blurmax 發表於 2010-11-16 09:53:43

ng015hgh Completed the Asics Hong Kong 10K Challenge ( Asics 香港10公里挑戰賽 ) in a moderate fast time (to me) in 49:59 mins (gun time) in the sightly hot morning today.

Nice to meet so many runners friends from,, Leisure Runners Club and others.
Enjoyed the run as usual^.^

Official result :
Official time : 49:59 mins
Chip Time : 49:31 mins
Overall ranking : 1114/4708
Category ranking : 333/1085

blurmax 發表於 2010-11-22 13:23:09


Completed the HK International Airport Feet on Fire 10 K in a moderate slow time of 50:30 mins (gun time).

Surprisingly the route is full of ups and downs contrary to my expectation of all flat route^.^

Nice to see so many runners friends of and especially having nice chats with Harvey and Akira.

blurmax 發表於 2010-12-5 17:20:38

ng015hgh Just completed the AVOHK Reservoir Cup Race II at Tai Lam Chung Reservoir's relatively hilly but scenic 15 K course in a moderately fast time of 1:25:22 hrs.

Despite the completion time was still slow, it's already my personal best in this course.^.^

Nice to meet some runners friends especially having a good chat with Dennis of

Enjoyed the run^.^

[ 本帖最後由 blurmax 於 2010-12-5 17:21 編輯 ]

blurmax 發表於 2011-1-1 23:11:38

ng015hgh Completed the hilly Cheung Chau 10K run in a moderate slow time of 56:55 mins in the slightly cool morning today.Despite it's slow, it's probably my PB in this race.

Nice to meet many runners friends from, Leisure Runners Club,, my Japanese runner friend Keiko, her son and her friends.

Enjoyed the race again.

blurmax 發表於 2011-1-3 11:01:55

ng015hgh Completed the TPSA 10 K 2011 in a moderate slow time of 48:34 mins in the cool morning on 2011/1/2.

blurmax 發表於 2011-2-20 13:14:35

ng015hgh Completed my debut full marathon in a moderate slow time of 4:24:18 hrs.

In fact I only did a single long distance session of 25 Km once in my life three years ago, and there was a middle 30 mins break to have drink at 7-11.Otherwise half marathon are already my longest training.

Honestly the distance of 42.195 Km is totally out of my range and beyond my ability.

Apart from being a full marathon, this was a talent test to me^.^

So many thanks to the photographers and add oil during the course especially in Causeway Bay.Sorry for failing to respond cause I was 101 % exhausted and crampling.

Especially thanks a Ctse of Thaiquain (forgot her name) for giving me encouragement in the last 2 Km otherwise I might have to walk all the way to the finishing line.

purejoey 發表於 2011-2-20 13:25:53

原帖由 blurmax 於 2011-2-20 13:14 發表
ng015hgh Completed my debut full marathon in a moderate slow time of 4:24:18 hrs.

In fact I only did a single long distance session of 25 Km once in my life three years ago, and there was a middle...


sub 4:30 is already an excellent result for 1st FM。Well Done :victory:

blurmax 發表於 2011-2-20 13:43:55


Purejoey Ching,

Thanks for the kindly encouragement and add oil^.^

tommyleung 發表於 2011-2-20 15:42:25

原帖由 blurmax 於 2011-2-20 13:14 發表 Completed my debut full marathon in a moderate slow time of 4:24:18 hrs.In fact I only did a single long distance session of 25 Km once in my life three years ago, and there was a middle...
係轉入會展前睇到ching, 見你仲跑得好輕鬆, 返來睇先知你原來係全馬, 仲要430完成, 真係好利害.

MJ576 發表於 2011-2-20 16:24:56


Congratulation !You did a good job.

Sub 4hrs not a problem for you la :lol

blurmax 發表於 2011-2-21 11:11:34

ng015hgh Tommy Ching,

Thanks!The fact was I suffered from cramping after Western Tunnel and the run near HK Exhibition Centre was so tough to me.


Thanks for the encouragement.Sub4?Sure - 30 K^.^

blurmax 發表於 2011-2-28 18:05:09


Completed the AVOHK Reservoir Cup Race III (11 Km)'s hilly route at Tai Tam Reservoir in a moderate time of 1:11:10 hr in the slightly warm morning on 2011/2/27.

Despite the tiredness and sore legs never left me during the race, I still managed to shed 2 mins from the completion time of last year. Enjoyed^.^
Nice to meet Dennis, Saki, Ah Chin and other runners friends in the race.

blurmax 發表於 2011-3-12 19:39:05


Completed the Immigration 7K Invitation Race 2011 at Plover Cove Reservoir in a moderate slow time of 33:45 mins in the morning on 12.3.2011.

The weather was cool and cloudy which was ideal for running race.However there were many flying tiny insects along the dam which was quite annoying.

blurmax 發表於 2011-3-17 21:46:02

ng015hgh Jessica Run (6K) 2011

Official Time : 29:17 mins Chip Time : 29:12 mins
Overall ranking : 30 / 148 Category ranking : 19 / 62

blurmax 發表於 2011-3-21 22:44:48


Heavy Metal Union Running exercise @ H.M.U - 5 X 1K @ 4:45 / 5:00 x 3 / 4:25

Exhausted - but felt fine despite the high humidity

blurmax 發表於 2011-7-19 20:21:48

Completed the 精準定速挑戰盃 6Km Race at a ruined land at Disneyland Hong Kong in a sunny, hot & humid morning on 17.7.2011. Still enjoyed anyway.

Estimated time : 33:30 mins / Completion time : 31:33 mins

blurmax 發表於 2011-7-21 08:01:42


Having updated my blog of some events :

blurmax 發表於 2012-2-8 14:17:27

Official result of SCM Full Marathon 2012
Official time : 4:53:50 hrs
Chip time : 4:52:57
10K : 0:59:36 mins
21K : 2:06:25 hrs
30K : 3:08:26 hrs
Overall ranking : 5551 / 9970
Challenge Group ranking : 3959 / 5469
Gender ranking : 3574 / 4859
Category ranking : 981 / 1372
頁: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [16]
查看完整版本: Blurmax's Running diary
