發表於 2009-1-6 15:56:08

回復 300# 的帖子

Thank you ntnman ching!

發表於 2009-1-14 22:44:00

14/1 5:15am
今个月忙到死兼病倒, 無時間跑(只跑了兩場比賽), 為免來緊的半馬成績太差, 都要抽時間跑下。晨早5點, 週圍黑蚊蚊, 兼好鬼凍, 落街跑左1小時, 大慨10K到。真係好凍, 有手套但手指仍是冰冷的, 跑完天仲係黑的。


大圍新跑手 發表於 2009-1-16 09:50:29

原帖由 Alex 於 2009-1-14 22:44 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
14/1 5:15am
今个月忙到死兼病倒, 無時間跑(只跑了兩場比賽), 為免來緊的半馬成績太差, 都要抽時間跑下。晨早5點, 週圍黑蚊蚊, 兼好鬼凍, 落街跑左1小時, 大慨10K到。真係好凍, 有手套但手指仍是冰冷的, 跑完 ...

711MF 發表於 2009-1-16 09:56:48

亞平 發表於 2009-1-16 10:00:37

原帖由 Alex 於 2009-1-14 22:44 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
14/1 5:15am
今个月忙到死兼病倒, 無時間跑(只跑了兩場比賽), 為免來緊的半馬成績太差, 都要抽時間跑下。晨早5點, 週圍黑蚊蚊, 兼好鬼凍, 落街跑左1小時, 大慨10K到。真係好凍, 有手套但手指仍是冰冷的, 跑完 ...

Alex 師兄,小弟慚愧未試一次晨早0500去跑步,比賽除外.

曲奇 發表於 2009-1-16 10:56:04

原帖由 Alex 於 2009-1-14 22:44 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
14/1 5:15am
今个月忙到死兼病倒, 無時間跑(只跑了兩場比賽), 為免來緊的半馬成績太差, 都要抽時間跑下。晨早5點, 週圍黑蚊蚊, 兼好鬼凍, 落街跑左1小時, 大慨10K到。真係好凍, 有手套但手指仍是冰冷的, 跑完 ...


發表於 2009-1-16 20:39:21

原帖由 大圍新跑手 於 2009-1-16 09:50 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

Alex兄,星期日CCM加油呀。hnbkmhjkj" />" />" />" />

多謝! 但有少少傷風, 可能當LSD跑!

原帖由 711MF 於 2009-1-16 09:56 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

Alex 兄


原帖由 亞平 於 2009-1-16 10:00 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

Alex 師兄,小弟慚愧未試一次晨早0500去跑步,比賽除外.

我都好小咁早, 可能前一晚早訓有關!

原帖由 cookie97 於 2009-1-16 10:56 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif



發表於 2009-1-17 14:47:25

17/1 12:00pm
身體狀況麻麻, 傷風兼背痛。係咁而在海邊jog左10K! 考慮緊明天去唔去跑CCM.....


MJ576 發表於 2009-1-18 01:28:20

原帖由 Alex 於 2009-1-14 22:44 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
14/1 5:15am
今个月忙到死兼病倒, 無時間跑(只跑了兩場比賽), 為免來緊的半馬成績太差, 都要抽時間跑下。晨早5點, 週圍黑蚊蚊, 兼好鬼凍, 落街跑左1小時, 大慨10K到。真係好凍, 有手套但手指仍是冰冷的, 跑完 ...

Alex ching,

你真犀利, 晨咁早就去跑, 我七點幾, 都覺得凍到手腳都硬晒, 直頭幾乎要搵盤熱水浸吓咁制,

不過 ching, 你真係要保重身體, 有健康先至可以長跑長有:)

711MF 發表於 2009-1-18 10:57:12

發表於 2009-1-18 20:58:17

MJ & 7兄,
今朝起身, 覺得都可以, 所以有跑呀, 多謝關心!

發表於 2009-1-18 21:00:14

18/1 8:00am
尋日貼左塊"殺龍巴斯"在背脊, 效果唔錯, 今日一於貼多塊來跑。今朝去到營區, 覺得好凍, 講野个口會出煙!開跑前, 同幾位ching傾左陣計, 包括堅堅, Harvey, 花子阿Dee, 前進, saki等。由於傷風未好, 沿途一路跑一路呻鼻, 都幾麻煩。跑左10分鐘度就熱到要除手套, 好彩我今日只穿背心, 並無加衫打底, 唔係就幣傢伙! 自已狀況一般, 唔敢跑太快, 所以都係跟人跑。去到10K TP, 食左包gel, 跟住一路跟住前面果女跑手, 一路跟到去西灣。出返來落斜返終點, 女跑手突然加速衝落去, 但自已大腿無物力, 驚衝得快会pk, 所以就唔敢跟....... 總共用在1:54'29"返到終點, 比自已嘅預算慢, 但因本月狀態太差, 都可勉強收貨。


大圍新跑手 發表於 2009-1-19 11:35:25

原帖由 Alex 於 2009-1-18 21:00 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
18/1 8:00am
尋日貼左塊"殺龍巴斯"在背脊, 效果唔錯, 今日一於貼多塊來跑。今朝去到營區, 覺得好凍, 講野个口會出煙!開跑前, 同幾位ching傾左陣計, 包括堅堅, Harvey, 花子阿Dee, 前進, saki等。由於傷風未好 ...

發表於 2009-1-19 22:12:53

原帖由 大圍新跑手 於 2009-1-19 11:35 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif


hjhjD170hjhj 其實, 今年渣打果日我有事跑唔到ng30hgh

大圍新跑手 發表於 2009-1-19 23:28:17

原帖由 Alex 於 2009-1-19 22:12 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

hjhjD170hjhj 其實, 今年渣打果日我有事跑唔到ng30hgh

sapigeon 發表於 2009-1-21 14:31:24

原帖由 Alex 於 2008-12-21 17:33 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif
21/12 8:30am
今日跟泰基跑長課, 預計34K (實際37K), 到左沙田運動場後先跑3圈熱身, 齊人後就出發:
沙田運動場 - 元州仔公園    52'18" (停低2'飲水及洗手)
元州仔公園 - 大美督燒烤場 44"48" (停左5'買水及洗臉) ...

Hi Alex,

I am Thaiquain member " Alfred" and I ran with you in the Dec 21, 2008 Thaiquain 37km long run.

How about your preparation for the HKSCM and I think you could easily finish around 3hr 30mins and that is also my traget too ?

How about the last three week mileage ?Mine is around 300km and roughly every week about 100km.

Hope you could have PB in coming HKSCM !


發表於 2009-1-21 15:04:16

原帖由 sapigeon 於 2009-1-21 14:31 發表 https://www.longrun.hk/forum/images/common/back.gif

Hi Alex,

I am Thaiquain member " Alfred" and I ran with you in the Dec 21, 2008 Thaiquain 37km long run.

How about your preparation for the HKSCM and I think you could easily finish around 3hr 30mins and that is also my traget too ?

How about the last three week mileage ?Mine is around 300km and roughly every week about 100km.

Hope you could have PB in coming HKSCM !


Hi Sapigeon (Alfred),
Welcome! I'd read your training log in discuss.com and very impressive about your running progress. I believe you can easily finish SCM by sub3:30.
For me, regret to tell you that I will not participant SCM this year coz I'm out of town on 08/2. And my body condition is not good, I'd sick (flu) for around 2 weeks and a lot of stuffs need to be complete before CNY. Mileage this month is only ard 70Km which is much far away from my target.

Rgds, Alex

sapigeon 發表於 2009-1-21 16:39:39

回復 317# 的帖子

Hi Alex,

Sorry to hear that you could not participate the HKSCM.It is a big pity for your fast pacing that is even faster than me and sun 3:30 is also a piece of of ckae for you in HKSCM if you could join.

And after the HKSCM, I still have the Tokyo Marathon and also the Boston Marathon to run - I am just qualify in Shanghai Marathon dated Nov 31, 2008 of 3hr 26mins.   But after the HKSCM, do you have any Full Marathon to go ?

I am now in the tapering process and tomorrow will go for one 20km fast pacing ( 4mins40sec per km) in flat road. Friday will go for Shatin in Mue Zhi Lam for 12km slop with running club.And then Sunday will go for one final 20km LSD - may be still racing pacing, it depends on the body conditions.

Next week will go for fast Interval of 800m or 1km for 10 laps only, total will not over 50 to 60km.I think my total mileage before the HKSCM will be around 350 to 380km around.Tonigjht will go for 30km bocycle for recovery.

But my legs muscle are very stiff now and I need to go for message - either this Sunday or next week.

Hope you could create new PB in the coming Marathon soon

I will post both the training log of the Tokyo Marathon and Boston Marathon in two net in the coming few weeks after the HKSCM

Sapigeon (Alfred)

[ 本帖最後由 sapigeon 於 2009-1-21 16:44 編輯 ]

發表於 2009-1-21 18:09:53

回復 318# 的帖子

Hi Sapigeon,
Add oil and good luck to you on SCM!!
Wow man! You participate FM once a month!!! SCM in Feb., Toyko in March & Boston in April! BTW, Boston Marathon is my dream, but the qualifying times is hard for me (my group is 3:20). I will keep training for whole year and waiting for 2010 SCM.

Rgds, Alex

sapigeon 發表於 2009-1-21 21:50:08

回復 319# 的帖子

HI Alex,

Just finish the 30km bicycle and the temp is excellent !

I met 3 runners in the trail - Nam Seng Wei Road and I think they are preparing the HKSCM too !Since I am riding bicycle and I could not talk with them.

Yes, I will have one marathon every month, Feb 8 -HKSCM, Mar 22, - Tokyo Marathon, Apr 20 - Boston Marathon.

I think the training for HKSCM is the most difficult one as the road you have to run up and down from +90m above sea level at Tsing Ma Bridge and -80m below sea level at West Harbour Tunnel.

Will post the details of the Boston Marathon details after I partcipated in April 20. Now I am very worry is the annual leave issue as my boss may not like to have annual in both March and April.

FYI, I did ran two marathon in two month - one in one month, that was Feb 2005 HKSCM and March 2005 Xiamen Marathon.

At last , the coming HKSCM is my 15th Marathon and Tokyo is my 16th and Boston is my 17th Marathon
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