blurmax 發表於 2009-9-18 21:46:44

hgD158bnvbn completed a 53 mins lite run (about 9.5 Km) at the waterfront and jogging path of Quarry Bay Park in the slightly hot evening earlier.

I sweated a lot due to the absence of breeze. Another nice run again anyway!^.^

blurmax 發表於 2009-9-21 08:42:26

hgD158bnvbn Just completed a 34 mins+ lite run (6.4 Km) at the jogging path of Quarry Bay Park in the slightly hot evening earlier.

I sweated a lot due to the absence of breeze.

Another nice run again anyway!^.^

blurmax 發表於 2009-9-21 13:05:23

hg9bnvbn I found my weight has dropped 12 lbs in two months, after my oatmeal working days lunch + additional evening runs^.^

blurmax 發表於 2009-9-24 15:34:03

hgD158bnvbn Just completed a 48 mins lite run (about 9 Kms) at the Sir Cecil's Ride at 1330 hrs earlier.

Luckily there're frequent breeze and plenty of shelters to cool me down from the direct sunlight.

Another nice run again!^.^

blurmax 發表於 2009-9-27 18:17:01

hgD158bnvbn The result has been released (so efficient)

(Thanks Wilson for uploading)


My completion time is ok with negative sprint!^.^

blurmax 發表於 2009-10-10 22:17:50


Having completed the AVOHK 5 K Race III 2009 at Bowen Road in a moderate time of 23 mins 22 secs (4:40 / K) in the cooler afternoon today.

I was happy to meet so many friends from, and Leisure Runners Club.

Enjoyed the race!^.^

草兄弟 發表於 2009-10-10 22:41:31

haha, you did another race la, great ar~


blurmax 發表於 2009-10-12 14:11:08



Completed 4 races in Oct 2009 already!

blurmax 發表於 2009-10-14 09:28:41

hgD158bnvbn completed a 43 mins lite run (about 8 Km) at the waterfront and jogging path of Quarry Bay Park in the slightly hot evening last night.

I sweated a lot despite there was occasional breeze.

Another nice run again anyway!^.^

blurmax 發表於 2009-10-22 00:05:39


Having completed a 44 mins recovery run (about 8.5 K) at the waterfront.

The occasional breeze only lasted for a while and left me sweating like hell after the run. Still pretty enjoyed the run anyway.^.^

blurmax 發表於 2009-10-24 18:56:54

hgD158bnvbn Completed the Lifeline Express 13.8 Race 2009 ( 健康快車 慈善跑步 為光明2009 ) in the sunny and pretty warm morning in a moderate time of 72 mins.

The sun really made me dizzy despite I wore my cap and my all vision glass.

Nice to meet runners friends from including Longlx Ching, Ma Chai Ctse, TNT Ching, Ah LI Ching!Especially thanks Alan for coming to encourage us and taking pictures.I was happy to see other runners friends including my colleagues too.

Enjoyed the race anyway!^.^

mill 發表於 2009-10-31 12:02:17

hjhem37hj Blurmax Ching long time no see

blurmax 發表於 2009-10-31 22:35:27

hgD158bnvbn Mill Ctse,

Long time no see ah !What's ur next race?

Having a 45 mins lite run (about 8.5 Km) at the waterfront of Quarry Bay in the slightly warm evening yesterday.

Enjoyed the run as usual^.^

Gills 發表於 2009-10-31 23:01:51

Blurmax兄, 明天數碼港一戰加油hjhjD134hjhj, 希望你做到更好時間及PB.

blurmax 發表於 2009-10-31 23:28:53

hgD158bnvbn Gills Ching,

Thanks for the encouragement!Will enjoy the run though!

mill 發表於 2009-10-31 23:44:45

hjhem37hj Blurmax ching 11月8日 地標半馬再見喇~hjhem27hj

blurmax 發表於 2009-11-1 11:51:50


Mill Ctse,

See U in the HKDRC Half Marathon then!

Completed the 5 Km CyberRun 2009 in a moderate time of 27 mins 36 secs which was 2 mins slower than my time in the same race in 2005.

Still enjoyed the race though^.^

Nice to meet some's members including MJ, Saki in the race.

Moreover I introduced a young lady runner to join our run later while I took minibus in the return trip.

Thanks Lorena of Running Camp for the nice pictures taken :

[ 本帖最後由 blurmax 於 2009-11-3 16:02 編輯 ]

mill 發表於 2009-11-2 21:19:20

你成日都練跑+比賽, 真係好勤力呀! Blurmax's 加油hjhj089hjhj

[ 本帖最後由 mill 於 2009-11-2 21:21 編輯 ]

blurmax 發表於 2009-11-3 16:00:59

hg9bnvbn Mill Ctse,

Thanks for ur encouragement!

See U in the HKDRC Half Marathon on the coming Sunday !

blurmax 發表於 2009-11-3 23:49:13

hgD158bnvbn Just completed a 49 mins lite run (about 9 Km) at the waterfront of Quarry Bay.

The cooler temperature was good for running, and I almost didn't sweat. It's really enjoyable to run under the amazing full moon.

Enjoyed the run as usual.
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