法蘭 發表於 2011-2-27 11:47:59

力士同matt matt 真係勁呀fygfh

MatthewTse 發表於 2011-2-27 15:36:25



MatthewTse 發表於 2011-2-28 17:09:02

B.A.A. to Offer Fastest Qualified Runners Early Acceptance into 2012 Boston Marathon With New Registration Process

BOSTON – The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) announced today a change in its registration process for the Boston Marathon, allowing the fastest qualifiers to enter the earliest and with a rolling admission system while also offering all eligible runners an increased registration period. The changes in registration are a response by the B.A.A. to greater than ever demand by runners to gain entry into the Boston Marathon and culminate more than three months of analysis, including input from the running industry. Rather than accepting runners who have met the qualifying standards on a first come, first served approach, a more systematic, performance-based process will be employed.

2012 Boston Marathon
For the 2012 Boston Marathon, registration will extend for two weeks, beginning on Monday, September 12, 2011 and continuing until Friday, September 23, 2011. The qualifying times for the 2012 Boston Marathon will not change from recent past years since the standards had been previously announced and have been in effect since last September. However, the new registration process addresses the increased demand among qualified runners to participate in the Boston Marathon and will accommodate those who are the fastest qualifiers first.

Registration will occur on a “rolling admission” schedule until the maximum field size is reached, beginning with the fastest qualifiers. On the first day of registration for the 2012 Boston Marathon, those who are eligible for entry by having met the qualifying standards for their age and gender group by 20 minutes or more will be able to enter on the first day of registration (September 12). On the third day (September 14), registration will open for those who have met their qualifying standards by 10 minutes or more. On the fifth day (September 16), registration will open for those who have met their qualifying standards by five minutes or more. During this first week of registration, applicants will be notified as they are accepted and their qualifying performance verified.

If the field size is not reached after the first week and additional space remains, then registration will open to all qualifiers at the beginning of Week Two (September 19) and those who have met the qualifying standards by any amount of time will be able to apply for entry. The application process will remain open for the entire week, closing on September 23. At the conclusion of Week Two, those who are the fastest among the pool of applicants in their age and gender will be accepted. Accepted athletes will be notified on September 28.

If space remains available after this two week process, registration will remain open to any qualifier on a first come, first served basis until the maximum field size is reached.

The field size for the 2012 Boston Marathon will not represent a significant increase from the most recent years.

Registration Process for the 2012 Boston Marathon

Date registration opens for runners with times...
September 12, 2011 20 min., 00sec. or more below their qualifying time (based on age/gender)
September 14, 2011 10 min., 00 sec. or more below their qualifying time (based on age/gender)
September 16, 2011 5 min., 00 sec. or more below their qualifying time (based on age/gender)
Second Week
September 19, 2011 All Qualified Runners
September 23, 2011 Registration closes for qualified applicants
September 28, 2011 (appx) Qualifiers from entry during second week of registration are notified of their acceptance.

If the field is not filled at the conclusion of the two weeks, then registration will remain open and qualifiers will be accepted on a first come, first served basis until the maximum field size is reached.

MatthewTse 發表於 2011-2-28 17:11:27

2013 Boston Marathon
For the 2013 Boston Marathon, in addition to the new “rolling admission” process for registration which will be in effect for the 2012 Boston Marathon, the B.A.A. will adjust the qualifying times by lowering them by five minutes from the times which have been in effect in recent past years. The adjusted qualifying times will go into effect on September 24, 2011, and are as follows:

2013 Qualifying Times (effective September 24, 2011)

Age Group Men
18-34 3hrs 05min 00sec
35-39 3hrs 10min 00sec
40-44 3hrs 15min 00sec
45-49 3hrs 25min 00sec
50-54 3hrs 30min 00sec
55-59 3hrs 40min 00sec
60-64 3hrs 55min 00sec
70-74 4hrs 25min 00sec
80 and over 4hrs 55min 00sec

*Unlike previous years, an additional 59 seconds will NOT be accepted for each age group time standard.

Registration for the 2013 Boston Marathon will begin on Monday, September 10, 2012.

發表於 2011-2-28 17:20:38

aiya!! BQ is more harder now! tytfuhgv

發表於 2011-2-28 17:25:17

回復 751# 的帖子

me better, still need sub315 tytfuhgv

MatthewTse 發表於 2011-3-1 00:58:51

記錄:28 Feb 2011 - 6 km 37分12 (平均 6'12 /1k)

Recovery Run

話說星期六有点任性去跑30k山,仲辛苦過渣馬, 坐小巴時大腿抽了一大下,大腿 muscle 仍扯着, 今晚去Recovery Run 慢跑做恢復,路线從家開拔,沿着窩打老道亞皆老街在宋王台轉馬頭涌道,經半山一号常盛街斜坡回佛光街,慢跑上斜經公開大學再上斜坡頂回頭到培正道山腳,再跑上山回家,這6k 1年前常跑,今個月為RTI應會做 lot of 跑斜特訓。

GPS: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/70611067

本月至今累積 227.76 km

[ 本帖最後由 MatthewTse 於 2011-3-1 01:19 編輯 ]

大舅 發表於 2011-3-1 01:08:08

我依家PB 成績要keep到 55-59 3hrs 40min 00sec 先BQ到:L

大舅 發表於 2011-3-1 01:09:30

310 我真係做唔到,可以了左件心事....haha:lol

cu83 發表於 2011-3-1 12:16:47

原帖由 MatthewTse 於 28-2-2011 17:11 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
2013 Boston Marathon
For the 2013 Boston Marathon, in addition to the new “rolling admission” process for registration which will be in effect for the 2012 Boston Marathon, the B.A.A. will adjust...
好彩我夠老,就算用 2013 既標準都仲可以上到車!uhgjuem21hj

cu83 發表於 2011-3-1 12:18:44

回復 754# 的帖子


斯卡 發表於 2011-3-1 12:25:04


MatthewTse 發表於 2011-3-2 01:51:28

話說Saturday BBQ 聊著 Boston 他們說起台北全馬好似唔係 qualifying races, Check B.A.A. website 沒有 list 所有的 Qualifying Races.   大俠說 Boston 網站說 International race 查 Aims, 而 Aims 上面台北題示是 Aims member.The 台北 race certifcate is printed with AIMS certified. I believe Boston organizer probably access directly the AIMS database and they do not actually require us to provide the race certificate for application. 所以台北應該係 certified course.

[ 本帖最後由 MatthewTse 於 2011-3-2 02:07 編輯 ]

MatthewTse 發表於 2011-3-2 01:54:58

記錄:1 Mar 2011 - 12k51分 48 (平均 4'18 /1k)

是日 total 15.42km


Tempo Run

話說渣馬後正式復操,昨晚回復跑,今晚大夫開劑輕手D12k tempo,前慢後快,平均4分20算慢少少,另一位大西北單幹人仕就15k 走63分,執筆之時己知“革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力”。



第10k提速打算4分10 有点難,儲力最後1k吾算極辛苦跑4分7。


Km Distance配速Actual5k 分段14:304:2824:254:2434:254:2244:254:1754:204:2421:55:0064:204:2074:204:2084:204:1794:154:16104:154:1521:28:00114:104:12124:104:07Summary51:5551:48Avg Pace4:194:18

GPS: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/70760706

本月至今累積 15.42 km

[ 本帖最後由 MatthewTse 於 2011-3-2 10:01 編輯 ]

cu83 發表於 2011-3-2 06:54:58

原帖由 MatthewTse 於 2-3-2011 01:51 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
話說Saturday BBQ 聊著 Boston 他們說起台北全馬好似唔係 qualifying races, Check B.A.A. website 沒有 list 所有的 Qualifying Races.   大俠說 Boston 網站說 International race 查 Aims, 而 Aims 上面台北題示是 ...
咁 九月試下報名明年去玩下都好喎!

cu83 發表於 2011-3-2 06:57:14

原帖由 MatthewTse 於 2-3-2011 01:54 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
記錄:1 Mar 2011 - 12k51分 48 (平均 4'18 /1k)
是日 total 15.42km
話說渣馬後正式復操,昨晚回復跑,今晚大夫開劑輕手D12k tempo,前慢後快,平均4分20算慢少少,另一位大 ...
嘩,你 d 功力回復得好快...勁!uhgjuem32hj

MatthewTse 發表於 2011-3-2 09:42:52

原帖由 MatthewTse 於 2011-3-2 01:51 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
話說Saturday BBQ 聊著 Boston 他們說起台北全馬好似唔係 qualifying races, Check B.A.A. website 沒有 list 所有的 Qualifying Races.   大俠說 Boston 網站說 International race 查 Aims, 而 Aims 上面台北題示是 ...

在下面 可以看到 BAA 回答我的問題.

Dear Athlete,

The BAA can accept qualifying times from certified marathons achieved after September 25, 2010.As long as your races were certified by your countries governing athletic body, and you can provide official proof of your results there, we can accept your times.


Registration Office
One Ash Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748

Please reply to [email protected] for further questions or comments.

燉奶佬 發表於 2011-3-2 10:21:23


MatthewTse 發表於 2011-3-2 11:04:27

原帖由 燉奶佬 於 2011-3-2 10:21 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

苦練多一個月, RTI 之後可以休一會兒. 問問大夫那時 what's next to do.

MatthewTse 發表於 2011-3-5 01:33:31

記錄:4 Mar 2011 - 10k + 2k41分 56 / 8分 39 (平均 4'12 /1k and 4'20/k)

是日 total 15.03km


Tempo Run

話說星期三冇Jog,星期四食蛇去看皇上冇話兒,可以休下腳,左腳肘仍間有微痛。今晚餐單再跑12k tempo 配速打算每k快上次3秒,試上51分頭,晚上出門前喝了碗湯,這就出事。

慢跑到花墟,今晚出奇咁大風,打算頭5k 走4分20/k 跟着5k走4分15/k,最後兩k4分5/k。開跑每k又快左,但可以控制着吾跌,每k走快左就保持或者加一秒,順利到7k半時,右小腹開始痛,飲得太多湯,頂訂打算走齊10k 收工,順着力跑速度慢慢加,第9k再加力盡去,竟然穿上3分52,10k終於穿42分到41分56 pb。

收步再用4分20 跑埋2k 收工慢跑回家。

SplitTimeAvg Pace5k 分段10:04:204:2020:04:174:1730:04:174:1740:04:164:1650:04:134:140:21:2360:04:134:1370:04:124:1280:04:084:0890:04:054:05100:03:523:52 0:20:30Summary0:41:564:11

GPS: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/71191440
GPS: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/71191433

本月至今累積 30.45 km

[ 本帖最後由 MatthewTse 於 2011-3-5 01:43 編輯 ]
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