the sun approached midday, I felt like I was falling from heaven to hell. Different parts of my body began to hurt forcing me to frequently stop and stretch. When I reached the last check point on the top of the hill with just 4 km more walking down the uneven stone steps, I felt like I was running on empty. At this point, I could have chosen to give up running and start walking instead, the probable result being a finishing time of over 7 hours (ranked about 100th).My right thigh hurt tremendously and left thigh yelled in distress,both warning me that they were not going to take it anymore. I was taking the risk of failing the completion in the last part of the course. I told myself that I didn’t train for over 200km to walk this race. My muscles silently accepted. I began to jump and run. From that point to the finish line I must have passed about 30 runners. When I reached the finish line, I was obviously delighted, finishing in a time of 6 hours, 24 minutes and 53 seconds.

In doing this, I successfully raised $5000 for Sowers Action, a charity which focuses on improving educational infrastructure in rural China. More information about the race can be found here: http://www.challenging12hours.org/en_index.html

What next? I have planned a tight schedule of running the 42 km Taipei Marathon on 19 Dec 2010, HK Marathon on 20 Feb 2011 and finally the Round-the-Island trail 65km in April 2011. Wish me luck!

[ 本帖最後由 MatthewTse 於 2010-12-9 17:38 編輯 ]

Josh 發表於 2010-12-9 20:52:54

師兄, 剛睇完你苗圃既blog~ 真係幾精彩, 當日我都有玩ar~ haahaa~ 希望下年大家一齊sub 6!

sunrise 發表於 2010-12-9 21:36:17

原帖由 烏拉 於 2010-12-9 17:41 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

jhikhkghutyu" />" /> jhikhkghutyu" />" /> 太睇得起我了. 試試5分頭/k. 2k x 5yughgghj" />" />
不過都唔知食唔食得晒. 休幾多好呢?? 其實休幾多有無一個規則架??

要進步就要進取d呀! 或者先試4'55啦! 3k後休3分鐘, 2k後休2分鐘!

MatthewTse 發表於 2010-12-9 22:21:54

Josh ~~ 下年一齊衝,衝夠sub530。


亞平 發表於 2010-12-9 22:24:19

原帖由 MatthewTse 於 2010-12-9 17:28 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
屈公司捐錢要寫個"苗圃"日誌英文版放在公司 newsletter. 順便 Post 埋在這裡..

Matthew Tse completes The Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hour Marathon

The Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hour Marathon cove ...


MatthewTse 發表於 2010-12-10 08:55:42

平平 ~~中文版前幾頁你睇左啦,英文版冇寫你叫我食蕉之嘛!

燉奶佬 發表於 2010-12-10 14:08:33

原帖由 MatthewTse 於 2010-12-10 08:55 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
平平 ~~中文版前幾頁你睇左啦,英文版冇寫你叫我食蕉之嘛!
寫埋落去一定好搞笑,matthew 中英文都咁掂,要寫多的飽我地眼福啦!

MatthewTse 發表於 2010-12-11 21:58:54

記錄: 11 Dec 2010 - 24.06km1小時57分 36秒(平均 4'53" 1 km, 1661C)
記錄: 11 Dec 2010 - 1.34km慢跑

話說又到星期六早上長課,本打算入屯門鄧記跑到荃湾西,但家人改飲茶地点,又再入沙田大埔元洲仔仔來回。九点到沙田運動塲放低衣物,熱身開始沿城門河大圍方向,路綫和上星期差不多,但不進馬鞍山,又過橋經科學園到元洲仔公園尾,在大埔河上折返,跑相同路綫回, 到富豪花園剛好二十四公里停,慢跑一公里回運動塲,cool down 拉筋。


鑄身先鑄心 我道我自求



SplitTimeKm DistanceAvg Pace10:04:5414:5420:04:5514:5530:04:5714:5740:04:4814:4850:04:5514:5560:04:5014:5070:04:5214:5280:04:5214:5290:04:5414:54100:04:4914:49110:04:5714:57120:04:5014:50130:04:5014:50140:05:0115:01150:04:4814:48160:04:5214:52170:04:5514:55180:04:5314:53190:04:5814:58200:04:5014:50210:04:5214:52220:04:5414:54230:04:5014:50240:04:5414:54250:00:140.064:23 Summary1:57:3624.064:53
是日GPS 紀錄:http://connect.garmin.com/activity/59324853

本月到目前為止累積 93.05km

[ 本帖最後由 MatthewTse 於 2010-12-13 09:09 編輯 ]
頁: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [14] 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
查看完整版本: 男兒當跑步 ~~ 『練馬拉松長跑者,心無罣礙。』
