blurmax 發表於 2008-9-25 23:29:14

hgkjjhlkjl Grass,Of course typing mistake lah.It should be 42 mins+ instead.

Having a 52 mins+ lite run of about 9.5 Km tonite.The temp was still, but there was breeze from time to time to smooth my run.

大圍新跑手 發表於 2008-9-25 23:50:56

原帖由 blurmax 於 2008-9-25 23:29 發表
hgkjjhlkjl Grass,Of course typing mistake lah.It should be 42 mins+ instead.

Having a 52 mins+ lite run of about 9.5 Km tonite.The temp was still, but there was breeze from time to time to s ...
ching點解隔咁耐先練返跑既,希望你唔係有傷啦,來緊 9.28 比賽一齊 PB。

blurmax 發表於 2008-9-27 12:18:03

hgkjjhlkjl ching點解隔咁耐先練返跑既,

Not really.Just do not keep my running log here frequently.I keep my weekly mileage at 20 Km to 30 Km still.

blurmax 發表於 2008-10-1 15:19:43


Having a 43 mins+ lite recovery run at Sir Cecil's Ride at noon today.The frequent breeze and cooler temp made the run much easy.However the silly government is still trying to pathing the trail with cement.I'm afraid that the whole trail will be cover with cement one day!

發表於 2008-10-1 17:36:23

上兩星期已見工人在修路, 睇呢金督馳馬徑就改名做金督馳馬路ghjghjghjgh

blurmax 發表於 2008-10-2 13:36:57

lkjkljkljkl 睇呢金督馳馬徑就改名做金督馳馬路

Anywhere to sound our grievance to the silly government?

blurmax 發表於 2008-10-3 21:40:46

hgkjjhlkjl Having a 40 mins (about 7.5 Km) lite recovery run at Quarry Bay waterfront under the typhoon no. 1.The wind was strong.However it's either onhead nor windless which made the run a little bit difficult.

It's a nice run anyway.

blurmax 發表於 2008-10-7 16:31:59

hgkjjhlkjl Having a 41 mins+ (about 7.5 Km) lite recovery run at Sir Cecil's Ride at noon today. The weather was cooler and cloudy which was perfect for running. However the trail was a little bit crowdy today.

The silly government is continuing their cementing work at the path.Really wish to stop them from "killing" the trail!

It's a nice run anyway.

blurmax 發表於 2008-10-10 21:31:29

hgkjjhlkjl Having a 6 Km slow run at Quarry Bay Park's jogging path in 37 mins+ in the cooler evening tonite.

blurmax 發表於 2008-10-15 21:15:20

hgkjjhlkjl Having a 52 mins+ lite recovery run (about 10 Km) at Quarry Bay Park jogging path & waterfront underneath the amazingly beautiful full moon tonight.The cooler temperature and frequent breeze also added credit to the run.

I noticed that many runners wore SCM's tees to run tonight.I tried my AVOHK 5 Km running singlet (L size) which was a little bit too big to me.To the contrary the 1/4 marathon's tee (XXL size) became children's size after washing.

Another good run!

發表於 2008-10-15 21:26:55

回復 70# 的帖子

My 1/4 marathon t-shirt was in rubbish bin la, the quality is tytfuhgv

blurmax 發表於 2008-10-15 21:44:21

lkjkljkljkl My 1/4 marathon t-shirt was in rubbish bin la, the quality is tytfuhgv

Probably the worst souvenir tee I've ever collected from races.lkjkljkljkl

kopo1128 發表於 2008-10-15 21:59:12

原帖由 Alex 於 2008-10-15 21:26 發表
My 1/4 marathon t-shirt was in rubbish bin la, the quality is tytfuhgv

Same as my 1/4 marathon T-shirt.I threw it to rubbish bin after my Philippino maid refused to have it.

blurmax 發表於 2008-10-15 22:02:02

gyujghkjhk Same as my 1/4 marathon T-shirt.I threw it to rubbish bin after my Philippino maid refused to have it.

I guess U better give it to ur Filipino maid as washing clothes mah!

blurmax 發表於 2008-10-17 21:56:30

hgkjjhlkjl Having a 36 mins+ run at Quarry Bay Park jogging path in the warm evening tonite.I discovered the distance mark was changed from 600 metres to 640 metres.That meant I ran 10 laps for 6.4 Km in 36 mins+ tonite.

Quite a run anyway.

發表於 2008-10-17 22:20:53

回復 75# 的帖子

The jogging path lenght was 640m long time ago.

blurmax 發表於 2008-10-17 22:39:06

hgkjjhlkjl Blurmax,
The jogging path lenght was 640m long time ago.

Really ?That's why I always find I run slow in this path before.

blurmax 發表於 2008-10-22 22:40:00

hgkjjhlkjl Having a very slow recovery run of 6.4 Km in 39 mins+ at Quarry Bay Park jogging path.

Still felt pretty tire after the AVOHK Reservoir race on last Sunday.

blurmax 發表於 2008-10-24 22:02:44

hgD158bnvbn Having a very slow recovery run of 6.4 Km in 36 mins+ at Quarry Bay Park jogging path.

blurmax 發表於 2008-11-5 22:21:48

hgD158bnvbn I resumed my recovery run for 5.12 Km in 32 mins at the Quarry Bay Park jogging path tonite.Still having sigtly pain on my back and I didn't dare to run too fast.

Having pain but quite a nice run.
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