loudspeaker 發表於 2009-2-24 22:58:29

原帖由 kopo1128 於 2009-2-24 22:07 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
I am now in Bangkok for a business trip until this Sunday.I promised myself to skip running for this week to let my legs recover.However, my legs are too itchy and I cannot stop them.Luckily, I...


stanwong 發表於 2009-2-25 09:42:15

原帖由 kopo1128 於 2009-2-24 22:07 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
I am now in Bangkok for a business trip until this Sunday.I promised myself to skip running for this week to let my legs recover.However, my legs are too itchy and I cannot stop them.Luckily, I... Hi, Kopo hing, you are so hard working!
BTW, are you using your own notebook to logon to the net?. Can you see Chinese characters?

kopo1128 發表於 2009-2-25 13:16:58

I did not use my labtop but my blackberry. So, I can use only English. I also have another 11km run this morning in the gym room. It is quite ok but it is just too boring.

kopo1128 發表於 2009-2-27 11:49:44

Although it is quite boring to run on the mill, it is the only way to consume what I ate during the trip.I have run another 8km yesterday. So, altogether I have run 29km in this trip.I finally felt tired this morning and I switched to cyclling just for recovery.However, cycling is not as easy as I imagined.If I really planned to do the triathon this year.I should better practise more the cycling.I am not sure what speed should be for cycling in Triathon. I did it at around 30km/hr but it is already quite harsh for me.

I have run 121.5km in Feb. Very lazy!!!!!!:L

kopo1128 發表於 2009-3-1 08:54:33


This evevning, I finally have no more appointment to meet anyone. So,Ihave run another 12Km. I supposed to run 90min but it is extremely boring to run on the mill so I quited at 12km. After that, I did some gym. The Thai massage after heavy exercise is a good relax. Finally I can come back HK on Sunday evevning.

I have run 133.5km in Feb!

[ 本帖最後由 kopo1128 於 2009-3-1 08:56 編輯 ]

上水馬王 發表於 2009-3-2 13:18:30

原帖由 kopo1128 於 2009-3-1 08:54 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

This evevning, I finally have no more appointment to meet anyone. So,Ihave run another 12Km. I supposed to run 90min but it is extremely boring to run on the mill so I quited at 12km. After ...

Kopo hing, we used to talk about you yesterday......you really work so hard!:victory:

kopo1128 發表於 2009-3-2 14:28:50

原帖由 上水馬王 於 2009-3-2 13:18 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

Kopo hing, we used to talk about you yesterday......you really work so hard!:victory:

吓!!!!講我??? 唔係講我壞話呀!!!!hjkjhk 我跑得多時吃得仲多!!!tytfuhgv

8/3個城門河10km, 有無諗住一齊出發?? stan兄都會參加並可能一齊去. 我打算搭277x去到大老山隧道口下車再行去, 應該只需要30-40分鐘, 幾方便, 我上年試過. 上年打單泡, 悶到死, 今年大把戰友, 唔慌會悶!!!!hgjhh不過好似未收到信, 今晚check下先!!

loudspeaker 發表於 2009-3-2 14:36:22

原帖由 kopo1128 於 2009-3-2 14:28 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

吓!!!!講我??? 唔係講我壞話呀!!!!hjkjhk" />" />" />" />" /> 我跑得多時吃得仲多!!!tytfuhgv" />" />

8/3個城門河10km, 有無諗住一齊出發?? stan兄都會參加並可能一齊去. 我打算搭277x去到大老山隧道口下車再行去, 應該只需要30- ...

見你去 trip 都不忘練跑 , 真係服左你呀 ,
睇下呢個 Sat, 下午有沒時间一齊跑下斜路,
尾段 15km 0吾預你啦 , 第日要比賽:loveliness:

stanwong 發表於 2009-3-2 14:46:02

原帖由 kopo1128 於 2009-3-2 14:28 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

吓!!!!講我??? 唔係講我壞話呀!!!!hjkjhk" />" />" />" />" /> 我跑得多時吃得仲多!!!tytfuhgv" />" />

8/3個城門河10km, 有無諗住一齊出發?? stan兄都會參加並可能一齊去. 我打算搭277x去到大老山隧道口下車再行去, 應該只需要30- ... 我前幾日收到信了,到時約埋一齊出發:victory:

kopo1128 發表於 2009-3-2 15:41:54

原帖由 loudspeaker 於 2009-3-2 14:36 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

見你去 trip 都不忘練跑 , 真係服左你呀 ,
睇下呢個 Sat, 下午有沒時间一齊跑下斜路,
尾段 15km 0吾預你啦 , 第日要比賽:loveliness:

乞痴就無, 不過食太多辣野,又忘記帶清熱浩, 攪到喉嚨好痛....

星期五六出差, 要星期六晚才到香港, 又不能一齊練上斜. gvhjhi

上水馬王 發表於 2009-3-2 16:27:10

原帖由 kopo1128 於 2009-3-2 14:28 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

吓!!!!講我??? 唔係講我壞話呀!!!!hjkjhk" />" />" />" />" /> 我跑得多時吃得仲多!!!tytfuhgv" />" />

8/3個城門河10km, 有無諗住一齊出發?? stan兄都會參加並可能一齊去. 我打算搭277x去到大老山隧道口下車再行去, 應該只需要30- ...


kopo1128 發表於 2009-3-5 09:24:55


今日約左北區跑友在北區運動場衝圈. 小弟今次是長跑以來第一次學衝圈. 果然大開眼界!! 開始前, 馬王兄, loud兄, stan兄及自己先跑10個圈作熱身. 之後開始戲肉----衝圈!!! 因為我和stan兄是第一次, 所以馬王建議只衝400m. 開始時, 便全力衝, 用盡飲奶力博命衝, 最後在200m開始有點呼吸困難, 回唔到氣, 之後放慢一點, 時間是1:25. 之後再衝是 1:34. 往後已覺得有跑爆的感覺, skip左一次. 由於氣管唔舒服, 跑前不斷咳, 所以都唔敢咁博, 或是更正確是, 我已經無力再博. 再衝了兩至三圈.稍事休息之後, 我們一眾再跑街大約10km, 回程加兩圈慢jog, 收工. 之後大家一起沖身再吃晚飯. 十分有意義的一天!! 神奇的是, 跑完步後仍有咳嗽, 但氣管整體感覺有改善.

雖然我這次的衝圈基本不合格, 但它讓我認識到它的威力. 平時跑街絕對不會這樣跑, 所以跑步時間開始停滯. 我希望之後可有多點時間做好interval.

小插曲, 在10km跑中途因天黑關係, 差錯腳, 左腳有小許拗柴, 回家後敷冰15分鐘, 今早已沒有問題了.


stanwong 發表於 2009-3-5 09:42:17

小弟都衝得好辛苦:L 下次試下慢少少,衝多幾個圈。

loudspeaker 發表於 2009-3-5 10:25:51

原帖由 kopo1128 於 2009-3-5 09:24 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

今日約左北區跑友在北區運動場衝圈. 小弟今次是長跑以來第一次學衝圈. 果然大開眼界!! 開始前, 馬王兄, loud兄, stan兄及自己先跑10個圈作熱身. 之後開始戲肉----衝圈!!! 因為我和stan兄是第一次, 所以馬王 ...

夜晚跑街真係要小心為上 , 陷阱又多 , 照明不足 , 尋晚天氣幾好 ,
跑完食飯 , 吹下水 , 真爽:loveliness:

loudspeaker 發表於 2009-3-5 10:28:21

原帖由 stanwong 於 2009-3-5 09:42 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
小弟都衝得好辛苦:L 下次試下慢少少,衝多幾個圈。

Stan 兄 , 定左每個星期三 7:00, 衝佢 6-8 個 ,
到年中睇進度 ,慢慢將速度同量加大 ,
下屆 SCM 預埋你:handshake

stanwong 發表於 2009-3-5 11:26:10

原帖由 loudspeaker 於 2009-3-5 10:28 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

Stan 兄 , 定左每個星期三 7:00, 衝佢 6-8 個 ,
到年中睇進度 ,慢慢將速度同量加大 ,
下屆 SCM 預埋你:handshake 我都希望下年SCM全馬同各位並肩作戰:lol

上水馬王 發表於 2009-3-5 12:35:31

原帖由 kopo1128 於 2009-3-5 09:24 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

今日約左北區跑友在北區運動場衝圈. 小弟今次是長跑以來第一次學衝圈. 果然大開眼界!! 開始前, 馬王兄, loud兄, stan兄及自己先跑10個圈作熱身. 之後開始戲肉----衝圈!!! 因為我和stan兄是第一次, 所以馬王 ...



上水馬王 發表於 2009-3-5 12:37:05

原帖由 stanwong 於 2009-3-5 09:42 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
小弟都衝得好辛苦:L 下次試下慢少少,衝多幾個圈。


上水馬王 發表於 2009-3-5 12:37:40

原帖由 loudspeaker 於 2009-3-5 10:25 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

夜晚跑街真係要小心為上 , 陷阱又多 , 照明不足 , 尋晚天氣幾好 ,
跑完食飯 , 吹下水 , 真爽:loveliness:


法蘭 發表於 2009-3-6 23:48:58

原帖由 上水馬王 於 2009-3-2 16:27 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif


馬王兄,kopo 兄, stan兄,

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